枣红马 发表于 2012-10-22 11:25


原创翻译:龙腾网 www.ltaaa.com 翻译:翻译加工厂 校对:翻译工兵



The moment rescuer stopped man jumping from sixth floor window with a child in his arms by abseiling down and delivering a 'Kung-Fu kick'


It is a horrible situation in which one man, unable to cope with life, threatens to jump from a sixth-floor window - with a child in his arms.


But there is something typically Chinese in the way the man is prevented from leaping - when an abseiling fireman ensures the pair's safety by dropping from the window above and delivering a Kung-Fu-style flying kick.


His actions send the man and child tumbling back into the room, potentially saving two lives with his daring act.


The incident happened in Seongdong-gu district, in Xining City, on October 16.






Fire crews from Xining City Police Fire Brigade 119 were called to the scene in the mid-afternoon, responding to calls that a man was threatening to leap following family disputes.


They found the man sitting on his bedroom window ledge in an emotional state, and quickly arranged a cordon, placing an inflatable cushion at ground level.


Two firemen - one an abseiler - then went to the other side of the building, and practiced what would prove to be a life-saving moving.


An hour after the incident started, at 3.54pm, the two-man team was ready, and went to the room directly above the man's bedroom.


And then, in a smooth motion, the fireman jumped from the seventh-floor room, perfectly judging the distance so that he flew into the room with a flying kick that sent the man and his child tumbling back into the bedroom.


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Kill yourself and leave the child then!
- Naughti 1, Jamdown, 18/10/2012 21:00


.What a hero.!
- May, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 18/10/2012 21:20


.good job.
- anouk, seattle, United States, 18/10/2012 21:57


.Glad he didnt kick the two year old in the face!! What a hero!!
- Lmeaki, Nottingham, United Kingdom, 18/10/2012 22:03


.Great hero. Of course in good old blighty health and safety would have prevented this act of heroism and the child would of died.
- sunshine65, london, 18/10/2012 22:09


.A hero fireman. Well done!
- Dr Evil, Evil Towers, 18/10/2012 22:22


.Top bloke!
- James, Manchester, 18/10/2012 22:24


.Heartbreaking to see the look on his face. I hope he's getting help. I know he shouldn't have put the child in that position, no one in their right mind would, which is the point. I'm glad the firefighter's quick action saved them both but none of us know the circumstances, and those suggesting and supporting the idea he should have left the child but jumped himself, shame on you.
- Felicity Fortune, MerryoldEnglandshire, 18/10/2012 22:32



.Hi Karate !!
- St.. James, White Sands, Barbados, 18/10/2012 22:50


.DM, we dont want adverts when watching vids.
- Tommy, Durham, United Kingdom, 18/10/2012 23:00


.Brilliant. Notice in the first part of the clip how the fireman goes down from one window to the floor below to work out the exact distance? Perferct planning, and a perfect execution. Kudos :)
- manich, newquay, 18/10/2012 23:17


.What a hero! It would be good if our firefighters in this country has the courage to do stuff like this... & not hide behind the Health & Safety Rules when it suits them... Like leaving a woman trapped down a mineshaft to die after 8 hours as they were only allowed to use the rescue equipment to rescue firefighters... not members of the public. But they still get their gold plated taxpayer-funded pensions... !!! Google Alison Hume if you think I'm making it up.
- Derek, Paisley, 18/10/2012 23:35

什么是英雄!如果我们国家的消防员有勇气做这样的事情那该多好……不躲在适用于他们的健康与安全规则背后……就像让一个女子被困在矿井里8小时后死亡,因为他们只能够使用救援设备去解救消防人员而不是普通市民...。但他们仍然可以得到他们的镀金纳税人资助的养老金... !谷歌艾莉森·休谟,如果你认为这是我捏造出来的。


.I may just boycott everything that the DM advertise on these vids.. drives me crazy
- now, then, United Kingdom, 18/10/2012 23:35


.Thank god it wasn't in the U.S. It would have been a cop that would have flown through the window to taze grandma and shoot the dog first.
- IMHO, Mississippi, United States, 18/10/2012 23:36


.Brilliant, but that's not a kung-fu kick.
- PeterSterling, Vacaville, United States, 19/10/2012 0:00


.Well done Mr fireman!
- sea horse, COVENTRY, United Kingdom, 19/10/2012 0:22


.What a legend !
- BPM, LondonTown, 19/10/2012 0:24


.Kung-fu Kick? Stereotypical?
- piere, My shed, United Kingdom, 19/10/2012 0:29


.Spidarr man spidarr man spidarr man ............woot
- khan, Bangalore, 19/10/2012 0:39


.Thank god it wasn't in the U.S. It would have been a cop that would have flown through the window to taze grandma and shoot the dog first. - IMHO , Mississippi, United States, 18/10/2012 16:36
LMAO This is the funniest comment I've read in a while but unfortunately it's true! hahahha
- Jessy, London, United Kingdom, 19/10/2012 0:51


.Wow ... just wow. amazing.
- Poppy, Paris, France, 19/10/2012 1:15



.Why do these people have to try (and sometimes succeed) to take children with them when they kill themselves? If they've had enough of life and want to go then fine. Don't assume the right to take a child with you. That poor little kid must have been terrified. Well done to the brave person who took it upon themselves to sort the situation out, and shame on you, the sad little man who couldn't cope and was 'man' enough to take the child with him.
- Spooki, Bournemouth, 19/10/2012 1:19


.I played the video but it was adverts instead of the brave fireman.
- Mart, E.Sussex, 19/10/2012 1:28


- Snarfakahn, USA, 19/10/2012 1:28


.superb! i could not have done it any better...
- Jackie Chan, Shanghai, 19/10/2012 1:46


.DM vids suck, go back to what your good at, making up and rehashing old stories, as current news is just not your thing. I bet this gets deleted !!
- UK Out Of The EU, Newcastle, United Kingdom, 19/10/2012 2:06



.That is NOT a kung fu kick, foolish reporter ! Still cool move though on the child meddling idiot !
- THE TRUTH, UNDERyourBED, 19/10/2012 2:49

这不是“功夫神腿”,傻记者! 虽然消防员的做法有点幼稚和乱来, 但踢在虐童白痴身体上依然很爽 !

.Jump if you want to ! Fight wars and bomb yourselves all you like. Just leave children out of this sort of things... arghhh!!!
- Me, here - there-everywhere, 19/10/2012 4:45

想跳楼就去跳啊, 打仗也罢、做人体炸弹也罢! 只要你放过那个孩子!!!啊啊啊啊!!!!

.if the UK police were involved there would be a 600 yard exclusion zone set up and about 100 police officers all on overtime , for about 2 to 3 days
- J D, BIRMINGHAM UK, 19/10/2012 4:54

如果是英国警方处理这事,他们会在事发点以外600码的地方开始设禁区,然后百名警员加班 ,两到三天才能搞定。

.Fantastic!I hope he caught the bloke in the face.
- Tracy, somewhere, United Kingdom, 19/10/2012 5:26


.To the world - A hero To the health and safety officer - A dream
- snapemonster, Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom, 19/10/2012 5:39


.Dirty Harry eat your heart out!
- Peter, Dundee, 19/10/2012 8:38


.Well done that man, I hope he gets some kind of recognition for saving the childs life.
- mo, carlisle, United Kingdom, 19/10/2012 10:22



.What kind of journalism is this!! "It is a horrible situation in which one man, unable to cope with life, threatens to jump" and "there is something typically Chinese in the way the man is prevented from leaping"... LOL!
- Rosie_, Oxford, 19/10/2012 5:45


.That is VERY cool and brave and REAL - bet he won't get paid millions of dollars for the real thing unlike Daniel Craig pretending to be a phony hard man or Brad Pitt for that ridiculous ad he did for 7 million.
- lala, oxford, 19/10/2012 6:16


- Fliss, Melbourne, Australia, 19/10/2012 6:48


.like a boss
- Mr Apex, Darkside Of The Sun, United Kingdom, 19/10/2012 7:15


.If you want to die,kill your damn self. I'm sick of people thinking they have the right to take people with them.
- maxisussex, brighton, United Kingdom, 19/10/2012 7:24


.Love it. China: Jump of the top of the building and kick the guy back into the room. Done. Rest of world: 50 emergency personnel, 20 emergency vehicles, 3 days of negotiations.
- Aquilinum, Hong Kong, 19/10/2012 7:52


潜水很久 发表于 2012-10-22 12:05


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查看完整版本: 怀抱小孩的男子欲从六楼跳下,救援人员施展"功夫神腿"