银河WT 发表于 2012-11-24 22:20


本帖最后由 woikuraki 于 2012-11-27 13:35 编辑

【原文标题】How to Kill China’s ‘Carrier-Killer’ Missile: Jam, Spoof and Shoot
【登载媒体】大西洋月刊 连线


How to KillChina’s ‘Carrier-Killer’ Missile: Jam, Spoof and Shoot如何解决中国的’航母杀手’:干扰,欺骗和击落China hasdeveloped a missile that would turn an aircraft carrierinto atwo-billion-dollar hulk of twisted metal, flame, and dead sailors. 中国已开发出一种导弹,它可以把一艘航母变成20亿美元的废铁,火焰和死亡的士兵Publicly, the U.S.Navy downplays its importance. Privately, the sailors are working out severaldifferent options to kill it before it kills them.美国海军在公开场合对此轻描淡写,但私下里,他们正在制定数种方案来解决它
Adm. Jonathan Greenert, theNavy’s top officer, explained to reporters during a Friday breakfast meetingthat the Navy has ways of exploiting some of the DF-21D missile’s formidabletechnical capabilities, even before opening fire and praying.海军上将Jonathan Greenert,海军的最高军官,在周五的早餐会上向记者解释说海军有办法一定程度削弱DF-21D导弹强大的技术能力,即使在交战和祷告前
As Greenert seesit, there’s a menu of options. Some involve convincing the DF-21D that thecarrier is in a different place. Others involve masking the electronicemissions of the carrier. Still others are more traditional — like blasting themissile out of the salty air.
“You want to spoof them, preclude detection, jam them,shoot them down if possible, get them to termination, confuse it,” Greenertsaid. “The concept is end-to-end, and the capabilities therein what we’repursuing”在Greenert看来,有一个选项菜单。其中包括确信DF-21D的运载体在不同的地方。其它包括隐藏了载体的电子辐射。还有一些更传统的-像导弹爆炸后的带咸味的空气。“你想欺骗它,不被发现,干扰它,击落它,如果可能的话,让它们终止,迷惑。”Greenert说。“这个是端到端的概念,其功能是我们所追求的”

First up: the missile’s guidance systems. This is where Greenert wants theNavy’s investment in jamming and electronic warfare generally to pay off.首先:导弹的制导系统。这是Greenert希望海军在干扰和电子战方面所做的投资能获得回报的地方。
“If whatever is launched has a seeker, can you jam it?” Greenert mused. “Yes,no, maybe so? What would it take to jam it?” For now, that’s a job for theflying, jamming Growlers which messed with Moammar Gadhafi’s anti-aircraftsystems in Libya last year.“如果不论发射什么东西在寻找目标,你能干扰它吗?“Greenert想了想说。“能,不能,或者说也许?如何才能干扰它呢?“目前,这是一个曾在去年干扰了穆阿迈尔•卡扎菲在利比亚的防空系统的飞行干扰部队的任务。 Later on, the Navy will have a next-generationjammer, also built onto some of its jets, which it wants to use to infect enemysystems with malware. Alternatively or in supplement, the strike group would goradio silent, to stop the missile from homing in on its electronic emissions.海军以后会有的新一代的干扰发射器,也会建在一些飞行器上,它会通过病毒感染电子系统。作为方案之一或补充,打击部队会保持无线电静默,来阻止导弹通过电子辐射来瞄准它
Thencomes the “more popular” part, Greenert said: shooting the missile down. TheAegis missile-defense cruisers included in an aircraft carrier strike groupwould be tasked with that over the next decade. Afterward, the Navy wants touse giant shipboard lasersto burn through incoming missiles. But it’s by nomeans clear the Navy really can clear all the technological obstacles tooceanic laser warfare by its mid-2020s deadline.然后是“更受欢迎”的部分,Greenert说:把导弹射下来。在接下来的十年,航母战斗群中的宙斯盾导弹防御巡洋舰将会负责这个任务。后来,美国海军想要用巨大的燃烧的船来吸引导弹。但并不意味着海军真的可以到2020年代中期的最后期限前解决所有海洋冲突里激光方面的技术障碍。

And shooting down this new missile isn’t a guaranteed proposition. “When do youhave to engage it? On the way up? Mid-course? Terminal?” Greenert said.而且射下这种新型的导弹不是一个有保证的命题。“你在什么时候搞定它?刚发射?中端?末端?” Greenert说
Hisanswer: all of the above. “We call it links of a chain,” Greenert said. “Wewant to break as many links as possible.” Navy weapons have to be ready todisable the DF-21D — either through jamming it or shooting it — during “all”phases of its trajectory.他的回答:以上所有。“我们叫它链的环节” Greenert说。“我们想要尽我们可能的突破所有的环节”海军的武器需要为解决DF-21D做准备,不论是通过干扰它还是打下它-在它轨道的所有阶段。
There’salso something that Greenert didn’t mention: he has time on his side.还有一点Greenert没有提及的:他时间充分
The Navy conceded in December 2010 that the DF-21D had reached “initialoperating capability.” But its intelligence chief quickly added that blowing upa carrier is still past China’s means. Hitting a moving object isdifficult. Testing the thing at sea is too. Then China needs to integrate themissile into its general surface warfare plans. And after all that come thecountermeasures Greenert outlined. Solving all that takes time.海军承认DF-21D在2010年12月具备了“初始作战能力”。但它的情报长官很快补充说:炸毁一个载体仍是中国过去的手段,击中一个移动的目标仍是很困难的。测试在海上的目标也是如此。然后中国需要把导弹整合到一般水面作战计划。毕竟Greenert做出了对抗措施。解决这一切需要时间还是需要时间
Andwhile China works on that, the Navy will continue its own development. IfGreenert is freaked out by a weapon that can punch through one of the mostpotent symbols of American power, he’s doing a good job of hiding it in public.虽然中国致力于此,海军仍会继续他自己的发展。如果Greenert为一种武器突破了象征美国最强的力量而张皇失措的话,他现在是在做一个好工作在公共场合隐藏它

风动心静 发表于 2012-11-29 23:09

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