徐大帅 发表于 2012-3-31 12:15


【原文标题】China's Gender Imbalance Improves for Newborns
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BEIJING March 29, 2012 (AP)
The gender imbalance in Chinese newborns has improved for a third year but is still alarmingly high, and progress in combatting the problem has slowed.虽然中国新生儿性别比例失衡的问题三年来正在逐渐趋于缓和,但是这个男女比例不平衡仍然高的离谱,并且政府也不再把大量注意力放在解决这一问题上了。The official People's Daily newspaper reported Thursday that 117.78 boys were born to every 100 girls in China last year, down slightly from 117.94 in 2010. 根据中国官方新闻刊物《人民日报》本周四的相关报道,去年在中国每出生100个女孩儿的同时会有117.78个男孩儿出生,同比2010年的117.94个有所下降。
The natural gender ratio at birth is between 103 and 107 boys to every 100 girls. Traditionally, Chinese families favor sons, and the country's one-child policy in part drives the practice of selective abortions.自然出生性别比例是每100个女孩儿比103~107个男孩儿。传统意义上,中国家庭更青睐生男孩儿,而且国家一胎制的政策也在驱使着大众选择性堕胎的做法。
China showed more dramatic progress in battling the problem in recent years, with the ratio dropping from 120.56 in 2008 to 119.45 in 2009, and falling sharply to below 117 in 2010.
中国近年来在解决这一问题上所取得的成就是大家有目共睹的,比例(男童)从2008年的120.56下降到2009年的119.24, 2010年更是直降到117以下。
The newspaper says efforts to crack down on illegal prenatal gender tests and selective abortions have helped alleviate the gender imbalance.《人民日报》认为,在打击非法非法产前检查及堕胎等问题上做出的努力有助于缓解性别比例失衡。
Despite the slight improvement, the gender imbalance is high and China is projected to have 24 million more men than women of marriageable age by 2020, the newspaper reported.尽管情况略有改善,但是性别比例失衡还是太高了,截止到2020年,《人民日报》预测将会有超过2400万的中国男性找不到对象。
Zhang Jian, spokesman for the National Population and Family Planning Commission, told the newspaper the gender imbalance would cause serious social problems, such as trafficking in brides and unrest among young males unable to find partners.Zhang Jian, 国家人口和计划生育委员会的新闻发言人说,性别比例失衡将会导致严重的社会问题,如贩卖新娘以及光棍儿汉无法找到对象所可能引发的骚乱。
Yang Juhua, a demographic professor at Renmin University in Beijing, said China should address the gender issue by improving women's rights. In China, women lag behind men in job opportunities and compensation.中国人民大学人口学教授Yang Juhua说,中国应该通过改善妇女权益来解决性别问题。在中国,女人就业机会少于男性,合法权益也得不到太多的维护。

woikuraki 发表于 2012-4-2 16:20

Zhang Jian 可以翻译成 张建(音译)。
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