诺基亚 发表于 2012-12-7 11:50


It seems that China, or at least part of it, has thrown down the gauntlet in the South China Sea with the announcement that police in the southern island province of Hainan will board and search ships which enter what China considers its territory in the disputed waters.

Before discussing the implications of the "revised regulations," it's helpful to know why China thinks it can commandeer the territory in the first place. In October James R. Holmes of NamViet News cited the book "How Communists Negotiate" to note that going into negotiations "Chinese communists try to rig the game in their favor"by trying to force the opposite side to agree to Beijing's bargaining positions as a condition for convening talks.

China's currently claims everything within the "nine-dashed line" – which takes in about 90 percent of the South China Sea – and now its law enforcement will act to defend it.


在讨论这个“修订条例”背后的含义之前,我们应该首先看一下为什么中国认为这块水域属于自己。在十月份,NamViet News的James R. Holmes 引用了《共产主义者如何谈判》一书,指出在谈判中,中共为了让结果有利于自己一方,将强迫对方承认中国的(优势)谈判地位作为举行会谈的条件。


In August the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China stated: "China has indisputable sovereignty over the South China Sea islands and adjacent waters. This is supported by clear historical facts."

(Note: A 2008 U.S. diplomatic cable published by WikiLeaks reported that a senior Chinese government maritime law expert "admitted" he was unaware of the historical basis for the nine dashes.)

China's stance makes diplomacy difficult since negotiation, as Holmes notes, "presupposes give-and-take between two parties. But indisputable means indisputable."

Consequently, the Hainan decree raises the stakes in the region's territorial disputes and creates immediate problems for other claimant countries as well as the world economy.

U.S. Energy Information Administration

As James Fallows of the Atlantic points out, "Brunei is a very long way from mainland China, but China contends that its waters reach practically down to Brunei's shores."



中国在南海所持的立场使得通过外交方式解决争议问题变得困难,正如 Holmes 所说,“外交是需要双方的妥协的,但“无可争辩”意味着无话可谈”。



正如大西洋月刊的 James Fallows所指出的那样,“文莱里中国大陆很远,但中国却将边界划到了文莱的海岸线附近”


He also notes that some of the affected shipping lanes "have nothing directly to do with mainland China" since export paths from Japan, South Korea and Taiwan pass through the waters on their way to the Indian Ocean while half the world's oil-cargo traffic from the Middle East travels the route in the opposite way.

Yesterday Dr. Ely Ratner, a Fellow at the Center for a New American Security, told BI gthat the situation is "an incredibly difficult problem" that will come down to how far China is willing to go in terms of getting out on the high seas and arresting fishermen and others who think they're within their rights to be in the disputed waters.

China will dictate how heated things get, but there's no doubt that the Red Dragon is aggressively staking out its position.

"It is easy to imagine things becoming dangerous, quickly, if the new Chinese administration actually tries to carry out this order," Fallows wrote. "A Chinese government deliberately courting this kind of showdown would be a very bad sign."

他也指出一些受影响的航道“和中国大陆并没有直接关系”。 因为日本,韩国和台湾的出口货物要经过这片水域通往印度洋,而来自中东的一半石油巨轮也会经过这片水域。

昨天,来自新美国安全中心(Center for a New American Security)的Ely Ratner博士对BIg(原文BI gthat应该是打错了)说,这种状况是“非常棘手的“。 而事件的发展取决于中国在公海的活动以及中国是否会拘捕相关的渔民以及拘捕某些认为自己有权在该海域活动的外国人士。




诺基亚 发表于 2012-12-7 11:50

on Dec 1, 3:46 PM said:
Hillary Clinton said, on Nov 29, the Chinese had threatened to claim Hawaii as a Chinese territory in a meeting during the recent East Asia Summit.
Clinton, rightly, told the Chinese to f-off, diplomatically.
The standard propaganda line from the Chinese, "You (the US) annexed Hawaii in the 19th century, purchased Alaska, etc. Learn history!"
This is an irrelevant point. The only relevant point is whether the people of Hawaii wish to be part of the US. They do.
Where a population is held hostage against their will? Tibet.
The article shows what the Chinese are about to do to their neighbors next.
中国人用标准的宣传辞令:“你们美国人在19世纪吞并夏威夷,购买 阿拉斯加州 等等,学学历史”
这根本就没有什么关联性 ,关键要看夏威夷人民是否希望成为美国的一部分,而他们确实希望。

Bob William Knight
on Dec 1, 7:52 PM said:
@HawaiiReally?: people oh Hawaii do not wat the U.S.there

on Dec 1, 4:00 PM said:
Their position seems much more than the US's position regarding the invasion, occupation of Iraq or for that matter, most of the US positions over the last decade plus
他们的立场似乎比美国人立场更适合考虑入侵占领伊拉克或者其他什么的, 就此而言,这就是美国在过去十几年所做的事情

mary pham
on Dec 1, 6:17 PM said:
@MG: So that is a Chinese justification? 2 wrongs will make 1 right? Shame !


Paul Johnson
on Dec 1, 4:45 PM said:
Whoever put that claims chart together must be colorblind. Why would you use the same brown color for Taiwanese land, and Indonesian land? Are the PRC and Taiwanese claims coextensive, because there are no brown claim lines drawn in?

on Dec 1, 5:13 PM said:
are we going to let China put smaller countries around?
WE are the only country that gets to push other countries around!

Editors' Picks

henry ford (此评论为BI网站编辑推荐评论)
on Dec 1, 6:11 PM said:
Not only that Brunei is along way from China, Chinese claim even extends 500+ km further south into area between EEZ's of Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia. This map was first surfaced in China by the nationalists in 1947 as an 11 dash ( cow tongue ) drawing of ancient Chinese commerce tracings, bearing no claim of sovereignty. In fact, even Taiwanese ( nationalists ) and Chinese maps printed before 1960's indicated the southern most point of Chinese territory is Hainan island.Additionally, while Brunei, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam all occupied 1 or more islands in these waters, China never had ownership of even 1 islands until 1974 and 1988 when their navy attacked Vietnam and took control of some islands. The first time China officially showed this map, internationally was in 2009 to meet a deadline of UN Laws of the Sea Conference. No explanation and detail was given as to whether or not China disputed other claims and/or staked a claim for this sea. Since then, Chinese militia fishing boats and heavily armed navy vessels have harassed fishermen, oil survey ships... militarizing the region, building army bases, issuing passports with disputed map as part of China and now, this decree, attempting to violate international laws concerning freedom of navigation. While the affected countries are arming themselves as well as pushing for diplomatic resolutions, they are not making progresses against the relentless Chinese assault. It's time for the civilized international communities to organize a more effective opposition to this lawless behavior. A bully China will only step back when faced with superior strength and united forces.
不仅远离中国的文莱, 中国甚至还在马来西亚,新加坡以及印度尼西亚的专属经济区内多延伸了500多千米的领海范围,这个地图是在1947年被国民党绘制的,作为一个打了11个折(牛舌)(指转了好多弯)的中国古代商贸航线并没有体现宣称主权。事实上,即便是台湾的(国民党)和中国的在60年代之前印制的地图也表明海南岛才是中国最南端的领土(海南岛以南的部分都不属于中国)。
此外,文莱,马来西亚,印度尼西亚,菲律宾和越南在这片水域占领一个或多个岛屿额时候, 中国在南海上从来就没有拥有过任何岛屿,只有在1974年和1988年的时候,中国海军袭击越南时,中国人才控制了一些岛屿。2009年在联合国海洋法会议的最后期限,中国官方才第一次向国际社会展示了这个地图。并不清楚中国是否对这片海有其他的主权宣称。从那时起,中国武装渔船和重武装的海军船只就骚扰渔民和石油勘探船,,,,,,,将该区域军事化,建立军事基地,现在颁发有争议的中国地图护照, 而中国最新公布的这个法令违反了有关自由航行的国际法 。受影响的国家正在武装自己并推动外交解决,但他们并没有采取有效措施抵御住中国无情的袭击。是时候文明的国际社会组织起来抵御这个无法无天的行为,霸道的中国只会在面对更强的和联合起来的力量后才会后退

Bully Americans
on Dec 2, 8:37 AM said:
@henry ford: A bully Untied States will only step back when faced with superior strength and united forces and that is why Iran wants nukes. Shameless Americans screwed the world 100x over and no one is holding them accountable. G. Bush should have been tried as a war criminal for attacking Iraq and let the US soldiers raped and tortured. Disgusting white men !
霸道的美国只有在面对更强的和联合起来的力量前才会后退,这就是为什么伊朗想要核武器,不要脸的美国人#请文明用语#了这个世界100X,没人能够让他们负起责任, 乔治布什侵略了伊拉克,让士兵们强奸,肆虐,所以他应该被判刑才对。 恶心的白人

on Dec 1, 6:27 PM said:
When China was weak other countries took their lands. Now that China is strong, China wants their lands back.

Dan Dinh
on Dec 3, 3:50 AM said:
@robert123: The Southeast Asia Sea is never in history as a part of China so how come they want it back whether it is weak or strong?

Tak Masa
on Dec 1, 6:38 PM said:
The ambition of China to expand territorial possessions beyond the border is obvious.
China’s imperialism backed with powerful military forces including nuclear warhead is the greatest threat to the bordering nations including Japan.

Chinese demonstrators shouted the demand for extermination of Japanese people with nuclear attacks.
It was very scary.
Therefore, Japanese began to feel the necessity of possessing own nuclear defense force.

on Dec 1, 7:55 PM said:
@Tak Masa: "The ambition of China to expand territorial possessions beyond the border is obvious."?!!
China is ambition in south China Sea??? My God. China is in her own China Sea is ambition??? It is China Sea. YOU ARE CLAIM SOME ONE AMBITION IN HIS OWN HOUSE.
Japan (WWII Criminal) feel uncomfortable?!! Is China take Japan Sea?
Tak Masa:"中国超越边界扩张领土的野心很明显“?!!中国在南中国海有野心???上帝呀,中国在她自己的海域被称作野心???这是中国海,你称一个在自己房子里人为有野心。
日 本二战罪犯感觉不舒服了?!! 是中国占了日本海么?

Millie Cooper
on Dec 1, 9:33 PM said:
@Tak Masa: "Chinese demonstrators shouted the demand for extermination of Japanese people with nuclear attacks"
That's exactly what American rednecks wanted to Afghanistan.

mark murphy
on Dec 1, 11:45 PM said:
@samxy: South China Sea is just a geographical referenced point, used by the Western ocean travelers 1500-1600's time frame. Sea names don't necessarily associate with ownership, for example Indian ocean is not owned by India. South China Sea is called East Sea by Vietnamese and West Philippines Sea by the Philippines. Please read some other books beside Chinese's to learn facts.

Read books
on Dec 2, 8:40 AM said:
@mark murphy: Vietnam did not exist until the Yuan dynasty.

mark murphy
on Dec 2, 6:26 PM said:
@Read books: Vietnamese identity as being tribal dated back to 2900 BC, occupying areas of now western coast of Hainan, coastal part of Guangdong and most of modern north Vietnam. Always pressured by ancient China, this Viet identified tribe survived, expanded. merged and migrated south along the coast line of what's now South China Sea. Along this 5,000 years of history ( 1,000 of which was ruled as Chinese colony and 3,000 years self-ruled but subordinated to imperial China by calling itself, small kingdom ), Vietnam declared nationhood in 1009 with the name Dai Viet or Great Viet and the king elevated to Emperor, equal status with China. Hanoi just celebrated 1,000 years being the capitol of that nation in 2009. The name Vietnam ( or the Viet of the south in Vietnamese ) was 1st introduced in 1802 by Gia Long Emperor after absorbing the nation of Champa ( now central Vietnam ) and part of Khmer empire ( now Cambodia ).
Regardless of how you defined nationhood, Vietnam can relate back to thousands of years of nation forming and exists officially as a independent but small empire since 1,009, long before Chinese Yuan dynasty of 1271.
越南作为部落历史能够被追溯到公元前2900,占据了现在的海南西海岸,广东海岸的部分地区和现在北越的大部分。期间一直被古中国所压制,越南作为部落幸存,扩张,合并,沿着现在的南中国海岸线向南移民。有着5000年历史的越南(其中1000年被中国人统治殖民, 3000年独立,但是以小藩国的名义从属于中华帝国)在1009年宣布独立,名字叫Dai Viet或者叫Great Viet(大越),国王晋升为皇帝,和中国地位持平。2009年河内庆祝了作为国家首都的1000年庆典。越南这个名字是嘉庆皇帝在吸收了占婆(现越南中部)和高棉帝国的部分地区(现柬埔寨)之后册封的。(实际情况为:1802年,阮福映在法国支持下灭西山朝,建立阮朝,之后接受中国清朝的嘉庆帝的更改册封为“越南国王”,正式建立新国号为“越南”。) 无论你怎么定义建国,根据官方越南作为一个小的帝国独立都能追述到1009年, 比1271年的元朝帝国还要早

on Dec 1, 6:42 PM said:
Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guantanamo, Guam, Saipan, Wake, Midway, Johnston....

All hope is lost
on Dec 2, 2:56 PM said:
@crusader80: Did anyone see the video of a US senator talking about sending more troops to Guam? Its hilarious, its a small island and if you send too many troops the island might CAPSIZE !!
Hank Johnson (Congress D-GA) - Warns Guam May Capsize
美国 的一个参议员 谈论派更多的军队进入关岛的视频有人看过么?这真令人捧腹。你要是往这样一个小岛派驻这么多军队,它可能会倾覆!!
Hank Johnson(Congress D-GA) -警告关岛可能会倾覆

end the wars
promote to the Board Room. on Dec 1, 7:32 PM said:
Good for china, hell the u.s. t hinks it owns the water off of iran, and every other country in the world, so what the hell why shouldnt china follow the u.s. example at least the south china sea is in the chinese area of influence where as the neocons in the u.s. gov think everything in the world is their domain, good for china.

ha ha ha ha
on Dec 2, 8:42 AM said:
@3d: You are the one who needs to crawl out of your red neck parents basement.

end the wars
on Dec 2, 11:05 AM said:
@3d: So it is ok for the u.s. to have over 800 military bases world wide , many of which surround iran , and its is ok for the u.s. to send aircraft carriers right off the shores of any and every country in the world, and when china moves to protect its sphere of influence everyone in the neocon dual israeli controlled u.s. gov aka puppet of israel, they have a shit fit, I personally would like to see china send this aircraft carrier right into the gulf of mexico, the u.s. gov is nothing but a rouge war machine.
美国在世界范围内有800个军事基地就ok!?而且许多还围着伊朗,美国派航母全世界四处游弋就ok? 当中国开始采取行动保护的自己的势力范围的时候 则影响到了每一个双面犹太人保守党,这些人控制着美国政府作为以色列的傀儡,他们就能干些P事,我个人更希望看见中国航母开进墨西哥湾,而美国政府只不过是个烧红了的战争机器

on Dec 1, 7:48 PM said:
Nine dash line was in 1940 Chinese map. Who ruled China then? It is not by CCP then for sure. Why no one complained then? Why China do something in SOUTH CHINA SEA bother the country which is thousands mile away? Look the most recent 300 year history book, it is China suffer from West Powers and Japan.
1940年的九段虚线地图 ,这时候谁在统治中国,肯定不是CCP, 为什么当时就没有人抱怨呢? 为什么中国在南中国海做事的时候会骚扰到上千英里远的国家?看看最近300年的历史书,中国一直都在被西方列强和日本欺负。

China only take back whatever islands which were belong to her for hundred years. What is problem for America? China do not take Texas from Mexico, do not make New Mexico state, China do not start WWII. In this world "Free Press" to make robber as justice person, to make WWII war criminal Japan as victim. Let open Republic of China (Taiwan) map to see where is the Chinese territory. The largest Island in south china sea is still under Republic of China.

Tak Masa
on Dec 1, 8:39 PM said:
It is said that Mao Tse-tung, Chinese infamous communist despot, had invaded Tibet in 1949, murdered several million Tibetan people, and had murdered their own 70 million people on the Great Leap Forward started in 1958 and the Cultural Revolution launched in 1966.
Tibetan people are still suffering from Chinese occupation, and nearly 70 young monks have performed self-burning for protest to Chinese brutal suppression.
The great tragedy in Tibet executed by Chinese communist tyranny is now under way in your face.
中国有名的GCZY暴君MAO在1949年入侵了XZ,杀死了上百万的XZ人, 1958年的大跃进和1966年的WG总共杀害死了7000万的中国人 。


on Dec 2, 12:29 AM said:
The Chinese are not worried about fishing boats from Brunei.
China realizes that, in order to reach their ultimate goal of eliminating any US naval presence in the East Pacific, they must first have uncontested control of the near zones.
The immedaite goal is the seizure of Taiwan.
Over time, this zone of control will expand. The Phillipine's Luzon Island, South Korea and Japan's Kyushu Island are ALL in the crosshairs.
Remember, only America's pacifists and "progressives" have renounced war.


Tak Masa
on Dec 2, 5:51 AM said:
The indirect aggression to Taiwan by China almost gets closer to completion. A large quantity of Chinese immigrants got into Taiwan, and three of four Taiwanese main newspapers already went over to the hand of the Chinese capital. Thus, China came to be able to manipulate Taiwanese public opinion freely. The Ma Ying-jeou government is expected to enter the Chinese complete reign without war soon.



On the other hand, China has the outright intention to steal Okinawa that is a territory of Japan. Several Okinawa-based newspapers of the left wing ruled over by Chinese covert operatives are agitating for the opposition movement to the United States Armed Forces which are stationed in Okinawa.
Interesting news was reported recently that a high ranked Chinese official suggested to Secretary of State Clinton even Hawaii is a Chinese territory.
There is no end to the ambition for expanding territories of China.
China is the Nazi of the 21st century, and she has become the world most hated nation.


Japan was and still is the Nazi of the Oreint
on Dec 2, 1:28 PM said:
@Tak Masa: What does Taiwan's passport say?? It is the Republic of China!!! Its constitution is to reunite back with China. People in Taiwan want to go back to China. What have you been smoking? You Japs should face up to your WWII crime and declare the truth about your aggression to the rest of Asian nations, the comfort women, biological warfare experiment in China, and so on.


@Tak Masa:台湾的护照上怎么写的??上面写的是中华民国(Republic of China)!这意味着他们将要和中国大陆重新联合。台湾的人们希望统一。你们日本人应该正视你们在二战中犯下的罪行,承认你们对亚洲国家的侵略,承认在生化实验中残害中国人,承认强征慰安妇等等事实!


Onkinawa is an independent nation prior to the invasion of Japan, and so is Dan Yu Tai Islands off Taiwan's coast, just look how far it is from Japanese main island.
You should put words in your mouth that there is no end to the ambition for expanding territories of Japan. Japan was and still is the Nazi of the 21st century, and she has been the world most hated thug.
冲绳在日本入侵以前是一个独立的国家, 而靠近台湾海岸的钓鱼岛之前也是一个独立的国家,看看这个岛屿离日本本土有多远吧 。

on Dec 3, 7:00 AM said:
@Japan was and still is the Nazi of the Oreint: Japan was and still is the Nazi of the Oreint
Japan was etc.
Why do polls consistently show 80-85% of Taiwanese do NOT want to "reunite" with China?
When is China going to admit to the 50 million deaths caused by Mao's policies during the Great Leap Forward? My wifes grandparents starved to death in Sichuan, the breadbasket of China.
Nobody likes present day China. Hong Kong people, Singaporeans, wherever, loathe Mainland Chinese people.
Reflect on this.

on Dec 2, 4:38 PM said:
China thinks it can see annex the South China Seas because it sees American as a declining world power. It is expanding into the vacuum.

寒铁 发表于 2012-12-7 13:13


银河WT 发表于 2012-12-7 14:36


沐霜 发表于 2012-12-7 19:23


大汉子民 发表于 2012-12-7 21:16


lezaiyisheng 发表于 2012-12-8 00:26


lezaiyisheng 发表于 2012-12-8 00:35


辰熙 发表于 2012-12-8 10:48

lezaiyisheng 发表于 2012-12-8 00:35 static/image/common/back.gif
有时候,真的希望日本能搞出核弹来——中国承诺不对无核国家使用核武器,这种承诺完全是对自己的一种束缚。 ...


方博爱 发表于 2012-12-8 17:34


dalian1122 发表于 2012-12-9 00:30



dalian1122 发表于 2012-12-9 00:37








许多国家出版的地图,也都将南海诸岛标注为中国领土,如1954、1961和1970年联邦德国出版的《世界大地图集》;1954至1967年苏联出版的《世界地图集》;1957年罗马尼亚出版的《世界地理图集》;1957年英国出版的《牛津澳大利亚地图集》、《菲利普地图集》和1958年出版《大英百科全书地图集》;1960年越南人民军总参地图处编绘的《世界地图》;1968年民主德国出版的《哈克世界大地图集》;1968年英国出版的《每日电讯世界地图集》;1968、1969年版,法国出版的《拉罗斯地图集》;1968年法国国家地理研究所出版的《世界普通地图》; 1972年越南总理府测量和绘图局印制的《世界地图集》;1973年日本平凡社出版的《中国地图集》。


kshi 发表于 2012-12-9 10:23




象牙 发表于 2012-12-9 12:57

kshi 发表于 2012-12-9 10:23 static/image/common/back.gif



象牙 发表于 2012-12-9 13:00

页: [1]
查看完整版本: 为何中国认为他能够吞并南中国海?