诺基亚 发表于 2012-12-19 11:50


                The leader ofJapan's Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) has vowed to take a tough stance interritorial disputes with China.


Shinzo Abe's comments come as exit pollsindicate a decisive victory for his party in Japan's general election.
He said he wanted to "stop thechallenge" from China over a chain of islands claimed by both countries.


Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda has concededdefeat and resigned as head of the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ).
The DPJ has been in power for three years.Japanese media said it had won between 55 and 77 seats in the 480-seatparliament, while the LDP had around 300.
The LDP's ally, the small New Komeitoparty, looks set to win about 30 seats, possibly giving the alliancea two-thirds majority in the lower house of parliament.
That would give Mr Abe the power toover-rule the upper house and help to break a deadlock that some say hasplagued the world's third biggest economy since 2007.
Mr Noda resigned from his party in the wakeof results, telling a news conference: I want to deeply apologise as I couldnot produce results."




The eight disputed islands are in the EastChina Sea, and known as the Senkaku islands in Japan and the Diaoyu islands inChina. They are uninhabited but strategically important.
Mr Abe said the islands were Japan's"inherent territory" and it was his party's objective was "to stopthe challenge" from China.
"We don't intend to worsen relationsbetween Japan and China," he said, adding that both sides "need toshare the recognition that having good relations is in the national interestsof both countries".
"China lacks this recognition a littlebit. I want them to think anew about mutually beneficial strategicrelations," he said.


Acknowledging Mr Abe's apparent victory,China's state-run Xinhua news agency warned that an "economically weak andpolitically angry Japan will not only hurt the country, but also hurt theregion and the world at large.
It urged Japan's leaders to take a"rational stand on foreign policy" rather than "pandering todomestic hawkish views and picking fights with its neighbours".


Mr Abe also told Japan's Nippon TV hewanted to deepen ties with Asian nations, including India and Australia, and toboost Japan's struggling economy.
"We have promised to pull Japan out ofdeflation and correct a strong yen. The situation is severe, but we need to dothis," he said


Sharpturn right


The LDP enjoyed almost 50 years of unbrokenrule until 2009. Mr Abe has already served as Japanese prime minister between2006 and 2007.
He is seen as a hawkish, right-of-centreleader whose previous term in office ended ignominiously amid fallingpopularity and a resignation on grounds of ill health.
The BBC's Rupert Wingfield-Hayes says thatas many predicted, Japan has taken a sharp turn to the right.

截止2009年,日本自民党连续执政将近50年。安倍本人也曾在2006-2007年间出任日本首相。安倍被认为是硬派且右倾的领导人,其上次任期却由于支持率下滑宣告终结,他本人也由于健康问题辞职。BBC的Rupert Wingfield-Hayes认为,正如很多预测所说,日本由此将急速右倾化。

The DPJ has struggledsince coming to power in 2009. Two prime ministers came and went before Mr Nodaas the party struggled to deliver amid the economic downturn and 11 March 2011earthquake and tsunami.
Mr Noda lost over his move to double salestax, something he said was necessary to tackle Japan's massive debt.


By contrast, Mr Abe has promised morepublic spending, looser monetary policy, and to allow nuclear energya role to play in resource-poor Japan's future despite last year's nucleardisaster at Fukushima.
But economists say there is little new inMr Abe's policies, or 'Abenomics' as they have been called. They have beenadopted by previous LDP governments without successfully renewing the Japaneseeconomy.


诺基亚 发表于 2012-12-19 11:51

(译注:HighestRated Comments( 40 of 179)评分最高的40条)

49. iShouldCoco
16TH DECEMBER 2012 - 19:32
>38. Rebecca Riot
>Park a U.S. carrier there.
>Regime China will soon back down &run away when the big boys
Would those be the same big boys whoinvaded Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan?
Was the world a better and safer place?
War makes loadsa money for themilitary-industrial complex. It kills many civilians and young soldiers.
What else does it contribute to 'civilisation'?


67. Bradford
16TH DECEMBER 2012 - 20:38
32. Dave1506
Rather presumptiousthat I don't know the history between these 2 countries.
And your point is ?
Are you suggesting that because of abuses70 years ago & beyond that the Chinese are justified in their current sabrerattling ?


65. Unicron
16TH DECEMBER 2012 - 20:37
Personally i like Japan, i play theirgames, listen to their folk-music, enjoy the odd anime film, i like the respectthey show for each other and for the elderly, i've even developed more thanjust a passing interest for their national sport Sumo.
Whatever happens i hope peace remains thestatus-quo for many years to come between Japan and it's neighbours.


106. Sampan
16TH DECEMBER 2012 - 22:31
Whatever the outcome of currentSino-Japanese relations, one thing; based on reading HYS readers opinions, isobviously and abundantly clear. The vast majority of BBC Website user will haveabsolutely no clue as to what is happening or why.
The total disconnect from reality is to behonest, painfully, toe curlingly embarrassing. Have I wandered intothe Twilight zone by accident?


125. Eikoyamashita
16TH DECEMBER 2012 - 23:06
I am a little worried that this articlegive British the impression that LDP's decisive victory is due to radicalizationof Japanese voters, and agree to fight against China.This wasn't LDP's electionslogan.
This time Japanese voters choose the partywhich is most focused on economic issues, and more realistic energy strategy,that is it. And most of the Japanese are aware of our war crime.


110. Marie
16TH DECEMBER 2012 - 22:38
For those who claim that the Japanese atorocitiesare wiped out from the Japanese text books, may I suggest that they learn aboutWarGuilt Information Programm staged in Japan by GHQ. Japanese knownothing but guilt and only in the last few years the likes of Shintaro Ishiharamade it possible for the Japanese to speak out against the current diplomaticconflicts with China.


(译注:“战争犯罪宣传计划”顾名思义。也被日本右翼称为洗脑计划。具体情况请用谷歌搜索“War Guilt Information”百度上没有)

54. Knut Largerson
16TH DECEMBER 2012 - 20:03
32. Dave1506
Study History?
Yeah right study history till you findsomething that fits your argument.
The ownership of several small Islands,Taiwan and the border with India are all disputed by China.
Oh and Tibet. What the Historical imperativefor China "owning" Tibet?


31. Little_Old_Me
16TH DECEMBER 2012 - 19:04
For each of the few examples throughouthuman history when bellicose rhetoric has helped defuse a situation how manydozens more are there where it has had the exact opposite effect...???


63. Trout Mask Replica
16TH DECEMBER 2012 - 20:23
I see UKIP polling as the 3rd party doesn'twarrent a mention anywhere on the BBC website. Isn't that censorship?"
When was the election? I must have missedit.


68. KG
16TH DECEMBER 2012 - 20:36
Most of Japanese people hesitate even todecorete the national flag to avoid to be considered as nationalists and youcan hardly hear the national anthem anywhere except in some sports event suchas Olympic games.
No matter which party wins, people don'tchange and no parties can lead people towards real nationalism.
Don't worry.


29. F1Hertz
16TH DECEMBER 2012 - 18:56
Human nature is the same in China, theformer Soviet Union, the West and everywhere else. It is this common groundthat ensures a world with conflicting ideas.


103. c_cat
16TH DECEMBER 2012 - 22:31
@74 Clem: "Japanese" is the wordyou're looking for. Your term is offensive and should be called out as such.And as for your history lessons, Japan was largely defeated in WW2 due to theefforts of the Chinese in the same way Germany was largely defeated due to thesacrifices of the Soviets (despite what Hollywood tells you). I'mreferring to the WINNING of the wars, not the final invasions.


77. TheTakeleySocialist
16TH DECEMBER 2012 - 21:16
Every time Capitalism hits a brick wallthey need a War to open up new international markets and to give defenceindustries a boost to kickstart the western economy.
Inoculate yourselves with this point of view, because the BBC and the rest will be portrayingit in a totally different way when it starts.


139. Ali
16TH DECEMBER 2012 - 23:36
Happen to be doing my dissertation rightnow on Chinese foreign policy being justified by their 'century of humiliation'.
It is certainly a complex issue, but a lotof this anti-Japanese sentiment has derived from the Chinese government usingtheir history to legitimize their regime. Neither side helps the situationhowever by cyclical demonization of the other. Hope for a peaceful resolution!


28. Digmen1
16TH DECEMBER 2012 - 18:56
We need to go back say 500 years to seewhich country visited or occupied the islands then.
Part of the problem is that the USA tookthe islands from Japan during WWII and then "gave them back" in the1970's.
So when did Japan occupy them?
We don't want to see sabre rattling bythese two very powerful countries.
And China should back off in the SouthChina seas islands.


14. RememberTS
16TH DECEMBER 2012 - 18:23
I just Japan now reasserts itself as thedominant economic power in Asia. The world would be a safer place if ademocratic and free country such as Japan is the chief economy in Asia. Chinais an international disgrace, full of nepotism and corruption, brutality andtorture, no freedom of speech or press, genocide in Tibet----a vile regimeamong the Beijing Gang. Good luck to Japan.


69. Hannarr
16TH DECEMBER 2012 - 20:44
According to Myname182's logic Indiacontrols everything in the Indian ocean, England controls everything in theEnglish channel and mexico controls everything in the gulf of Mexico. China'sinsane views on territory and international borders will have to come to a headeventually.


57. Aquiles
16TH DECEMBER 2012 - 20:06
"your grandfather was a murderer, doesthat make you a murderer?" Certainly not. is a good thing to remain Israelor the rest of the World that nowaday germans are not responsible for theirgrandparents crimes. So stop bashing the germans. But we must be at wacht thatanybody could be a new dictator, just as Eric Blair had once warned, even USA.


60. claussim
16TH DECEMBER 2012 - 20:15
China wants to be the bully in a"chinashop", taking over from Japan.
Time to read up on history!

继日本之后,中国想要成为瓷器店里的公牛吗?(译注:瓷器店= china shop)

164. Idra
China needs to sit down and chill, watchsome anime, read some manga and realise Japan is a really cool country.
Japan needs to enter a chinese restaurant,eat some incredible chinese cuisine that leaves you feeling warm and awesomeinside, and realise China is a really cool country as well.


152. Rich
How do you say Falkland Islands inJapanese?


154. Engulfed Object
@jkinjapan All those of you that keepsaying "Japan is a peaceful nation" clearly have no idea about Japanand probably never been here...The reality is a corrupt-xenophobic-racistsociety.
I've been to Japan twice. You don't thinkChina is xenophobic? What, are you a gaijin living in Japan that feelsmistreated? Stop the passive aggressiveness and you'll get treated better.


163. De_Jure
I first came to Japan 19 years ago. I havelived and worked with Japanese & my wife is Japanese. I think I understandthem well. Lovely people. I also know how much they give to the world incharitable donations, financial aid to China too, & a government body thatsupports developing countries. They are the first to donate when there is anatural disaster. It reflects the Japanese character.


58. Dragonwight
16TH DECEMBER 2012 - 20:10
I hope for all concerned that the partiesconcerned can resolve their differences peacefully and fairly. It would be amistake for the newly emerging power that China is becoming to underestimatethe resolve of the Japanese people. This is a country that survived a terriblewar and the only nuclear attack ever conducted to become a leading democraticindustrial nation.


52. De_Jure
16TH DECEMBER 2012 - 19:56
If your grandfather was a murderer, doesthat make you a murderer? That is what you have said. Out of all the countriesI have lived Japan stands out because of the people and some of the mostpeaceful, considerate and sincere I have ever met. An eye for an eye overbecause of history will get nowhere. If it does then the Chinese have the bloodover over a million Tibetans on their hands


53. helo thar
16TH DECEMBER 2012 - 20:01
Oh yay, a right wing nationalist, that'sbound to go well. Didn't Germany have one of those in the 40s?


66. IanS
16TH DECEMBER 2012 - 20:37
What about allowing comments on the latestUSA killing spree?
Can't do it on the BBC.


48. Aquiles
16TH DECEMBER 2012 - 19:29
There must be a dream in wall street that aworld war would solve their problems


43. Trollslayer
16TH DECEMBER 2012 - 19:20
39 - this is also about the oil in theregion as well as military control.


3. Northern1
16TH DECEMBER 2012 - 17:42
To say that Japan is weak is to overlookthe underlying credentials, it has in fact performed very well for an advancednation, better than most in Europe and North America. Its problems will beChina's in 20 years when its population bubble bursts. China needs to be lessantagonistic or risk alienating Asia as Russia did Europe. Sadly they tend topander to nationalists to keep dissent at bay.


27. Bradford
16TH DECEMBER 2012 - 18:51
Having just returned from a business tripto China, there is a strong anti-Japanese sentiment. Nationalism in China isgrowing & many popular TV series are military based & nearly always theenemy is Japan. The Chinese honestly believe their armed forces are the best inthe world & there is an unreal understanding of nuclear war.
A war between Japan & China reallywouldn't surprise me.


33. GNJC
16TH DECEMBER 2012 - 19:08
@13 Daft comment in re' Japan's bad warrecord. You'll find it difficult to give anyone a fair chance since it is hardto think of a country that hasn't done something we would now think of aswrong, even some regarded as paragons of 'peace.' What matters is now, not whata current generation's grandparents did; and now China is a genocidaldictatorship that needs its boundaries made clear to it.


34. Aquiles
16TH DECEMBER 2012 - 19:11
USA was a good Great Game player, they knowthat the islands are part of Taiwan which China ceded to Japan after theSino-Japanese war in 1895. After 1945 they just turned Taiwan to China andseeing the comunist took power there, the americans just gave its back to Japanin the 70s. Is a classical "Apple of Discord". Unfortunately, sinceBush, the americans are losing the touch of great player



21. F1Hertz
16TH DECEMBER 2012 - 18:43
Perhaps the disputed islands should bedestroyed so there is nothing to fight over.


140. Profcynic
16TH DECEMBER 2012 - 23:40
My point was that economics may have verylittle to do with it. The PRC has used anti-Japanese sentiment as anation-building tool, but now faces the possibility that it's backing itselfinto a corner. The choice may be a limited conflict on uninhabited islands vsmass popular insurrection at home. Experience shows mobs will trash Japanesebusinesses even if they provide Chinese jobs.


113. tksr1
16TH DECEMBER 2012 - 22:44
the nature of the global economy todaymeans that you have very little to gain out of a conflict. additionally, peoplecan learn from history. moreover, as much as the chinese government isdemonised here in the west, they are not Mao's group of ideologists and no fullwell the potential mutual devastation of nuclear war. unless thisissue is sidestepped, war is not an option


128. Marie
16TH DECEMBER 2012 - 23:11
Since the discussion seems to be on thedisputed island (which,by the way is the last thing in the mind of the Japanesein voting Abe thus remotely related to this 2012 election), I say this. TheJapanese are more than happy to refer all the cases to the International Courtof Justice.China is not.


120. Giles Jones
16TH DECEMBER 2012 - 22:58
At least they're not saying their god toldthem to go to war. Religion is thankfully absent in these disputes andtherefore something can be worked out diplomatically.


121. Marie
16TH DECEMBER 2012 - 23:00
I look at BBC and its headline is"China". I look at NHK and it's head lines are "economicrecovery, recovery from Tokai earthquake, TPP, taxation". As Japan stillrecovers from the 2011 Tsunami and earthquake, China is the last issue in theirmind. Abe would not have won if he prioritised China.


83. Aquiles
16TH DECEMBER 2012 - 21:32
Rebecca Riot
Please no more war talk. Just let theHumankind have some Peace, could you?


xkymax 发表于 2012-12-19 13:26

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