連長 发表于 2012-11-23 10:57

【CNN20121122】世界上最昂贵的的停车位 (附欢乐的评论)

本帖最后由 連長 于 2012-11-23 11:19 编辑

【原文标题】World's most expensive parking places
【登载媒体】CNN (记者Ramy Inocencio)



在伦敦买辆车可能比养车更便宜。伦敦城每个月的停车费是全球最昂贵的,据国际商业不动产服务组织Colliers International调查的数据,大约为1084美金。伦敦西区则稍微便宜一些,为1014美金。

在苏黎世拥有一辆车的话,你每月要支付822美元 的停车账单。









香港(CNN) – 一个价值64万美元的地产坐落在全球最昂贵的商业住宅区,被香港密集的摩天丛林环抱。





Jacinto Tong在过去十年间拥有并使用这个车位。本地媒体形容他为“停车场大佬”,当谈论到这个独特的“无价”之宝时,他有些热情洋溢。

纪慧集团(Gale Well Group)的CEO Jacinto Tong说“我认为这是我拥有过的最好的车位,你可以在20步内直走到办公室和电梯,只要20步!”。际慧集团是一个地产商,在香港拥有数以百计的住宅区和商业区。












停车场大佬 Tong利用地产种类的漏洞,一举打破租金收益。







Gary Ugarek
我看到了中国人在拥抱懒惰…“纪慧集团(Gale Well Group)的CEO Jacinto Tong说“我认为这是我拥有过的最好的车位,你可以在20步内直走到办公室和电梯,只要20步!”。际慧集团是一个地产商,在香港拥有数以百计的住宅区和商业区。”就像是美国人,我泪奔了。(支持35,反对1)
Frederick Lombardi 回复 Gary Ugarek
Frankhy回复Frederick Lombardi
Disqus_ZezYtxObiM 回复Frankhy
Bo回复Gary Ugarek

Moe Smith回复BoggyBog


连长 回复Bluestar

Moe Smith 回复 Nakedapes

Anthony Kovic

Apple Genius By The Sea
我很确定,香港的停车位要歇菜!!:) (支持8,反对1)

这就是为什么我那么爱迪拜—停车费非常便宜,而且大多数时间免费洗车停车,即便是在世界最高的建筑哈里发塔(Burj Khalifa)附近. (支持7,反对1)

Mark Glomski回复Rick

Frederick Lombardi回复ManyGoodFriender

Mark Glomski

香港人莫妮卡王(Mimi Monica Wong)支付了1.2亿港币学拉丁舞。香港CEO支付了130万美元买两个车位。还有什么类似的值得骄傲的事情吗?或者说是值得遭嘲笑的?:D在香港,有两个名人你可以为他们的谦虚赞扬他们
周润发,中国的Johnny Depp,加勒比海盗。有什么谦虚?

William Chaser回复 jassjam

Mike Robinson
Disqus_ZezYtxObiM 回复Mike Robinson
Mike Robinson 回复Disqus_ZezYtxObiM
Goodgoodgood回复Mike Robinson

Maris Moon
Pete samson回复Maris Moon
Goobys回复Maris Moon
ZeonBoi回复Maris Moon

Scott L
Goobys回复Scott L



Stephen Bonser


我在东京看到过“平台decking machine”。那种机器可以把汽车升高,然后就可以在下面再停上一辆车。大约5万美元一组。如果你的天花板很高,法律也允许的话,那就行的通。这个车位的价值将会翻倍,起价100万美元。

Guy Impound
HarmoniousHarriet回复Guy Impound
Stevelives 回复 Guy Impound

Hong Kong (CNN) -- Nestled within Hong Kong's dense skyscraper jungle, a $640,000 property sits among some of the world's most expensive commercial and residential spaces.The price might sound like a steal. This Asian financial capital has the world's priciest property, according to Savills. Since the start of 2010, average Hong Kong home prices have doubled.But the price tag mentioned here is neither for a home nor an office.It is for a parking space: A slab of undecorated concrete, stained by black motor oil, about 8-feet-by-16-feet in size. Price per square foot: nearly $5,000.Jacinto Tong has owned and used this space for the past ten years. Described in local media as "the tycoon of parking spaces," he is effusive when talking about this particular "priceless" gem."I think this is the best car park space I ever had," said the CEO of Gale Well Group, a property firm that owns hundreds of residential and commercial spaces across the city. "You can go straight to the office and the elevator. Only 20 steps -- 20 steps!"The CEO does not own just one $640,000 parking space. Tong owns two. If he were to sell he could bank $1.3 million."People don't mind paying more," boasted Tong. "But I'm not eager to sell."And yet that is the reality for Hong Kong.According to the latest Parking Rate Survey by Colliers International, the global property services firm, this city has the most exorbitant monthly parking fees in the Asia-Pacific.Hong Kong's monthly median parking rate was $744.72 in 2011. With less than a dollar's difference, Tokyo came in as Asia's number two.The reason for Hong Kong's pricey parking rates is rooted in governmental curbs on the city's residential market, said Buggle Lau, chief analyst at Midland Realty, one of the city's largest real estate companies.Many analysts believe Hong Kong's property market is a bubble waiting to burst. To deflate it slowly, the government has introduced a series of increasingly stringent policies since November 2010. These have made it more expensive for investors to buy or flip homes for a quick profit.The regulations have produced desired results, said Lau, leading to a 31% fall in home sale transactions over the past 23 months. But, as a side effect, the squeeze on residential investors has pushed them into commercial property, like parking spaces, which have no such price curbs yet.While homes sale transaction volumes have fallen since November 2010, trade in parking spaces has risen more than 25%, Lau added. The volume of industrial, commercial and retail have surged 16% as well.Fast price rises and higher yields on leased parking spaces have attracted more investors to this niche market."If you look at this year's (total sales) number, it's the highest in the past ten years or so," Lau said. "Through November of this year, Hong Kong had car park transactions totaling $751 million. In 2010, it was $525 million." This rise marks an increase of 43% so far this year.Tong, the parking space tycoon, breaks down rental yields by property category."The lowest yield of all property is (retail) shops, maybe less than 2%. The second thing is commercial, which is about 2% to 2.5%, and then residential which is about 3%. Parking spaces should be about 5%."Hence, some of Hong Kong's hottest investment vehicles are where people keep their motorized ones.But Lau, the property analyst, cautions against casual investment in parking spaces. If Hong Kong's economy stalls the first thing people will get rid of will be their cars.No car means no need for a parking space. But a home will always have a use."If you buy a parking space," said Lau, "you can't live in it."

Gary Ugarek I see the Chinese are embracing LAZINESS...
""I think this is the best car park space I ever had," said the CEO of Gale Well Group, a property firm that owns hundreds of residential and commercial spaces across the city. "You can go straight to the office and the elevator. Only 20 steps -- 20 steps!"
It's almost American, it brings a tear to me eye.
BoGary Ugarek Not laziness, but a status symbol.
Frederick LombardiGary Ugarek As he wears his retro communist attire and proclaims democracy. Lol
FrankhyFrederick Lombardi Hong Kong has never been communist. In fact, it is probably one of the most consistently laissez-faire capitalist societies to ever exist.
disqus_ZezYtxObiMFrankhy People in the outside world are ignorant, the (SAR) title pretty much doesn't exist in their eyes. TO them, Hong Kong is already 100% China, just like to some people, Monaco is 100% part of France. They will usually say something that is ignorant about HK and say it is communist or etc, and then end it with a 'lol'.
Frederick is that very example, to him, HK does not have Rule of Law, Separation of Powers, or Judicial Independence, to him he thinks HK is communist and doesn't have those rule of law ideals that Britain had past on to them. Watch him rebut this with another stupid 'lol'.
BoggyBog rich getting richer
Moe SmithBoggyBogand as BoggyBog so elegantly epitomizes, "the ignorant make ignorant comments"
sameekerMoe Smith He didn't pay for that space. The people that he overcharges paid for it and everything that he has. He obviously isn't that smart. For that kind of money, he could hire a limo to take him to work every day.
Funk13 I wouldn't let my daughter marry a man who didn't have a good parking spot!
nakedapesI imagine Asian gold diggers simply camp on these parking spaces hoping to snag a rich man.
PavelC It does make a lot of sense topark a $60,000 car in a $640,000 parking space :-)
bluestarPavelC Talk common accounting sense.
Car always depreciate, starting day one.
Real estate value appreciates in value in a land-scarce economy.
连长bluestarso you will live in a 8*16 square feet parking lot...i agree with Lau that if economy stalls the first thing people will get rid of will be their cars. no more cars, and still in a "land scarce"???
Anthony KovicThis story shows once again just how dynamic and successful the economy is in China and Southeast Asia. Whether it is factory workers making iPhones or businee tycoons everything is booming there. In the US and Europe, people are lazy, indebted and spend their time whining (like many of the comments posted here.)
Mark JacksonRussell's TeapotThere really aren't very many factory workers in Hong Kong, of course.
Apple Genius By The SeaI'm pretty sure that HK parking spot is a knock off!! ;)
Rick Sure glad I live out in the country and don't have to put up with this kind of thing. 10 acres is plenty big enough to park my car.
Mark GlomskiRick I'm glad I'm a hippie and laugh at this stuff.
Albert WilsonEasily keyed as someone walks by.
friarfan19 Like George Costanza said: Parking is like sex. Why should I pay for it, when if I really applied myself, I could get it for free
Frederick Lombardifriarfan19Lol one doesn't need to apply himself to get sex, women are natural sexual predators, most men actually spend their time trying to avoid sex, as well as overpriced par king. :-)
AS That's why I love Dubai - parking is very cheap and most of the time free valet parking, even at the Burj Khalifa, the world's tallest building.
Anti-AntiUSPropaganda Rich people will pay a lot of money for stupid things. This is not news.
ManyGoodFrienderAnti-AntiUSPropaganda Another senseless statement from Indian troll ShovelinSnow (recently aka Anti-AntiPropaganda), faking himself as related to US.
Frederick LombardiManyGoodFriender In imperical English I do believe "troll" translates into "instigator".
bluestarAnti-AntiUSPropaganda Communists always criticize other owning stupid material things. This is not news.
KappinKrunch Wouldn't a taxi be much cheaper and more convenient? You could order all your food to the office and do work/nap in the cab while driving to and fro. Wouldn't that be a better bargain? I think this is all about showing off.
TheGodfather72 HK Mimi Monica Wong paid HKD 120 million for Latin dance lessons.HK CEO paid USD 1.3 million for 2 parking lots.Something to be proud of ? Or something to laugh about ? : D In HK, 2 notable people you can heap praise on for their humility : Mr. Li Ka Shing Mr. Chow Yun Fat
bluestarTheGodfather72Chow Yun Fat, the Chinese pirate in the Johnny Depp's Pirate of Carribbeans? What humility?
Li Ka Shing, the billionaire from Asia who monopolize everything in a tiny city. What humility?
jassjam Can't some one think something smart to save these rich people from this stupidity
William ChaserjassjamHow is it stupid? They want to waste their money, let them do it? Besides, if they don't spend money in these stupidy things, How will others companies be succesful?
Mike RobinsonStupid. Make mass transportation better. And make more residential downtown.
disqus_ZezYtxObiMMike RobinsonMAke mass transportation better? Have you even been to HK? Make more residential downtown? Again, have you even been to HK? Public transport floods the streets and undergrounds, and the downtown has been filled up more than 3 decades ago. This is Hong Kong, not Mainland China.
Mike Robinsondisqus_ZezYtxObiMIve never been there, but I'm sure there are at least 1 or 2 office buildings that could be renovated for housing
goodgoodgoodMike RobinsonPublic transportation has an excellence level in HK. Central area and vicinities are loaded with residential places.
Michael WadeGo park in it.
Tec9 Don't worry, we Americans will still complain about anything and everything.
Scott L So, the new game in town is how much you can push a property above it's actual value while getting rich? Sounds like America......Other countries are always following our lead.
GoobysScott L scott: "So, the new game in town is how much you can push a property above it's actual value while getting rich?"
Its actual value is the value the highest bidder is willing to pay. Land, parking spaces, etc. are valuable in big cities because they're scarce and desirable. That's why people spend outrageous sums on parking spots in cities.
Get over yourself.
FriedMunchies Morons.
Frederick LombardiLol this practice in america is called safe parking programs that are designed to give high dollar amounts to rich communists after first forcing disabled people to be homeless.
Mark GlomskiI can't wait for the end of the world.
Maris MoonSo he buys a $600k parking space and parks a $38k Mercedes C-Class in it??? Weird.
Pete SamsonMaris Moon because the parking space will always be worth that much. Mercedes is $38k today, and $3k in 5 years.
GoobysMaris Moon maris: "So he buys a $600k parking space and parks a $38k Mercedes C-Class in it??? Weird."
Hong Kong may have absurd import, etc. taxes on luxury goods. Sometimes a C-class can cost as much as an S-class, especially in the East.
ZeonBoiMaris MoonIt's good to be rich
Al Tai Does not such business raise some eyebrows? Some currency cleaning sort of?
weshallovercombI lived in Pacific Heights Dist of San Francisco for years but my place did not come with any parking. I would come home from work and drive around one, two, three up to ten blocks, sometimes for over an hour just to find a spot to park my Honda Civic. And even just to go to a local drugstore or other shop, if you did not find any parking spots that opened up (usually with a meter) you drove around for several minutes just to land. It got so ridiculous I finally moved away from the city and to this day to drive up to place of residence and just get out of the car immediately is something I cherish. But to spend this much or a parking spot?? It is as obscene as everything else these days regarding what a price is put and for what.
Stephen Bonser Why do so many other cultures have gobs of money and we don't?
GreatGrizzly Hmm... ya gotta wonder, are the folks in Bentonville (AK) really that stupid, being out in the sticks and all? I wonder how much Walmart's CEO pays for parking out there.
Love it or hate it, there are some things about Walmart that work... like being based in cow country.
The_Ice_ManWe only have his word for it. Where's the fool who offered him that much? Have any of the other spaces been sold at that price? He's just hyping his company..
Thomas Nm For less than that price, I'd just have a private chauffeur who dropped me off there..
bluestarI saw "decking machine" in Tokyo. The machine can lift the car up, so that you can park another one underneath it. Cost about $ 50,000 a piece.
Works if you have a high ceiling, and the county building code allows it. The value of this car parking space will double in value, passing $1 million benchmark.
Guy Impound When you have that much money to spend on a "parking spot" you have way to much money to spend.....of course as long as we Americans keep buying your inferior quality crap you will probably continue to be able to buy your almost a quarter of a million dollar parking spots.
HarmoniousHarrietGuy Impound$640K is almost a quarter of a million dollars?
StevelivesGuy Impound • 4 hours ago −Dummy. EVERYONE knows 640K is MORE than a million.
连长StevelivesDummy *2 ...are you sure 640k is more than a million?

http://bbs.m4.cn/xwb/images/bgimg/icon_logo.png 该贴已经同步到 連長的微博

連長 发表于 2012-11-23 11:27


赛欧 发表于 2012-11-23 14:12


沐霜 发表于 2012-11-23 18:14


银河WT 发表于 2012-11-23 19:48


leobien 发表于 2012-11-27 01:07

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