ZTeu218 发表于 2013-2-19 15:25


本帖最后由 ZTeu218 于 2013-2-19 15:26 编辑

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:onealonebaby 转载请注明出处

(CNN) -- Singaporeans don't normally gather in public protest. Decades of single party rule and an iron hand when it comes to dissent has shaped a somewhat meek public. But a proposal by the government to allow more immigrants to come to Singapore in the next few decades to make up for a population shortfall has emboldened citizens to go public.


On Saturday, several thousand Singaporeans gathered in a small downtown park near an area known as "Speaker's Corner" to vent their anger. Organizers estimated the crowd to between 3,000 and 4,000 and said it was the largest gathering since post-independence Singapore in 1965. Singapore police told CNN they don't give crowd estimates.


At the heart of the issue is a so-called "White Paper on Population" recently issued by the government that proposes allowing the population to rise from 5.3 million to as high as 6.9 million by 2030 in order to keep the economy growing and to keep it a magnet country for business.


The government also says foreigners are needed to take care of the country's own rapidly aging population.


Protesters on Saturday insisted they didn't fear foreigners but worry about the loss of Singaporean jobs to foreigners, depressed wages and overcrowding that has taxed Singapore's infrastructure, including housing and transportation. Protesters also say the government's plans will make them a minority in their own country.


"Imagine a place where you can be a stranger in your own home," a protester said.


Like many developed nations, not enough people are having babies. For more than three decades, the country's fertility rate has been below replacement level, meaning Singaporeans aren't having enough babies to replace themselves. This has had a huge impact on a tiny country striving to be a booming economy.


The government has relied on foreigners to fill executive ranks, as well as to perform low-wage jobs from construction to cleaning. While the country is one of the world's wealthiest, it also has an enormous income disparity between rich and poor. Protesters say Singaporeans would have more babies if they were more confident of their economic prospects, and that the government should rely less on cheaper foreign labor and improve the wages of Singaporeans.



mira path ? a day ago
Well done, my fellow Singaporeans! Outsiders will not understand the import of this protest - the fear barriers that are being overthrown- but we are finally taking baby steps to democracy.


dcepalewismira path ? 5 hours ago ?
Why you so like dat? Can, Can anyhow can. Scold them up and down!

(回复mira path)你就这么喜欢?不管怎样,我们能够,骂他们个狗血喷头!
Lexxvs ? 19 hours ago ?
The idea that economy growth is sacred and depended on population growth is faulty. No one can sustain such logic for the future of countries or the planet. It's like burning bits of your house to get through the winter, one day you have no house, but still a winter to face.


DCLexxvs ? 10 hours ago ?
But it's a fallacy that so many governments subscribe to. Russia and Japan to name but two. If economic growth was dependent on population size then India, Indonesia, Pakistan etc would be the strongest economies (along with China, USA etc).

There is a difference between size of economy and strength/health/security of economy. People's living standards, quality of life and happiness should be prioritized over the size of the economy.



Hasie ? 21 hours ago ?
Long live Singaporeans! We have the right to say No for once after keeping quiet for so long... This is our homeland...this is our Singapore! 3-4K protest turnout is better than 0 protest. :)


shad shad ? a day ago ?
Please do not become like U.K or France or Holland or Sweden or Norway where there are many no go zones controlled by Immigrants from Middle East, Pakistan, Turkey, etc.


Johnny_Walshshad shad ? a day ago ?
I think it is too late for that. Immigrants and foreigners tend to stay together. Initially, when their numbers were smaller, they mixed with the locals. But as their numbers are much bigger now, they tend to group together in enclaves. And Singapore is just a tiny island, so the situation is really bad.
But that is why Singaporeans are protesting. If this White Paper becomes a reality and the population hits 7 million, Singaporeans will become a minority in their own country. As it is, many foreign managers discriminate against citizens when it comes to hiring and employ their own nationals.

(回复shad shad)我认为那就太晚了。移民和外国人更倾向于住在一起。最开始,当他们人数较少时,他们和当地人一起住。但当他们现在人数足够多了,他们就倾向于在飞地群居而住。新加坡只是一个小岛,所以这种情况太不妙了。

SarahJohnny_Walsh ? a day ago ?
You are wrong because most Immigrants especially those from China and India(the large majority of immigrants) live in HDB flats. The government of Singapore ensures that HDB estates have a fair proportion of racial proportion as the national population; this has been done to prevent enclaves.
Furthermore, those immigrants who have been granted citizenship have to send their sons for National Service where regardless of race/origin/background Singaporeans form a solid bond.


Anita Lopezshad shad ? 20 hours ago ?
Please dont become like Australia and New Zealand where the white immigrants have shamelessly overpowered the local population.


EastAsianNationalistAnita Lopez ? 5 hours ago ?
Singapore isn't white. Save your stupid guilt and keep it in the west.

(回复Anita Lopez)

UnlikeYou ? 17 hours ago ?
I visited Singapore. Clean, quiet and safe. Certainly this would be eroded if immigration were to increase.


Baba LooeyUnlikeYou ? 7 hours ago ?
Singapore is rapidly reclaiming land from the sea. There will be plenty of room for new immigrants.


Daimler Altschuh ? 21 hours ago ?
If the stupid Singapore government have their way, Singapore will soon get overrun by PRC migrants.


Baba LooeyDaimler Altschuh ? 7 hours ago ?
Its your choice: produce more babies or face more immigration.

(回复Daimler Altschuh)你们自己选:生孩子或者接受移民者。

jonathanhuangDaimler Altschuh ? 15 hours ago ?
Singaporean is also Chinese, get yourself educated please!

(回复Daimler Altschuh)新加坡人也是中国人,多学习吧!

Ghadafi Husinjonathanhuang ? 14 hours ago ?
Singaporean is not Chinese..its a blend of chinese, malay, indian, eurasian....and the national language of Singapore is Malay and not Chinese...so go get yourself educated instead!


HSHMaximilianVonThurnUndTaxisGhadafi Husin ? 4 hours ago ?
What? The national language of Singapore is ENGLISH! You don't have to spend much time in Singapore to see how Singaporeans look down on Malaysians and view them as lazy subhumans, while at the same time envying their much lower cost of living, abundance of land, rich cultural traditions and their more relaxed, much happier family-centred lifestyle.

(回复Ghadafi Husin)什么?新加坡的当地语言是英语!在新加坡你不必花费太多时间就能看到新加坡人是如何俯瞰马来人,视他们为懒虫,与此同时却嫉妒他们物价低廉、土地充足、文化传统丰富,家庭生活更为放松与幸福。

Daimler Altschuhjonathanhuang ? 12 hours ago ?
You are the one that needs education. People of Chinese race are not all from PRC. Singapore born or Malaysia born Chinese have a distinct cultural difference from those of PRC, and they speak distinctly different dialects, and many of them don't speak mandarin. Singaporeans also have local born Indians, Malays, Eurasians, etc a mix pot.


Stefan WesselsDaimler Altschuh ? 11 hours ago ?
But let's be honest, Singapore has maintained a 70% Chinese population... so it is multicultural (and it goes to great lengths to remind us of this), but there is one dominant racial group. Oh and I think the official language in Singapore is money, um I mean English.

(回复Daimler Altschuh)让我们诚实一点,新加坡有70%的中国人……

Daimler Altschuh ? 21 hours ago ?
The Singaporean government has lost the plot, and have become disconnected with the Singaporeans. They have also become too arrogant and are ignoring the plight of the citizens. Time to dump them .


Singaporeans in general do welcome foreigners to this land but the current situation here is that there are NEW SINGAPOREAN CITIZENS(mainly from China) is marginalizing the local and destablizing our social system such demanding our local Singaporeans or other nationalities/races to speak to them in MAINLAND Mandarin only - Singapore is a multi-cultural and multi-racial society and environment, since independence in 1965, English is our official language and we Singaporeans speak with a mixed of dialects and languages...but with the influx of almost 1M PRC Communist Chinese...we felt all over the places in Singapore people here people there speaking MAINLAND CHINA Mandarin !!! While, the young talented PRC Chinese are here robbing our local jobs by undercutting pays, bribing the employing managers, selling sex(some females only) to secure their jobs besides arming with many qualification some fakes some genuine....here in Singapore our people are felt we are now living in a foreign land!!! If you are a frequent travel, try this when you travel to our Changi airport...you will known whether you are in Singapore and China...many ground staff are from China PRC!!! To the rest of the nations, be very wary about the people you are hiring in your country....your own country must come first before taking other immigrants...your future will be canniblaized in a very short time!!!
God blesses Singapore and the rest of those non-China influenced nations!!!!


Daimler AltschuhCHINA NOT EQUAL ALL CHINESE FO ? 5 hours ago ?
Yeah, and these new PRC migrants want to impose their way of living on other Singaporeans, like wanting to prevent the locals from cooking curry nd eating durians in their HDB apartments!

(回复CHINA NOT EQUAL ALL CHINESE FO)对,而且这些中国移民者还想把他们的生活方式强加到其他新加坡人身上,例如想阻止当地人在他们的政府组屋里做咖喱和吃榴莲!

Charles ? 12 hours ago ?
The most practical thing for these protestors to do is to go home and produce more babies. Need any help?


Part of this protest because there are too many PRC Chinese in Singapore. These PRC Chinese having hidden agendas & conspiring together to weaken this little island econonmically, socially and politically.....just with a 1M of PRC Chinese(Communist), politically, it will be enough to form its POLARIZED ACTION PARTY to overthrow the current ruling party and we suspect that these Communists had already infiltrated into our Singapore's government system and ruling party - mentally or physically!! We love peace and freedom....so please any supports from the USA will be welcome here to flush out those PRC Communists in our Singapore system - Singapore sits on a strategic location in SEA...the PRC Communists are eyeing it and trying to manipulate our Singapore government....so if there are any US political members do assist our people to confront our Singapore government on reviewing its "White Paper" please !!!


GeneticsCHINA NOT EQUAL ALL CHINESE FO ? 10 hours ago ?
Is china communist, really? Seems like they are just trying to accumulate wealth. But then, who isn't ? We are afraid of them because they are not as nice and polite, or because they are shrewd business people ....

(回复CHINA NOT EQUAL ALL CHINESE FO)中国共党,是真的吗?看起来他们只是想积累财富。但话说回来,谁不是呢?我们害怕他们是因为他们不友好不礼貌,或者由于他们是奸诈的商人……

Noah Hochman ? 20 hours ago
Congratulations people of Singapore for coming together to protest.
However the level of detest towards immigrants I'm hearing here is the same thing we have here in the US towards people from Asia and the Pacific.
I say YES to immigration, everywhere! If goods and jobs are allowed to move across boarders, if information can do the same, so should people.
Hope to see you so in my neighbourhood friends in Singapore!


Anti-AntiUSPropagandaNoah Hochman ? 18 hours ago ?
Our situation is entirely different.
(回复 Noah Hochman)我们的情况完全不同。

沐霜 发表于 2013-2-19 17:10

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查看完整版本: 新加坡人抗议政府移民计划:中共吞并新加坡,美利坚救我!