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发表于 2012-11-22 10:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
委员会的另一名成员,C 理查德·达马托称:“如果中国继续进行目前的核武器陆、海、空现代化计划,那么目前所有的核裁军计划将形同虚设。”

China ismodernizing its military at a "remarkable rate," including its ownnuclear weapons capability, says a congressionally mandated panel exploring therelationship between the United States and China.In its annualreport to Congress, the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission saidChina has spent the past two decades improving and advancing its militarynuclear posture and could have a "triad" of land, sea and airdelivery systems "within the next two years."China's People'sLiberation Army "reportedly tested a variety of new nuclear ballisticsystems in 2012, including a submarine-launched intercontinental ballisticmissile," Dennis Shea, chairman of the commission, told reporters Wednesday.
"We just urge Congress to get a better handle on the size of the Chinesenuclear arsenal, as well as the nuclear doctrine of China."Estimates vary asto the exact size of China's nuclear arsenal, but most Western assessments,including those of the United States, say China possesses somewhere between 100to 500 weapons. Members of the commission said the United States should pushfor more transparency and understanding from the Chinese on the size of theirarsenal."We just don'tknow," Larry Wortzel, another member of the 12-person panel toldreporters. "The Department of Defense seems especially stubborn about notchanging its estimates."And China's absencefrom the types of nuclear-arms reduction and limitation treaties the UnitedStates has with countries like Russia is another area ripe for action, thecommission said."If theChinese are going to go forward with all these modernization efforts which theyare undertaking - road, mobile and air - they are going to upend the entirearms control regime that currently exists," C. Richard D'Amato, anothercommissioner on the panel, said."They need tobe brought into some sort of dialog to develop some kind of understanding as towhere we are all going together on arms control."In addition to itsnuclear arsenal, China has had a busy year modernizing other parts of itsmilitary machine, the report said.Apart fromcommissioning its first aircraft carrier, China test flew a second advancedfighter with potential stealth capabilities, improved on its satellitenavigation system, and expanded the scope of its military exercises andtraining activities.The report sent toCongress on Wednesday also covered areas in U.S.-Chinese trade and economiccapabilities, China's role in cyberespionage, and the consequences of itsdemand and consumption of global resources.


发表于 2012-11-22 10:24 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-11-22 10:31 | 显示全部楼层
中国敢对世界说不首先使用核武器   美国敢吗?
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发表于 2012-11-22 16:34 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-11-23 09:31 | 显示全部楼层
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