枣红马 发表于 2012-10-22 11:33

[译文转载] 印度网友感动:中国孝子徒步推母3000公里为圆梦想

原文标题:Man takes disabled mother on 3,500 km dream walk龙腾网版权所有 http://www.ltaaa.com
BEIJING: A man in China took his wheelchair-bound mother to the holiday destination of her dream by undertaking an arduous 3,500 km journey on foot in 100 days.
Fan Meng, 26, took his mother Kou Minjun all the way from Beijing to Xishuangbanna prefecture, in Yunnan province. The act earned him a widespread online appreciation, Xinhua reported.
The 3,500-km slog allowed Kou, suffering from infantile paralysis and had not left Beijing for many years, fulfil a long cherished dream of visiting Xishuangbanna about which she had learned through TV programmes and newspapers.
But "without my son, I was afraid I could never have made it here", she said.
Kou has been living with her only son, Fan, since being divorced 10 years ago. She depends on a combination of government subsidies and relatives' help to make ends meet.
On July 11, the mother, the son, who resigned from his job as salesperson in an electronics firm for her, and their pet dog left their home in Beijing's Chaoyang district and started off their long journey.
The mother and son followed highways through the provinces of Hebei, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Guizhou and Yunnan. To sleep, they bunked down in their own tent or at cheap hotels.
They were treated for meals by many warm-hearted locals and offered free hotel stays.
For security, Fan carried a knife to counter robbers. But he came across kind people along the way. The trip cost him about 8,000 yuan (about $1,270).
As the trio arrived this Thursday, they were warmly welcomed by residents' ethnic dances and songs.
Along the way, Fan kept a blog, which was avidly followed by netizens.
"I feel my son has become more mature along the journey," said the mother.
以下是《印度时报》读者的评论:Vimal KHOSAL (Paris (France))
BRAVO !!! It is so rare to come across such a devoted son these days.
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hell freezes over (INDIA)
For the first time I liked something chinese
Agree (30)Disagree (3)Recommend (9)
ravindra yadav (Lucknow)
That is similar to 'Shravan Kumar' of India .They say Shravan Kumar carried his parents on his shoulders walking to the Holy places in India in ancient time when there was no mechanical means of transport .
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类似印度的“Shravan Kumar”。古时候没有机械交通工具,Shravan Kumar用肩膀驮着父母徒步去印度的圣城!
原创翻译:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com
anwar (Qatar )
masha ALLAH this is such a good deed. May ALLAH guide the family ..
Agree (18)Disagree (8)Recommend (4)
Vishnu (Akola)
A very-very-very inspiring news for the whole human race. A `SON' may not need to do exactly what Fan Meng did, just simply keep his father/mother happy & with all respect & take care of them to the best of his abilities. God will never ever forgive those who do not keep their parents happy in their older days. May this story inspire millions around the globe.
Agree (21)Disagree (1)Recommend (6)
hrishidesai (Mumbai)
Touching news indeed..... This man is a gem of a person and a perfect son for any mother.
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badri (mumbai-India)
HatsOFF to you FAN.....u r great dear
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JCMI (India)
His mother must be indeed lucky to have a son like this. He is that type of son which every mother would like their own to be!
Agree (26)Disagree (2)Recommend (5)
narayanan (Chennai)
Really a good son for his mom, and a good neighbor for the street in which he is living and indeed a good example to the society.
Agree (14)Disagree (2)Recommend (1)
Mohammend Sajid (Hyderabad) replies to narayanan
Who are these morons that are hitting Disagree to nice /harmless comments. Are they Anti-social or what?
Agree (5)Disagree (4)Recommend (2)哪个傻瓜对你这条无恶意评论点了“不同意”。他们是反社会还是怎么着?Respectfully yours (New Delhi)
Great. The world will not come to end till sons like these exist. Very touching.
Agree (17)Disagree (3)Recommend (5)
Chinese Shravan Kumar. We don't get Shravan Kumar in India these days.
Agree (7)Disagree (1)Recommend (4)
中国的Shravan Kumar。印度现在没有Shravan Kumar。
breaking NEWS (for the people) replies to breaking NEWS
They are made in China nowadays
Agree (10)Disagree (0)Recommend (1)如今是中国造。MAHENDRA GAUR replies to Rajesh Gaddipati
We may soon get a Prime Minister made in China. Narendra Modi. At present we have one made in Italy.
Agree (3)Disagree (0)Recommend (1)我们可能很快会有“中国造”的总理——纳伦德拉·穆迪。目前,我们有“意大利造”的总理。paul (blr)
this is the extra ordinary story of a very ordinary people.... in this modern 21st century, while everyone thinks abt self and only self, this is one example which again make us belive in the bond of relationship..... Hats Off to the Young man!!! He is not only fulfilled his mother's dream, but also gave the same courage to thousands of other people around the globe.....
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Oxygen (India)
As a person whose mother is bound to her wheelchair, I can well understand and appreciate this Great Person. May God Bless Him.
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Being Indian (Mumbai)
All his past sins are washed away if any.. May God Bless him
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asif (ahmedabad)
Why didn't he took her by train or any vehicle?
Agree (2)Disagree (2)Recommend (1)
原创翻译:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com
FactOfTheMatter (Mumbai)
I'm sure he is not married. If married his wife would not have allowed this and also separated him from his mother.
Agree (6)Disagree (2)Recommend (1)
Shantha Kumar (Bharat)
Mom's love towards children is unconditional... here this guy returned that love with somuch of love.. purely unconditional one.
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dilbag (pune)
This sort of affection towards parents can only be seen in eastern countries not in well developed ill fashioned west.
Agree (1)Disagree (8)Recommend (1)
vishnu (India) replies to dilbag
Yeah in western countries parents are left to beg on streets and kids are killed in wombs. Then we see no beggards and foeticide in India
Agree (1)Disagree (0)Recommend (0)是啊,在西方国家,父母沦落街头乞讨,孩子还在子宫里就被打掉。还有,我们在印度看不到乞丐和堕胎现象。SMV. (Mumbai) replies to dilbag
come on. Don't make foolish statements. You probably have never stepped out of your house.
Agree (2)Disagree (0)Recommend (1)拜托,别发表愚蠢言论。你可能还没踏出过家门吧。Rabindra Kumar (Qatar)
Parents loving Sarwan Kumar reincarnated in China- when the peace loving King Ashoka will take rebirth in Chine
孝敬父母的Sarwan Kumar在中国转世。热爱和平的阿育王什么时候在中国重生。
Manpreet (Mumbai)
Swarn kumar now born in China! Even the holy now chose another country (not India) for rebirth.
Agree (9)Disagree (0)Recommend (2)
Swarn kumar如今出生在中国!现在连圣人也选择在另一个国家出生。
xyz (Delhi)
Wow just no words...a living Angel on earth...makes me also reflect on how important my mother is to me as well and how much I love her...cheers to you good sir you have done which no one else could...may there be more people like you on earth
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Ramesh Sargam (Bangalore, India)
My salutations to Fan Meng, 26 of China. In India, sorry to say this, many dump their aged parents in orphanages. Absolutely no value for elders here in India. We have to learn a lot from this young Fan Meng.
Agree (7)Disagree (2)Recommend (4)
rajiv (ncr)
I wish Rahul takes Sonia on a world trip on foot.
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akhi (blore) replies to abhilash m.
and never returned back to india
Agree (11)Disagree (1)Recommend (5)并且永远不要回印度。anand (Chennai)
lovely story, but seems like a publicity stunt putting mother through such a hazardous journey while a return ticket for two and accommodation would have cost 8000 yuan or less. these modern netizens suckers fall for everything even love for mother being used to get publicity. I love china and chinese but hey let us see through the gimmicks and stunts gangnam style http://www.santaihu.com/wp-includes/images/smilies/icon_smile.gif
Agree (2)Disagree (14)Recommend (0)美好的故事,不过似乎是宣传嚼头,怎么让妈妈经历这样危险的旅程,两个人的回程票和住宿费也就8000元,或许还不要那么多。现代网民痴迷一切,连对母亲的爱都拿来做宣传嚼头。我喜欢中国和中国人,不过我们要看穿这些嚼头和伎俩 http://www.santaihu.com/wp-includes/images/smilies/icon_smile.gif原创翻译:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com
SpArrow (AP)
Salutes to the son! In India many sons don't even give food and respect to their parents. http://www.santaihu.com/wp-includes/images/smilies/icon_sad.gif
Agree (16)Disagree (2)Recommend (7)向这名儿子致敬!印度有许多为人子女者不给父母饭吃,不尊重父母 http://www.santaihu.com/wp-includes/images/smilies/icon_sad.gifDileep (Bangalore) replies to SpArrow
Please don't generalize this. India is very well known for its family traditions. In the recent years this phenomenon of not caring parents is on the rise, but if you compare with the whole world, India is the best at family traditions.
Agree (4)Disagree (4)Recommend (1)请不要泛化。印度的家庭传统是众所周知的。最近几年不照顾父母的现象有所抬头,不过与世界比起来,印度家庭传统是最好的。CDRNET1965 (Chennai)
Everybody should not try this. Can be dangerous.
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dev (delhi)
Now Rahul & Vadra takes Sonia to Italy.
Agree (32)Disagree (3)Recommend (15)
rofl (India) replies to dev
And stay there.
Agree (8)Disagree (1)Recommend (2)并留在那里。Mother (India )
"Heaven lies under the feet of your mother." so true.
Agree (18)Disagree (1)Recommend (4)
modern guy (del)
Old fashioned Chinese guy! Parents give birth to children as they want to enjoy, the whole idea that children should be grateful to parents is ridiculous. After 18, both parents and children should go in their way.
Agree (2)Disagree (23)Recommend (0)
old fashioned Indian guy! (Chennai) replies to modern guy
Your parents should have used a condom all the time in order to avoid giving birth to a scum like you.
Agree (7)Disagree (0)Recommend (2)你父母每次做都应该戴套,以避免生下你这样的人渣。harsha D Iron Man (Banglore)
Amazing.. a great man..current world many considered parents as just curry leaves..
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下个月 发表于 2012-10-22 13:28


zhouboff 发表于 2012-10-22 15:26


Moarx 发表于 2012-10-23 00:05

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