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发表于 2012-11-8 13:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

-------------译者:巴托拉 审核者:翻译工兵-------------

Based on the popular novel by Tong Hua, the blockbuster period series Bu Bu Jing Xin (a.k.a. Startling By Each Step) is the most highly anticipated Chinese drama of 2011. The latest series from renowned director/producer Lee Kwok Lap, Bu Bu Jing Xin steps back in time to the romantic and political upheavals of the Qing court. A frequent star of Lee Kwok Lap dramas, Cecilia Liu Shishi plays a young woman who jumps back in time to the reign of Kangxi, and gets drawn into the ascension struggle among the royal princes. Both a heartrending romance and a historical drama, Bu Bu Jing Xin uses its fantasy premise and fictional heroine to observe and affect well-known figures and episodes in Qing Dynasty history.

由桐华所著的通俗小说,轰动一时的古装系列《步步惊心》(又名令人吃惊的每一步)是2011年最受期待的中国电视剧。最新系列由著名导演/制片人 李国立担任导演。《步步惊心》故事发生在浪漫和有着政治动荡的清朝。一个在李国立执导的偶像剧中常见的明星,刘诗诗扮演了一名穿越到康熙统治时期的年轻女子,并卷入诸皇子夺位战。这是一部令人心碎的爱情剧和历史剧,《步步惊心》用虚构的女主角观察和影响清朝历史上著名人物和事件。

Bu Bu Jing Xin has inspired a fervent following for its outstanding cast of royal princes. Taiwan actor-singer Nicky Wu stars as the stone-faced 4th Prince who eventually rises to the throne as Yongzheng, while TVB actor Kevin Cheng, collaborating with Lee Kwok Lap again 12 years after The Legendary Siblings, is the genteel 8th Prince destined for tragedy. The other members of the royal family are Han Dong as the scheming 9th Prince, Ye Zuxin as the simple-minded 10th Prince, Lee Kwok Lap regular Yuan Hong as the unbridled 13th Prince, and newcomer Lin Gengxin as the loyal 14th Prince. Veteran Hong Kong actor Damian Lau reigns over all as Emperor Kangxi.


After an argument with her boyfriend, 25-year-old Zhang Xiao (Cecilia Liu) rushes out into the street, and gets electrocuted in an accident. When she regains consciousness, she finds herself in the Qing Dynasty. She is now teenaged Ruo Xi, the willful younger sister of the 8th Prince's consort (Annie Liu). Ruo Xi enters the Forbidden City, and becomes a trusted servant of the Emperor (Damian Lau) as the years pass by. Knowing what happens to everyone historically, Ruo Xi hopes to stay detached from palace politics, but she gets romantically entangled with both the 8th Prince (Kevin Cheng) and the 4th Prince (Nicky Wu), whose competition for the throne leads inevitably to danger and tragedy. Staying true to her love and friendship with each prince, Ruo Xi struggles to take control of her own heart and destiny in the Forbidden City, where every step could be a matter of life and death.


-------------译者:巴托拉 审核者:翻译工兵-------------

Editor's Pick of "Startling By Each Step (DVD) (End) (China Version)"


Picked By Sanwei


Making every step matter


China produces a high number of period dramas every year, but only a select few bear the label of director Lee Kwok Lap and production company Tangren (Chinese Entertainment Shanghai, Ltd.). Over the past decade, Lee Kwok Lap and company have successfully adapted Jin Yong classics, heroic folk tales, and fantasy RPG for television, and along the way developed their own brand of fusion period productions that tap into a trendy, idol drama appeal. There's a high level of anticipation attached to every Tangren release, but their 2011 series Bu Bu Jing Xin was even more hyped than usual. The immense popularity of Tong Hua's original novel and the breakout success of the similarly themed Palace placed a lot of pressure on Bu Bu Jing Xin, so it's almost amazing how much the drama lives up to, and perhaps even exceeds, expectations. Bu Bu Jing Xin may well be Tangren's best work.


Bu Bu Jing Xin revolves around a modern-day woman who gets injured in an accident, and wakes up as a teenage girl during the reign of Kangxi. Though pitched as a time-travel drama, Bu Bu Jing Xin's premise is different than say Palace or The Myth, which physically transported characters into the past. Here, our heroine, played by the beautiful Cecilia Liu Shishi, has the mind and memories of 25-year-old Zhang Xiao, but through a time blip, she has somehow become Ruo Xi, the sister-in-law of the 8th Prince.


With her curious, headstrong personality setting her apart from other girls in the royal family, Ruo Xi makes friends and trouble quickly in her early days of Qing Dynasty life. She befriends the 10th Prince (Ye Zuxin), 13th Prince (Yuan Hong), and 14th Prince (Lin Gengxin), and flutters the hearts of the 8th Prince (Kevin Cheng) and the 4th Prince (Nicky Wu). The bonds formed grow stronger over the years as Ruo Xi enters the palace and becomes Emperor Kangxi's trusty tea servant, but her relationships with the 8th Prince and the 4th Prince are complicated by the brothers' increasingly fierce rivalry for the throne.


-------------译者:某某人 审核者:寒灯独夜人-------------

The historical ending of the princes' succession struggle is clear to Ruo Xi and to the audience from the very beginning. The 4th Prince eventually becomes Emperor Yongzheng, who is remembered for being coldly efficient and cruelly unforgiving to his enemies. The 8th Prince dies in captivity, and the 9th Prince (Han Dong), 10th Prince, 13th Prince, and 14th Prince all meet difficult fates of their own. Between now and then, there are some twenty years in which Ruo Xi struggles with love, loyalty, friendship, and self-preservation in the Forbidden City.


Bu Bu Jing Xin is a period romance, not a flat out historical series, so it's Ruo Xi's love for the 8th Prince and the 4th Prince that serves as the drama's most important storyline. What makes her relationships and conflicts so compelling, however, are the historical context: the romanticized representations of Kangxi's sons, the inherent tragedy of brother turning against brother for the throne, and the way in which the drama brings the characters step by step down a known timeline. Like the heroine, the audience knows the results but not the process, and Bu Bu Jing Xin makes the process interesting, surprising, and heartwrenching.


Much of the narrative credit goes to the strong source material. Tong Hua's original novel is fairly particular with historical details and accuracy in terms of timeline and characterizations. Save for a few additional scenes and the much talked about ending, the drama stays very faithful to the source, following the novel's events almost scene for scene and often using dialogue straight from the book. In comparison to the first-person novel though, the drama is able to more directly portray the ups, downs, and character quirks of the princes, making them more relatable in the drama than in the novel.


-------------译者:巴托拉 审核者:寒灯独夜人-------------

To many (female) audiences, the handsome lineup of princes probably outshines even the heroine. For the leading men, Tangren brought in outside help in the form of idol-turned-actors Nicky Wu and Kevin Cheng to play two princes of starkly different personalities but equally aggressive ambitions. Tangren courted Nicky Wu multiple times to take the role - he was initially reluctant to shave his head - and their persistence paid off. Wu often plays cool roles but he becomes downright cold as the formidable 4th Prince, whose icy expression melts only in the presence of Ruo Xi. Kevin Cheng is the tragic romantic figure as the gentle and genteel 8th Prince, whose royal dream leads to his own demise. The casting of Nicky Wu and Kevin Cheng is really a case of perfect balance; having two actors of comparable weight portray the 4th Prince and the 8th Prince seals the characters' presence and rivalry right away.


Both Nicky Wu and Kevin Cheng have their share of supporters and detractors, but few dispute the casting of Tangren staple Yuan Hong as the strong-willed, freedom-loving 13th Prince, the one person who understands Ruo Xi's modern thinking. Tangren newcomer Lin Gengxin, who reminds of a younger Hu Ge, also makes a strong debut as the immensely likable 14th Prince - expect to see a lot more of him in coming years. Though the various princes are on opposite ends of a brutal succession crisis, the cast succeeds in making both sides equally daunting and sympathetic as stubborn, self-aware players in a cruel battle they're helpless to change.


-------------译者:阿愚骑士 审核者:翻译工兵-------------

Production values on Bu Bu Jing Xin are generally solid, especially on photography and costumes, but not even Tangren's budget was enough to adequately recreate the grandeur of palatial life. There's a suspicious dearth of extras and sets, and occasional awkward use of CGI for backdrop (including the fakest lily pond ever). These are just small complaints though as everything else falls so wonderfully into place. The production gets the visual details right most of the time, and there are some beautifully memorable scenes in the drama, such as Ruo Xi and the 8th Prince's walk in the snow. As an adaptation, Bu Bu Jing Xin does justice to the original story, with a strong cast giving their all to portray love, hate, power, and misgiving in the Forbidden City.

《步步惊心》的制作价值总体扎实,尤其是摄影和服装。但是,甚至唐人公司的预算不足以重现宫廷生活的华丽。道具设备稀少,(这对于宫廷生活是)不真实的。偶尔 背景使用粗劣的电脑影像合成技术(包括有史以来最假的百合池)。但随着一切巧妙地各就各位,观众就只有小抱怨了。大多时候,制作适当地呈现了视觉细节,且戏中有几处美丽难忘的场景,如若曦和八爷漫步雪中。作为改编作品,《步步惊心》确实忠于原著,一个强大的卡司倾其所能地描述在紫禁城的爱、恨、权、疑。

The translated English title for Bu Bu Jing Xin that's being widely used is "Startling by Each Step". A more fitting translation for the four-character expression though would be "Startling surprises at every step" or "Every step startles the heart", alluding to the unpredictable dangers of palace life and matters of the heart. Bu Bu Jing Xin makes every emotional and political step matter over 35 exciting, heartrending episodes that feel far too short. Inspiring a fervent online following during its broadcast, Bu Bu Jing Xin is one of those rare dramas - up there with Chinese Paladin, Condor Hero, and Princess Returning Pearls - that can bring new and jaded audiences to the Chinese period genre. It certainly brought me back: Bu Bu Jing Xin stands as my favorite TV drama of 2011 in any language.

《步步惊心》广为使用的英文译名是“Startling by Each Step"。对此四字表达更为合适的翻译应该是"Startling Surprises at Every Step"或“Every Step Startls the Heart”,暗指宫廷生活未知的危险和心事。《步步惊心》通过短短悲喜交加的35集,使每一步感情纠缠和政治斗争得到体现。《步步惊心》的热播带动该剧网络点击量高居不下,与《仙剑奇侠传》、《神雕侠侣》、《还珠格格》齐名,《步步惊心》是是那种少有的电视剧之一。它将新的华语电视剧类型带给新老观众。它确实使我再次关注中国电视剧,《步步惊心》是2011年度所有语言里我最爱的电视剧。

-------------译者:踏雪流痕 审核者:翻译工兵-------------

Customer Review of "Startling By Each Step (DVD) (End) (China Version)" jasmine
Love it step by step(五星,满分五星)
From my first review in Oct, 2011 till now, I've already rewatched this 4 times. :))  
If you're looking for kungfu action, this is not it. Or if you wish to compare this to Palace Lockhart (Gong Part 1 with Yang Mi, Mickey He and William Feng) there is definitely differences. The only common thread are siblings rivalry because Kangxi did indeed have these princes and 4th Prince did eventually become Emperor Yong Zheng.


I just cancelled buying the Taiwan edtion(二星)
because I foundthat there's a US edition, from Beauty Media, Inc. Wonder why YesAsia hasn't made the US edtion available on their website.

我刚刚取消了购买台湾版的因为,我发现 在Beauty Media上有美国版,想知道为什么YesAsia在它们网上还没有制出有效的美国版本

herry Eng Sub PLEASE(四星)
may be should wait several years more wait for its us version or whatever to have it english sub.
well, i like the ending, at least she back to where she should belong to :D


-------------译者:elizathyu 审核者:翻译工兵-------------

Nothing quite like it.(五星)
After bemoaning the horrible script in Gong and looking for a better alternative to wipe my tainted palette, my friend convinced me to give this series a try (along with her narration because I can only understand a few words in Chinese). I was rather suspicious at first because the plot seemed similar to Gong, but a few episodes in, and I was sold. I have to say that this beats most of the other costume dramas I have seen from any country that year.
The rich and dramatic visuals, the muted color palette, and the detailed costumes were a feast for the eyes, and I found myself reviewing back certain scenes just to get in all the details. Dialogue, from what was translated for me, was poignant and meaningful and can sometimes be very sweet. I also loved the way the camera sometimes panned from one character to the next in a scene so that we could read each of their varying expressions, and though I’m not familiar with any of the actors except for Kevin Cheng (Ghetto Justice), the cast had such wonderful chemistry and camaraderie, that I felt like these people were really the characters they embodied.
It would be easier to have watched it understanding everything being said, so I do hope that the creators will consider having this series out with English Subtitles, even if it must come in a simple box to cut costs, so that those of us who are not Chinese can more thoroughly enjoy this work of art.
But until then, I’ll just keep my fingers crossed.


Interesting Premise, But, Boring!(二星)
Interesting premise--modern-day person back in time to the Ching dynasty. But, this premise is not well developed to capture the person's knowledge of the past to try to right some wrongs at the moment, even though she knows she can't change history. In a drama, this could be more interesting, if she tries to do just that. But none of that ! Instead....
the story meanders a lot...many insignificant and irrelevant incidents and boring dialogs...too many tea servings.....
The female lead does not act convincingly..trying hard, but does not come through.


I was initially apprehensive about this series after watching the much succesful "Gong I" earlier (based on the same fantasy/history) which starred Feng Shao Feng and Yang Mi. I have yet to watch "Gong II". I love Kevin Cheng and I knew I had to watch it.
Congrats to Lee Kwok Lap for this gathering of promising stars. Everyone shine in their roles and I thought the casting was spot on. However particular mention to Kevin (8th Prince) , Yuan Hong (13th Prince) Nicky Wu (4th Prince) and Lin Gengxin (14th Prince). To get the most out of this series and reasons for all the heart-tugging and suspense, initial attention must be paid to the reasons behind sibling rivalry. Wardrobe department did an excellent job and set productions were elegant and simple. This is a must-watch series.


-------------译者:巴托拉 审核者:tvenana-------------

Bu bu jingo xin(五星)
THis is a too great series to miss. I saw it online and it was a well made and awesome series. One of the very best in a long time. If you haven't seen it you miss out. I definitely will buy it when it comes out with eng sub. I want to keep a collection of this because there are many series like this one. And I love Nicky wu. I am so happy and glad he is the main male character. He and Cecilia both did anesome job their chemistry is very good. A very highly recommend series!


It's a good series(二星)
Cecilia did a great job, but I hate her working with Nicky Wu. Maybe I used to seeing her with Yuan Hong on The Eagle Shooting Heoes and Tian Ya Zhi Nu, and I rather that he play the 4th peince than the 13th prince.


Excellent drama and novel(五星)
I have read the novel`Bu Bu Jing Xin' a couple of times and stumbled upon the DVD when I was shopping online.
It is an excellent drama, love it. All the characters were well cast. Would recommend it to any one who loves historical / period romance.


Best drama of the year(五星)
I love this drama so much. Same as previous comment. I would totally buy this drama if it has English subtitle.


Bu Bu Jing Xin(五星)
This is wonderful drama, and yes, I would purchase this when it is available with English subs.


Bu Bu Jing Xin(五星)
I love this drama, it is really good and wonderful. I saw it online where people subbed it in English. It would be nice if Bu Bu Jing Xin had english subs because I would buy. However, I highly recommend this drama. I give it a 10 out of 10



发表于 2012-11-17 19:05 | 显示全部楼层

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