山水之间 发表于 2012-10-29 12:36


本帖最后由 woikuraki 于 2012-10-30 14:33 编辑

Anguish of parents whose suicidal son was shot by SWAT sniper at his home
2012-10-27    译者:ericbox

A sensitive and peace-loving 16-year-old boy from an affluent Georgia suburb was fatally gunned down by a police sniper in his own house after he threatened to kill himself following a bad day at school.
Young Andrew Messina cracked after receiving a bad grade and upon returning home he grabbed his parents .357 Magnum and told his mother he wanted to end his life.
Panicked, she called the police to come and talk him down, but instead, an army of deputies, an armoured tank and a sniper arrived at their Towne Lake home who eventually shot the boy dead after he smashed a door window with the handgun.
Speaking out for the first time since the tragic May 1st accident at their Towne Lake home, Andrew's parents Nick and Lisa said they still struggled to believe the chain of events that led to their boy's death and the way that police have closed ranks since the fatal shooting.

'He just got sad and kind of down on himself and talked about running away. And that discussion turned to ending his life. And I wasn't home,' Nick Messina said to CBS Atlanta.
'It just happened so fast, and then he went upstairs. He has the gun in his hand, and he had bullets in the other hand,' Lisa Messina continued.Making a panicked 911 call, Lisa Messina was more concerned for her son's safety than her own.
'I need you to get away from him if you think he is going to shoot you,' said the 911 operator during tense call.
'I think he is going to shoot himself,' replied Lisa Messina.
Concerned as to what the exact police response would be to her armed son, Lisa Messina wanted to know how many cars are coming.
'Just one, right?' said the worried mother.
'I'm not sure,' replied the operator
However, when asked by the operator if her son was 'out of his mind,' Messina’s mother said'yeah.'
Within minutes, the scene outside the Messina's picturesque home resembled a Hollywood movie, as a slew of officers arrived along with an armoured tank and a deadly police sniper.
'They brought an army to take out a 16-year-old boy. To kill a 16-year-old boy,' Nick Messina said.
首次讲述5月1日发生在Towne Lake家中的悲痛事件,安德鲁的父母,尼克和丽莎说他们仍然无法相信这起带走他们儿子生命的事件,无法相信警察居然开出致命一枪。
While Andrew was inside the house alone, he hooked up a video camera to record himself as he drunk a bottle of Martini and telephoned his distraught father outside.
The harrowing footage of the boys last moments were made available to CBS Atlanta.

'You can't find anything worth living for with me?' said Nick Messina to his son.
'I don't know,' replied Andrew.
'Really?' said his father.
'I do know personally I really don't want to live. So you should just let this happen if you really love me,' said his son.
Police at the scene cut off that phone call and placed negotiators to the side of the front door within earshot of Andrew.
'They are still standing there,' an agitated Andrew can be observed to say on the video as he staggers around his house wielding the handgun and drinking directly from the bottle.
'Go away or do something, the tension is killing me.'
As the home was surrounded by deputies in combat gear, Andrew can be seen to become ever more frightened in the video recording.
'We thought that they would (be) experts in being able to diffuse the situation. And that was not what happened. Instead of the fire being put out, they brought gasoline,' Nick Messina said.这
On the negotiation call, Andrew Messina said he wasn't involved in a riot, rather he was angry.
'Is that a riot shield? Yeah, that's a riot shield,' he said. 'This isn't a riot, this is one person who is pissed off.'
Tragically for his parents, Andrew can be heard to ask to speak to his father several times.
'Hey, where's my dad? Isn't he supposed to be here?' he said.
Just 15 minutes before their son was fatally shot, Andrew Messina's parents watched sniper, Jason Yarbrough walk by them with his rifle over his shoulder.
'I couldn't believe the gun he had,' Lisa Messina said.
'I said, 'Whoa, where is he going with that gun?'
'A minute later we heard this horrendous cannon shot and he was dead,' Nick Messina said.
Cherokee County Sheriff Roger Garrison said that the 16-year-old boy had made an aggressive gesture by smashing through a glass window pane in the front door near to the negotiating teams.
'We would still be sitting there today if it weren't for that very, very aggressive act that he made of ramming the gun and a pistol straight through a glass door at our officers,' said Cherokee County Sheriff Roger Garrison, the day after the shooting.
'Had that officer not taken the action, there is a good chance one of those negotiators that was there who also has a family, also would not be going home today.'

However, the Messina's attorney Chuck Pekor believes that the police had no justification to shoot the suicidal teen.
'There is nobody in there with him. There is nobody at risk except himself. You just give it time, just wait,' Pekor said about the standoff which had lasted a little more than an hour.
'Not a single officer out there, not a one, ever saw the gun come through the hole where the break was.'
Furthermore, Pekor finds irregularities with the account that he was directly threatening the negotiating team.
This is because he was shot sideways through his abdomen, with the bullet entering his right side and exiting the left.
This meant that the right handed boy would have been facing the opposite direction to the police team when he was shot.
Furthermore, Yarbrough had only been on the scene for less than 20 minutes and has admitted he didn't even know if there was a hostage with the boy.
An internal investigation by the Cherokee County Sheriff's Office and the district attorney both found there was no criminal wrongdoing by Yarbrough.
However, the Messina's are in the process of filing a lawsuit againt the Cherokee County Sheriff's Office.


Of course the police are at fault, but as a gun owner, I ask what idiot parent leaves their gun accessible to an emotionally disturbed teen?
- Darren, 美国, 28/10/2012 5:20   赞同260

My guess is she told the police her son had a gun & they came fully armed. Silly woman, why didn't she try to talk him down or ring for his dad? and why was the gun accessible to the teen? It's an unfortunate fact that an upset teen with a gun usually means fatalities
- Raymee, 科罗拉多, 28/10/2012 4:39赞同203

I'm just stunned at the sheer OVERREACTION of the police over this. This boy was alone in the house, was speaking through the house phone with a negotiator and all he kept saying was 'can I please see my dad?' - he wasn't threatening anyone. Mom should not have called 911 and say that her son had a gun - and the police have behaved in a way I'm just speechless about. Rest in peace, Andrew. There'll be no apologies, I guarantee you that...
- ixiruxa, Bismarck, 美国, 28/10/2012 4:55赞同138

- Jess,大急流城,美国, 28/10/2012 4:39赞同134

I bet that's the last time she calls cops for help.
- Joe, . 美国亚利桑那州, 28/10/2012 5:22赞同133

The tragic ACCIDENT you call it??? The police are treating the citizens like the enemy, this is the purpose of the TSA and treat fusion centers. No longer peace officers, but enforcement thugs. INFOWARS.COM
- Fran, 莱斯特,英国 28/10/2012 4:46赞同113

Cops no longer protect and serve. They shoot first and ask questions later. If you're lucky, they'll use a tazer when firing that first shot.
- Sophisticrat, 德克萨斯州, 28/10/2012 4:44赞同108

In the USA, you should avoid at all costs bringing the police into domestic problems. Once called, the police feel free to use whatever violence they feel they can get away with. I know this from personal experience. The police are more akin to a quasi-military force in the USA, unlke the UK police. Be warned, don't go near them, unless you have absolutely no option.
- schopenhaur, 奥尔巴尼 美国 28/10/2012 10:19赞同105

As someone from the UK, why don't the police just shoot to injure? Why do they always shoot to kill?
- UK Girl, 英国某处(原文Somewhere In The UK), 28/10/2012 10:51赞同103

沐霜 发表于 2012-10-29 13:14

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