枣红马 发表于 2012-10-22 11:27


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:翻译加工厂 校对:hpyp


eBay has decided to stop the sale of seahorses from its website following pressure from an animal charity.

The trade in the delicate creatures is fuelled largely by demand from the Chinese medicine industry, but eBay has now put a block on seahorse trafficking on all of its EU sites.

The Seahorse Charity launched its campaign after being alerted to lots ranging from live creatures to 'hideous' baskets of dried seahorses listed online.

Neil Garrick-Maidment, director of the charity in Honiton, Devon, said he was 'delighted'.
'All seahorses are legally protected and much of the eBay trafficking was illegal under EU and other international regulations,' he said.
霍尼顿和德文郡慈善机构的主管----Neil Garrick-Maidment说道,他感到很高兴,以为所有的海马都收到法律的保护。并且在欧盟及其他国际规范下,很多海马交易被设为非法交易。

'The sellers were based all round the world and were dealing with everything from living ones to seahorses entombed in paperweights and hideous baskets full of dried seahorses.'


Millions of seahorses are sold illegally every year, often to be used in Chinese medicines and herbal remedies.

But following the campaign eBay has now banned the sales of all seahorses dead or alive on all its EU sites.

Mike Carson, senior manager of Global Regulatory and Policy Management at eBay, confirmed seahorse sales have been banned on EU sites following calls from the charity.

The Seahorse Trust is now hoping its U.S. arm will lobby eBay in America to ban the creatures from its site.
The Seahorse Trust现在希望能说服美国的eBay在他的网站上禁止生物买卖。


Seahorse numbers are in steep decline as a result of the Chinese medicine industry which reveres them as a catch-all cure for everything from impotence to baldness

Conservationists have previously warned the fascinating creatures could be wiped out within ten years if the trend continues.


I have seen hundreds of dried sea-horses in jars for sale in a Sydney China Town shop .So why is it not illegal there ?
- Linda, Hailsham, 12/10/2012 23:13

I am so pleased to hear this. Seahorses are such wonderful little creatures.
- laneyj, Crawley, 12/10/2012 23:13

.Can't believe they were on there for sale in the first place....thats so terrible!
- Ignorance Is Bliss, Coventry, 12/10/2012 23:27

.Leave it to the Chinese to use seahorses in stupid remedies that I'm sure don't work.
- Roseanne Barr, Hawaii, 12/10/2012 23:29

.I don't understand how the Chinese can be so logical in so many other areas and yet so medieval when it comes to their beliefs in medicines? Please China get a grip you are annihilating the natural world, from Rhinos and Tigers to Manta Rays, Sharks and Seahorses.
- Pip, London, United Kingdom, 12/10/2012 23:42

.Such beautiful creatures, miracles of nature. Why anyone would want to eat/use them is a mystery - its all in the mind. Come on eBay, ban them on your US site too!!!
- accessalleras, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 12/10/2012 23:43

.The Chinese will not stop until they have killed every other creature on the planet either for food or for absurd medicines that have no benefit whatsoever, it would be preferable if they started on each other as there is a virtual inexhaustable supply and their demise would be preferable to losing the wildlife.
- richiefannee, Woking, United Kingdom, 12/10/2012 23:49

Good. Ban the trade in these beautiful fish. So many animals are being pushed to extinction.
- HM, London, 12/10/2012 23:51

.Dont get me onto Chinesse and there stupid ways again. I will never go to China because of The things that they do to animals. There's no need for half of it....... Well done in taking it off of Ebay though, that's a start I guess.
- Claire, Southampton, United Kingdom, 12/10/2012 23:53

.Chinese medicine has a lot to answer for.
- Sue, London, United Kingdom, 12/10/2012 23:55

.I really really despair of china's treatment or should I say mistreatment of animals. It breaks my heart.
- lady blah blah, Leeds, United Kingdom, 13/10/2012 0:04


.The Chinese will not stop until they have killed every other creature……
I think humans in general are doing pretty well at destroying this planet. Slightly hypocritcal to pick out a particuar race with our track record.
- Olives, Bristol, 13/10/2012 0:07

.Well done on putting a stop to this awful trade, but it is only one of many species that the Chinese are well on the way to wiping out. I don't buy any goods made in China and I know that it will not make a difference but if lots of people did this then it would make them think about the effect that they are having on this world and the species that live in it because it would effect their economy.
- lamacat, truro, 13/10/2012 0:13

.typical of china no respect for animals absolutly no concern for the welfare and care of animals look at there bear farms the most vile inhumane places in the world,don`t visit and boycott anything chinese!
- kevin40, weston, 13/10/2012 0:21

.For an ancient civilisation, the Chinese have a lot to learn about being civilised, particularly where animals are concerned!. No living creatures should be bartered on Ebay ever!!
- Fran, London, United Kingdom, 13/10/2012 0:23

.Lets clone it than!
- Svetluska, UK;CZE;SK, 13/10/2012 0:39

.The ignorance and cruelty of the Chinese is simply beyond my comprehension.
- Jane, Ipswich, 13/10/2012 0:47

.Sea horses are one of the most beautiful creatures on this planet.
- Fiona, London, 13/10/2012 0:49

.Please can we stop saying Chinese "Medicine" It is primitive superstition. Nothing more. The Chinese have very advances modern medicine and medical techniques. Their scientists and doctors know perfectly well that grinding up dried bits of animals is NOT medicine.
- PM, Ronda, 13/10/2012 1:23

.Tiger bones, bear bile, seahorses, what other animals are suffering these barbaric practices in the name of Chinese medicine?
- Sue, London, United Kingdom, 13/10/2012 1:25

.Chinese medicine is complete and utter claptrap and I'm sure many agree!
- Kittylicious, Herts, 13/10/2012 1:53

.About time. Their rates of reproduction are very slow and it takes a long time for their population to recover.
- PeterSterling, Vacaville, United States, 13/10/2012 1:53

.Hey they even eat dogs there.They are not pets in their Country. It 's awful.
- havemysay, lancs, 13/10/2012 1:55

.I'm more interested and shocked by the fact that eBay has allowed the sale of any living species on its website!
- Gutless Wonder, London, 13/10/2012 2:16

.Let's just use the Chinese people to make their medicine - backward and barbaric race
- j1, blue, 13/10/2012 2:24

.Why is eBay allowed to sell live animals ?
- Jane, Staffordshire, 13/10/2012 2:27

.Finally this will stop. The only thing is, why has it taken so long?
- Vican, Lancaster, United Kingdom, 13/10/2012 2:50

.Between the moon bear, sea horse, turtles in key chains, Chinese people are not a race that I like,
- Daniele Halle, Squamish, Canada, 13/10/2012 3:00

.Unless the chinese are controlled they will first cause the extinction of all animals and plants on the earth and then mankind. They ignorance and greed to harvest rare an exotic animals for medicines is obscene when there are alternatives that are more effective and do not cause the extreme suffering and decimation that their 'natural' cures involve. Why not round up a few hundred thousand of the worst offenders, grind their bodies to dust and sell them in place of all the animal parts? That would be a good start although not cruel enough for these vile monsters
- pennyp, boston, 13/10/2012 3:06

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