枣红马 发表于 2012-10-22 11:10


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:回灯 转载请注明出处


In China We (Don’t) Trust在中国,我们(不)信任(译注:这句恶搞自美钞上的“in God we trust”)



Published: September 11, 2012


Hangzhou, China


One of thestandard lines about China’s economy is that the Chinese are good at copying,but they could never invent a Hula-Hoop. It’s not in their DNA, we are told,and their rote education system reinforces that tendency. I’m wondering aboutthat: How is it that a people who invented papermaking, gunpowder, fireworksand the magnetic compass suddenly only became capable of assembling iPods? I’mwondering if what’s missing in China today is not a culture of innovation butsomething more basic: trust.


When thereis trust in society, sustainable innovation happens because people feel safeand enabled to take risks and make the long-term commitments needed toinnovate. When there is trust, people are willing to share their ideas andcollaborate on each other’s inventions without fear of having their creationsstolen. The biggest thing preventing modern China from becoming an innovationsociety, which is imperative if it hopes to keep raising incomes, is that itremains a very low-trust society.


I’ve beenstruck at how many Chinese businesspeople and investors have volunteered thatpoint to me this week. China is caught in a gap between its old socialstructure of villages and families, which created its own form of trust, and anew system based on the rule of law and an independent judiciary. The CommunistParty destroyed the first but has yet to build the second because it would meanceding the party’s arbitrary powers. So China has a huge trust deficit.


To seewhat happens when you introduce just a little more trust in this society, spenda day, as I just did, participating in the “AliFest” — the annual gathering ofthousands of Chinese entrepreneurs who are linked together in the giant Chinesee-commerce Web site Alibaba.com. Foundedin 1999, Alibaba says its sales this year could top eBay and Amazon.comcombined. This happened, in part, because it has built trusted, crediblemarkets of buyers and sellers inside China, connecting consumers, inventors andmanufacturers who would have found it hard to do transactions before.


Alibaba hasthree major businesses: Taobao.com and Tmall.com, which togetherconstitute a giant online marketplace where anyone in the world can go to buyor sell anything — from Procter & Gamble selling toothpaste to Chinesecompanies offering their engineering prowess. The Tao companies this year areexpected to move some $150 billion in merchandise between buyers and sellers,mostly in China.

阿里巴巴有三大业务。第一是Taobao.com (淘宝)and Tmall.com(天猫购物网站),它们共同构建了一个巨大的在线购物市场,从Procter & Gamble(宝洁公司)销售的牙膏到中国企业提供的工程技艺,世界上任何人都可以去购买任何东西。淘宝公司今年的商品成交额预计可以达到1500亿美元,其中大部分是在中国。

The secondis Alibaba.com, where, if you want to make rubber sandals that play “The StarSpangled Banner,” you click on Alibaba and it will link you with dozens ofChinese shoemakers that will compete for your business.

第二大业务是Alibaba.com(阿里巴巴)。如果你像找人制造能够播放“The Star Spangled Banner”(《星条旗永不落》)的橡胶凉鞋,点击阿里巴巴网站,它会为你提供一打中国制鞋商的连接,他们会为了获得你这单生意而进行竞争。

And,lastly, there is Alipay, a Chinese version of PayPal that can enable, forexample, a small Chinese manufacturer in the hinterland to sell its goods to aChinese consumer in Shanghai. The buyer puts his money in escrow with Alibabaand it is released to the seller only when the buyer says he got the goods heordered. Presto: trust. What has been the impact? There are more than 500million Chinese Taobao users and 600 million Alipay accounts.


While herein Hangzhou, I visited the workshop of Robert Luo, the president ofClassic-Maxim, a firm he started to make kitschy wall art for hotels, usingforeign designs. Luo used to drum up sales by flying to trade shows, but, in2006, he got a huge American order through the Alibaba platform, enabling himto greatly expand his business. He has since shifted from doing outsourcedartwork for others to hiring Chinese and foreign artists to produce his ownoriginal designs. “We design so much now” — outdoor art, solar art — and “we’veapplied for so many U.S. patents,” he said.

然而在杭州,我参观了Classic-Maxim(顺企网)董事长Robert Luo(骆云)的工作室,这家公司使用国外设计为宾馆制作简单的装饰画。Robert曾经在世界各处贸易展览之间飞来飞去以招揽生意,但是在2006年通过阿里巴巴平台获得美国一笔巨额订单使他极大地扩展了业务。后来,他一改以前为别人制作外包艺术品的方式,转而雇佣中外艺术家进行独家原创设计。他说,“目前我们设计了极多的作品”——包括户外艺术产品、太阳能艺术产品——“我们已经申请了很多美国专利”。

There aretwo trends to watch from all this: One, argued Ming Zeng, Alibaba’s chiefstrategist, is that Alibaba — which now serves more than 100 million consumersdaily, through 6.5 million retail shops connected to 20 million manufacturers —is, in effect, creating “a virtual combination industrial park and onlinemarketplace,” where anyone in China or abroad can come to invent, collaborateor buy and sell goods or services.


Alibaba,Zeng predicted, will eventually connect in some way with Facebook, Amazon,eBay, Apple, Baidu, LinkedIn and others to create a giant trusted virtual“global commercial grid,” where individuals and companies will offer theirtalents and buy and sell products, designs and inventions.


Eventually,Zeng argued, “every individual will have to find a way to succeed” on thisglobal grid. “National boundaries will offer you no protection.”


The othertrend is that the Chinese will be big players on this grid. The creation ofglobal trusted business frameworks like Alibaba is starting to enable a newgeneration of Chinese innovators — who are low cost, but high skilled — toextend their reach. We’ve seen cheap labor out of China; now we’re going to seemore cheap genius.


Which iswhy Phillip Brown and Hugh Lauder, in a recent essay on Eurozine.com, arguedthat a big shift of the global labor market is under way, in which “many of thethings we thought could only be done in the West can now be done anywhere inthe world, not only more cheaply but sometimes better.”

这就是为什么Phillip Brown和Hugh Lauder在最近发表在Eurozine.com的一篇文章中说,全球的劳动力市场正在发生一场变革,“许多我们认为只能在西方完成的事情,现在可以在世界任何地方实现,不仅成本更为低廉,而且有时更为成功。”

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:回灯 转载请注明出处


Sept. 12, 2012 at 8:48 a.m.
支持: 70
You'reboth right & wrong. China is lacking both trust & a culture ofinnovation. Both will take time to rebuild. Its clearly possible, as a trip toTaiwan will quickly tell you. Taiwan, just as essentially Chinese as the PRC,is unfailingly polite, immensely creative, and general trustful.

There's notrust in the PRC because so many PRC Chinese make a living by ripping off theirbusiness partners and everyone else that they think can be conned (just checkout advertising veracity, which is consistently & egregiously lacking hereor the numbers & nature of lawsuits clogging the Chinese courts betweenbusiness "partners" where the those without the entrepreneurial drive& creativity are suing the people who actually are building thecompanies).


A fewyears ago we asked MBA students at China's top business school at PekingUniversity if they would be interested in a class on Business Ethics. Theanswer was a resounding "No Way". Why? Because, they said, when theylooked around at national leaders, both political & business, theyperceived that ethics were an impediment to success.

This wasyears before Bo XiLai showed how greedy some powerful people in China havebecome.

Lest you think I'm just spouting nonsense based on lack ofunderstanding of China & its people, I've lived in the PRC for over 20years, have a successful business in China, & have many Chinese friends andfamily. They largely (and privately) agree with me. It's a very hot topic inChina today.


Sept. 12, 2012 at 7:08 a.m.
支持数: 63
After writinga story (real or not. I do not trust you much, Mr. Friedman) about the lack oftrust in China and therefore the absence of innovation, you owe your readersthe next story: the disappearance of trust in the U.S. and, therefore thedescent of the U.S. into a second rate country. Impossible in the U.S. today totrust anything written in newspapers. Impossible to trust in the U.S. anypolitician. They keep trying to make us believe the constant lies they utter tothe public, and they will never admit guilt. Impossible in the U.S. to trusteven scientists.


Hadley, NY (纽约)
Sept. 12, 2012 at 8:51 a.m.
I've beento China more than forty times in the past 15 years and have spoken (inChinese) to thousands of people. I have often been asked what I liked aboutthat country. As an individual American not connected to politics I found itquite easy to say that I liked traditional Chinese culture -Taoism, Buddhism,family unity, reverence for the elderly, thirst for education, etc - but Ididn't like some of the mass craziness orchestrated by ideologues like Mao. Iwas pleasantly surprised that most ordinary Chinese I met agreed withme.

Another thing I like about modern China is the pride that most Chinese havein the modernizing of the country.


Solarpanels seem to grow on rooftops in some cities. Hundreds of thousands ofwindmills are connected to the electric grid in the great desert in northwestChina. Bridges 26 miles long now connect cities like Shanghai and Ningbo.Subways far superior to ours spring up seemingly overnight in cities likeShanghai and Beijing, and the railroad system has changed from a smellyembarrassment to one which has improved from the ground up.


Unlike inour country they realized that trains could only run smoothly and fast on solidfoundations, so they tore out almost all of the wooden ties which connect theiron rails and replaced them with heavy, reinforced concrete ones. Now even oldrolling stock provides fast and smooth rides for all passengers, and at areasonable price. And they spend 1/6 of what we do on their military.


VI Guy
US VirginIslands (美属维尔京群岛)
Sept. 12, 2012 at 7:05 a.m.
MittRomney has said, "I have indicated, day one, I will issue an executiveorder identifying China as a currency manipulator. We'll bring an actionagainst them in front of the WTO (World Trade Organization) for manipulatingtheir currency, and we will go after them."


Soundsgood until you read what that same WTO states on their Website "Theshort-sighted protectionist view is that defending particular sectors againstimports is beneficial. But that view ignores how other countries are going torespond. The longer term reality is that one protectionist step by one countrycan easily lead to retaliation from other countries. (For example), the tradewar of the 1930s when countries competed to raise trade barriers in order toprotect domestic producers and retaliate against each others’ barriers. Thisworsened the Great Depression." 


Will MittRomney's actions towards China ignite a fire he may not be able to control?Europe is economically frail, already many countries are in a recession becausethey adopted the equivalent of the Romney budget. Austerity in those countrieshas only caused the financial condition of the people to worsen.


At thispoint, the possible starting of a trade war between the world's two largesteconomies would be insane. A trad e war, when combined with Europe's fragileeconomy, and the downturn in the American economy caused by the Romney budget,would result in another economic depression, not just a severe recession. 

See http://CommonSenseFor.US 


看看 http://CommonSenseFor.US

California (加利福尼亚)
Sept. 12, 2012 at 7:06 a.m.
I've beendoing business with small sized manufacturers in China for 16 years. I have notseen much innovation in terms of creating or designing new products. Wherethere does seem to be ingenuity and innovation is in production efficiency andcost reduction. I do believe the Chinese education system has a lot to do withthat because manufacturing is about engineering and process control, which areanalytic tasks. When it comes to design and creativity, I have found thereseems to be very little sense for, or sensibility about, it there.


I thinkthere is definitely a lack of trust about intellectual property, and that'sfully warranted. It's easy to conclude that China could gradually become asource of design creativity and product innovation if there were more trustbecause that's sort of what happened in Taiwan, but Taiwan has been moreWesternized for much longer than China, and was democratized, so I'm not sureChina can be expected to follow that example. I think what is really needed inChina is intellectual and social freedom. Only then can true creativity have achance of flourishing. 


John McBride
Seattle, WA (华盛顿州,西雅图)
Sept. 12, 2012 at 12:05 a.m.
I'm struckthat in your discussion, Mr. Friedman, presenting a complex collection ofpremises, hung around your column like separate paintings that comprise awhole, there is still missing even the hint of the hint of the dragon that isthe coiled soul of China: its very long, ancient history of centralauthoritarianism whose claws grasp every village and whose fire can erupt atthe least provocation.


Yes, Iadmire China. I have for decades. I too have been there. China was an early"great" teacher's passion, enthralled with Confucianism, Taoism, SunYat-sen and all things Nationalist and anti-communist. They were the iron ruleddays of Chiang Kai-shek and his wife, the constant attacks on Quemoy and Matsu,and the Cold War intrigues of Hong Kong and Maucau. 


China hasopened and embraced Capitalism, but it isn't the Capitalism known by most inthe West, the Capitalism moderated by compromise with Social upheaval and Christianity.

China'seconomy is Western in resemblance of that which it trades with, but a dragonnevertheless.


With timeit may soften as students, academics, farmers, and workers ask for more thancrumbs from the tables. And we can, and should learn from China as they have,and do, from us. The trade of intellect is more valuable than that ofmaterials.

But all the while we need to be aware that the dragon in the soulof China is not by training and habit the fairy tale version. Authority is notsurrendered by those who command it, nor easily shared.


In reply to John McBride
Sept. 12, 2012 at 6:19 a.m.
“ its verylong, ancient history of central authoritarianism whose claws grasp everyvillage and whose fire can erupt at the least provocation.”


This is avery debatable statement. The traditional Chinese regime may have beenauthoritarian (like any regime in the world before 1900), but its power did notreach further than the district level, meaning that China on the local levelwas governed almost autonomously.


In fact,these autonomous, local organization may have been much more democratic thananything in the Western world, being organized in (religious) local societiesin which government officials, local landlords, guilds, clan societies, templesocieties etc. shared power under the supervision of the ancestors, gods orHeavenly Mandate or whatever you want to call it.


Thecentral government's only responsibilities pertained to raise taxes, speakjustice (a district governor was also judge), and maintain an army forprotection and corvee labor for public works.

It was in fact the CCP thatdestroyed this system by planting its representatives in every"unit", factory, school, neighborhood, courtyard up to the villagelevel, basically supplanting the traditional local society with its own organization,but which by contrast was completely controlled top-down from the Zhongyangleadership to your doorstep (or bed or even womb). This system of control is sototal and pervasive that it is almost impossible to escape. It should not beconfused with traditional China.


Doug Terry
Out beyondthe beltway, Maryland (马里兰州,绕城高速外)
Sept. 12, 2012 at 7:05 a.m.
I havecome across Alibaba in my business dealings and one thing that struck me isthat there is no equivalent online market place offering in this country.American companies want to go it alone and not be compared side by side withcompetitors. Another point is that many foreign companies, especially those inChina, are willing to come in at a lower level on the value added chain. Theypresent themselves as ready to do anything for you. American corporations wantthe higher level functions where profits, if they come, are guaranteed to bemuch higher.


Foreigncompanies are willing to settle for smaller margins and hope they get volumeorders. 

This points up what, to me, is a huge problem in our own country: ourbusiness culture is such that we abandon as many opportunities as we grasp. Inthe process, we might be letting the world slip away.


There are thousands, literally thousands, of business opportunities passed over byAmerican companies for many different reasons but, in the main, the lack of ahuge potential payoff is lacking, plus the new ideas require upfrontinvestment. The more speculative opportunities are grabbed by smallerbusinesses and start-ups, which often don't have the money to keep going longenough to reach success. One example: some of the pioneering development ofdigital video in the early 90s was done by a California company that wasimmediately scooped up[ by Toyota when it was forced to shut down.



Sept. 12, 2012 at 12:35 p.m.
As someoneliving in China for many years, I often sense Friedman's remarks are informedby (a) helicopter reporting guided by eager officials, executives, andinvestors, and (b) readings or selective misreadings of others' articles andbooks.


Forinstance, find me an essay anywhere that claims, "Chinese cannot beinnovative because of their DNA." But Mr. Friedman uses that strawargument to set up his premise, which he backs up, of course, with the mostinsulting cliche of all, that gun powder and the compass prove that Chineseactually can be creative. (I mean, doesn't the fact that defenders of Chinesecreativity always rely on these same 1,000 year-old examples undermine ratherthan strengthen their arguments?) 


Theproblem is, Friedman reduces China's complex challenges of invention to"trust" because he hasn't spent years working with and trying to makesense of regular folks whose thinking and morality have been shaped (evenhard-wired) by poverty, overpopulation, unfairness, noise, authoritarianism,and yes, rote-learning enforced by star rote-learners. Sure, lack of trust is aproblem. But worse, with their harsh history and self-serving leaders as theirmodels, Chinese people suffer a national deficit of empathy. After all, thehabit of casting oneself into another's shoes drives invention, quality ofproduct, honest inquiry, and ethics. Ultimately, too many Chinese still don'tknow what they don't know. Protect ideas? Why?


SanFrancisco, CA (加利福尼亚,圣弗朗西斯科)
Sept. 12, 2012 at 7:38 a.m.
Can yousay that for India, Tom Friedman? According to you a country like India shouldbe ahead of China in every way because it does all the things you say is rightyet it is not. Today India businessmen are skeptical of India's future. Thatwouldn't be the case if there were trust in India.


Who in theUS trusts politicians or corporate executives. The fact is so-called Westernexperts have been predicting China would collapse for every reason includingthis one for how long now? Yet China is still humming along better than anyWestern country at least. The fact is the China naysayers are only gaugingChina by how well the US and Europe are doing since they are China's largestexport markets.Problem isthat's not accounting China's growing domestic economy. That's not accountingthat all that outsourcing Western companies do in China, the Chinese don't keepthe profits thus don't make a lot of money from. Remember everything made inChina is slave and child labor.


So where's all the money going and have beengoing. It's never gone to the Chinese because those oreign corporationswouldn't have outsourced there if it weren't cheap in the first place. A lot ofreports saying foreign corporations are leaving China because it's tooexpensive now. Well that just means China is moving up the economic ladder.Higher wages in China just means Chinese people are finding better jobs thatpay more. 


Sept. 12, 2012 at 7:08 a.m.
Mr.Friedman confuses the creativity and innovation of historical China with thecurrent People's Republic of China (PRC). They are not the same. 

The PRC is apolice state run by a communist party that controls every aspect of life intoday's Chinese society. 

How can you have innovation and creativity when thecommunist party controls what you learn in school, what you read in anewspaper, and what you see on TV.


Jay J
ChestnutHill, MA (马萨诸塞州)
Sept. 12, 2012 at 7:08 a.m.
Trust inthe Chinese? Perhaps Mr. Friedman might inquire of the Tibetans how much trustthe Chinese deserve. 


Teaneck, NJ (新泽西州)
Sept. 12, 2012 at 9:52 a.m.
Peoplesaid for years that Japan couldn't do anything more than assembleblack-and-white TVs. Then they said the same thing about Taiwan, South Korea,etc. Now we have Samsung.

I drive a Chinese-designed electric bike. This is atruly innovative, potentially groundbreaking product. I save thousands ofdollars a year with it. Western companies produce no product that is evenremotely competitive. China developed the electric bike market from nothing,and now owns it.

China is also investing billions in Thorium power. If thisworks out for them, it will pay big: the West will be buying their designs foryears to come.

Nobody has a monopoly on innovation.


Chicago (芝加哥)
Sept. 12, 2012 at 6:19 a.m.
Beatingthat drum of globalized hyper-capitalism, Mr Friedman discounts realities suchas, oh, running out of raw materials and the resource wars that will accompanythem (why are we really in Afghanistan - untapped lotsa resources; why were/arewe in Iraq - oil), not to mention the dubious consequences of a global hike ofconsumerism that will quickly up the global warming and all its consequences -hey world, where room for the displaced Bangladeshi's and other denseshore-line areas?
Mr Friedman lives inn a fantasy world. A decade ago it wasthe magic wand of "democracy" delivered at the point of a Bushy gun.Funny how Mr Friedman has erased that like the Republicans have erased Bush.




DC (华盛顿特区)
In reply to John McBride (总是讲“龙”的那位6L)
Sept. 12, 2012 at 6:41 a.m.
Youranalysis is too erudite for Tom. It would get in the way of his celebrating thefact that he was at AliFest. I think you're spot on correct both with regard tothe dual nature of China's current capitalist revival and the latent threat ofviolence that sits at the center of everything. Tom on the other hand sees thatauthoritarian streak as a way to get things done fast, and he admires that. Ofcourse, he doesn't live there.


New Jersey (新泽西)
Sept. 12, 2012 at 7:08 a.m.
Alibabawon't be hooking up with Facebook any time soon. Facebook is blocked here inChina. As are many other websites "The Party" doesn't like. Thebiggest "trust issue" is The Party doesn't trust The People and ThePeople don't trust The Party. I don't see that changing any time soon. 


Sept. 12, 2012 at 8:47 a.m.
Alibaba isprobably the wrong evidence to present for this article. "When there is trust, people are willing to share their ideas and collaborate on each other’sinventions without fearof having their creations stolen," describes alack of trust in intellectual property enforcement, not in payment transferenforcement.

 Alibaba is a network for transferring goods and services securely. I'm sure this does foster some kind of trust, that money will be payed forservices rendered, but this wasn't ever established as a problem in thearticle.


DoesAlibaba have any incentive to enforce patents? To ensure that a company is ableto recoup research costs from developing a new product? If so, this would bevery interesting but isn't presented here.

There are a lot of practices thathave made a mockery of the patent system in the US over the past 10 years orso, but it is based on a sound idea. Innovation happens faster when innovatorscan present their ideas to the public with the knowledge that they will beprotected. As far as the article above is concerned, this is a type of trustthat still needs reinforcement in China.


Troyce Ke
Los Angeles (洛杉矶)
Sept. 12, 2012 at 6:41 a.m.
I'm notbuying into this article..not when 1% of this country's party elite arestealing this country right out from under the rest of the 99%. Also, not whenthe universities encourage intellectual theft as we've seen for years using theexample of the chip stolen from Texas Instruments by a hugely esteemedprofessor at Jiao Tong University, who claimed he invented a super chip only tobe exposed to having burned off TI name and replaced it with his. This is alldaily stuff.

我不会买这篇文章的帐的,因为这个国家1%的党内精英正在窃取剩下来的99%的人(的财富)。此外,大学鼓励窃取知识产权,举个例子,我们这些年来总看到一名来自Jiao TongUniversity(上海交通大学)的取得巨大名望的教授一直在使用偷自Texas Instruments(德州仪器公司)的超级芯片,而他烧掉了(芯片上的)IT名,取而代之声称是他发明的。这是每天都发生的事情。

New York
Sept. 11, 2012 at 10:10 p.m.
I suggestMr. Friedman read a new book entitled "A Hologram For The King". Thebook should make for an interesting read on his flight back from China. 


Delaware (德拉瓦州)
Sept. 12, 2012 at 8:55 a.m.
Chineseingenuity (or the lack of) under Communist One Party Dictatorship:


諾貝爾獎 和 中國人 - 問答 Nobel Prizes andChinese Q&A

1. 問: 有沒有中國人獲得諾貝爾獎?

Q: Any Chinese people received NobelPrizes?


A: Yes, but they all have foreigncitizenships 。(李政道、楊振寧、丁肇中、李遠哲、朱棣文、崔琦、賽珍珠、錢永健)

2. 問:有沒有中國公民獲得過諾貝爾獎?

Q: Any Chinese citizen received NobelPrizes?


A: Yes, but they are the citizens of theROC (Rep. of China) 。(李政道、楊振寧、李遠哲)

3. 問:有沒有新中國的公民獲得過諾貝爾獎?

Q: Any citizen of the PRC (People's Rep. ofChina) received Nobel Prize?


A: Yes, but he refuses to acknowledge he isa citizen of the PRC。(高行健)

4. 問:有沒有承認自己是中國人的新中國公民獲得諾貝爾獎?

Q: Any one acknowledges he is a citizen ofthe PRC and also received a Nobel Prize? 


A: Yes, but the PRC does not recognize himas a citizen of the PRC 。(和尚)

5. 問:有沒有承認自己是中國公民,國家也承認他是新中國公民的諾貝爾 獎獲得者?   

Q: Any one acknowledges he is a citizen ofthe PRC and PRC also recognizes him as a citizen of the PRC received a NobelPrize?


A: Yes, but he is in the PRC's jail!。(LXB)

Neil Wilson
New Zealand
Sept. 12, 2012 at 7:39 a.m.
In someways the same is true of India. I have always been amazed by the extraordinaryskills and wealth of the worldwide Indian diaspora and yet India itself ismired in poverty and is a chaotic place that definitely does not live up to thepotential of its people. The reason for this in my opinion from personalexperience and talking to Indian expatriates is that the rule of law in Indiamoves in geological time, is inconsistent, favors the rich and moreimportantly, the politically well connected. India is a far freer place thanChina which is effectively ruled by a highly secretive hereditary oligarchy whoare above any law and wield absolute power but India also does illustrate yourpoint.


bob fonow
Sept. 12, 2012 at 7:39 a.m.
There is asaying in China. If you come here for a week you can write a book. If you stayfor five years you can write an article. If you stay for ten years you can'twrite anything. 

This is the kind of breathless admiration that frightensAmerican policy makers. If you live here you understand that China is like mostanyplace. There are some smart people, some effective people, but it takes alot of hard work just to keep basic order in a place of 1.3 billion people. 


Admirationand enthusiasm should be countered with realism. Each of the innovations theMr. Friedman discusses was originated in the USA. It's still fair to say thatmost innovation comes from the students who have attended American graduateschools. So, it's really American innovation that is being described, not yetChinese. Huge education and political reforms will be necessary to change that.Will it happen? Maybe, but let's not exaggerate the capabilities of China orany other country. The US needs more friends, not more enemies. 


Seattle, WA
Sept. 12, 2012 at 7:08 a.m.
Tom, theyalso sell hacked iTunes accounts on Taobao.


Tim B
Sept. 12, 2012 at 12:16 a.m.
I agreewith you Tom, trust is lacking, likely due to fear. A fear of standing out,being someone with 'different' ideas, and innovation often comes from thosewith new and provocative thinking. By training its people to embrace one unitedimage of what a people should be, and should think, they also discourage thekind of free thinking which will lead to new ideas and inventiveness. 


Taking thebus...
Sept. 12, 2012 at 8:56 a.m.
Havinglived in China almost a decade now, but NOT in the great cities of Shanghai,Beijing, Tianjin, Chongqing, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Chengdu, etc. but rather inmost rural areas, where still more than half of China's population lives, Ifind some truth in what Friedman says about truth, but think the situation ismore complicated than described. In someways I find my Chinese friends moretrusting than my American friends, and thus sometimes less skeptical whenconfronted by pyramid schemes, panacea medications or the incessant phonephishing scams that try to get us to divulge bank account info, etc. 


I agree that some of Alibaba's phenomenal success is thanks to the trusted networkthey've created, I frequently use their service with my Alipay account. On theother hand a big part of their success is that they (along with some otherslike Amazon.cn) fill a huge market void, in that there are literally hundredsof millions of people like me without a Walmart (Carrefour, Lotus, etc.) within400 km who buy books, foods, electronics, etc. on the internet that are simplynot available at any price in our towns. One sign that there is certain typesof social trust here, perhaps in excess to that in US and elsewhere is that formost goods, Amazon.cn still offers cash-on-delivery service. Someday if peopleabuse that (by ordering goods they won't pay for, etc.) perhaps Amazon won't beable to trust their customers to that degree but for the present, it is veryconvenient.


leobien 发表于 2012-10-22 14:40


滔滔1949 发表于 2012-10-22 15:11



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