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发表于 2012-12-20 01:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
[原文标题]Opinion:China's postive spin on Afica
[登载媒体]CNN(作者:Harry Verhoeven&Iginio Gagliardone)


编者按:哈里·费尔赫芬(Harry Verhoeven)是牛津大学政治与国际关系学院的博士后研究员,也是牛津大学中国-非洲网络(OUCAN)的发起人.伊吉尼奥·加利亚多内(Iginio Gagliardone)是牛津大学比较媒体法及政策影响项目的研究人员.





从安哥拉的油田,达喀尔的市场,刚果的矿井,再到内罗毕的新闻编辑室,供给和需求的中枢正在重新配置,文化的对抗也在撼动着社交圈,不寻常的政治联盟也不断涌现.媒体的新发展提供了一个有趣的镜头来定义日益复杂的中非事务,尤其强调权衡和学习曲线(the trade-offs and learning curves).






中国严密的媒体控制就是非洲报道的一个映像,比如,非洲的正面新闻不会质疑北京与邪恶政权,比如罗伯特·穆加贝(Robert Mugabe)统治下的津巴布韦或是多斯桑托斯(Dos Santos)领导的安哥拉之间的关系,再比如,非洲的正面新闻只有极少数具有重要意义的研究性新闻,因为研究性的新闻必须确保非洲经济增长数据的真实,并且正面的新闻也不敢报道经济增长积累的财富集中在社会最顶层的1%的人身上.










Editor's note: Harry Verhoeven is Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Oxford's Department of Politics & International Relations and is the Convenor of the Oxford University China-Africa Network (OUCAN). Iginio Gagliardone is Research Fellow at the Programme in Comparative Media Law and Policy at the University of Oxford.
(CNN) -- Last week, Beijing's leading English-language newspaper, China Daily, begun publishing a weekly Africa edition, focusing on financial news and targeting Africa's growing middle class.
Earlier this year, China's international broadcaster, CCTV, launched an impressive media operation in Africa, producing one hour a day of content from the continent as well as feature programs on African affairs, through a newsroom of more than 40 Chinese and 70 African staff members.
Both initiatives add to the more established activities of China's news agency, Xinhua, which in recent years has deepened its partnerships with African media outlets and provides them with news from across the world as well as from the dozens of African countries where it has correspondents.
Can China tell the African story?
The lightning growth of Chinese media is part of the dramatic expansion of the presence of Chinese diplomats, peacekeepers, commercial actors (state-owned or private) and ordinary citizens that has been transforming the African continent in the last 10-15 years
From Angola's oilfields and Dakar's markets to Congo's mines and Nairobi newsrooms, supply and demand centers are being reconfigured, cultural encounters are shaking social networks and alternative political alliances are emerging. The new developments in the media offer an interesting lens to highlight the trade-offs and learning curves that define the increasingly complex China-Africa story.
In a context of Africa's growing importance to the global economy, Chinese media present a radical challenge to Western style journalism.
As was highlighted at a recent conference at Oxford University, Chinese news media are seeking to compete with players such as CNN and Al Jazeera, but they are rolling out what they claim is a different approach to journalism. What Chinese media are offering to Africa is "positive reporting," a style of journalism that focuses on collective achievements rather than divisive issues like political crises or sensational negative news like famines.
Their message is that Africa, similarly to China, has received too much negative publicity in the Western-dominated global media. In this view, Chinese and African voices are finally finding ways to tell their own stories which offer a healthy correction to stereotypes of Africa as the "hopeless continent," with endless wars, HIV and hunger.
The Africa of today, while still consumed by many intractable problems, is no longer the Africa of the 1990s: Millions of Africans are seizing on unprecedented opportunities to build new lives.
This optimistic message about Africa turning a corner has faced criticism on different fronts. One of the most pertinent charges is that "positive reporting" fails to deliver on one of the main mandates of journalism: acting as a watchdog and keeping those in power in check, rather than praising them for their successes.
The tight controls on the media landscape that dominate public debates in China are being mirrored in coverage of Africa, which does not question Beijing's ties with unsavory regimes like Mugabe's Zimbabwe or Dos Santos's Angola, and which does little of the important investigative journalism that is required to ensure Africa's real economic growth does not just accrue to the top 1% in society.
Read related: Is the West losing out to China in Africa?
Yet however justified the questioning of uncritical positive reporting about African economies and their political regulators is, the main risk of reporting Africa is not simply on the tone of the reporting: rather, it is the ability to shed clichés and use the resources available to promote a better knowledge of the continent.
A major potential pitfall is that an equally stereotypical positive image will substitute a stereotypical negative image of Africa. There is a crowd of self-appointed experts of the continent who are reinventing clichés to stress Africa's untapped potential, when just a few years ago they were the propagators of a relentless Afro-pessimism.
This is unhelpful in terms of understanding what is happening in dynamic but confusing countries like Ethiopia, Nigeria or Mozambique. Nor can it be considered empowering for ordinary Africans who will continue to feel that media coverage ignores the complex dilemmas, challenges and opportunities they face as the continent tries to reinvent itself.
Read related: The Africans looking to make it in China
A second major danger lies in a creeping ideologization of the debate: An opportunity to bring new energy to the debate on how to produce good journalism risks being wasted by entrenchment of old positions and repetition of sterile debates.
The Cold War world witnessed a battle between positive and negative reporting that did not do much good to journalism. Western-style journalism risks being complacent and stressing its moral superiority in supporting "investigative work" while not realizing that uncovering corruption in Africa and not having the resources to follow up on that story will produce little or no results, apart from praise to the brave (probably white, middle aged) journalist who reported it.
Similarly, Chinese journalists may feel too attached to their idea of telling upbeat stories that they will miss many opportunities to learn about the complexities of the continent. That is a shame, because Chinese media would gain enormous international respect -- and a strong bond with African media consumers -- if they were able to expose corruption cases in which Chinese companies and individuals are involved.
We believe that in today's rapidly changing Africa, there is great room for experimentation and mutual learning: the continent could be at the forefront of an overdue exercise in soul searching by the international media, whether Asian, Arab, African or Western.
Above all, we expect that China will not just continue to reshape Africa in the coming years, but that Africa itself will force the likes of CCTV and Xinhua to participate in more intensive internal and external discussions about freedom of expression, the links between media, human rights and development, and the commercial durability of an artificial good news show.
As China engages Africa through the media, it is also in turn engaged and forced to think critically about itself: the greatest geopolitical force for change on the continent could find itself more changed than it originally signed up for.

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发表于 2012-12-20 02:12 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-12-20 09:39 | 显示全部楼层


维基百科有这个词的中文译法,是"国际广播."俺觉得CCTV不是广播,所以以为跨国的媒体'.一时词穷,没想到国际化这个词...  发表于 2012-12-20 20:11
原文是international broadcaster,翻译为"国际化新闻媒体"的确比"跨国媒体"准确.谢谢  发表于 2012-12-20 20:09




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紫玉炎华01 发表于 2012-12-20 09:39

-化 有固定的表达,-zed
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