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发表于 2013-5-15 13:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
好吧,我从以前从不评论CNN,或任何其他论坛的事,因为在前五个帖子不知怎么回事就会变成关于宗教或政治的弱智争论,但在这个问题上我可以发表下意见因为我有第一手的经验。我住在Bosnia ,我在国家电信工作,所以我们带一些华为设备,和三星,诺基亚,黑莓HTC,但没有你们所说的果粉,苹果的兼容是众所周知的不好,所以我们还没有签订协议,但似乎每个人都和她们祖母都围绕着ipad,或phone,你不认为我们现在真的是在倒退么。形象就是一切,嬉皮士和果粉们从各处钻出。还有,我和华为或中国政府之间也没有协议,所以空闲的时候给我广告吧。不,我不是一个共产主义者,这只是纯粹的基于亲身实践的个人看法,给那些可能关心这个的人,不多不少。

  人们总是抱怨低标格和高价格,然后他们去买三星Galaxy S4,同时他们在讨厌华为,我只能说我不解释的鄙视你——华为正在通过真正的开发、真正像样的设备来努力的融入市场,而不是通过复制/偷的形式。我不知道在幕后发生了些什么,但最终的产品在你手中,除了华为的标示难以分辨和阅读以外,但这也是你能把它同其他的同类手机中区分开来的唯一因素。最近他们严重依赖于安卓,甚至我发现他们特别注意不使用Times New Roman作为默认字体,大众的、智能的操作系统,他们正在特别注意让它正确初始化。基于经验的个人看法,我再一次重复一遍,我尝试了许多设备,也用过这些设备,我的妻子有一个Y200,它是一个低端POS机,但它有着不可思议的实用性,工作起来甚至比我之前用过的HTC Desire S还好。我认为随着时间的推移,他们可能真的能在市场上占据相当的位置。我的意思是,当你浏览下一个设备,看到华为在货架上时,去拿起它,感受它,摆脱你对它第一印象的偏见,然后放下它去买你最想要的。在某些时刻你应该试试,你就会看到我想要表达的是什么。好吧,太长了,我要闪了,但我只是想提供我对这个“特定制造商”客观公正的想法。完了,闪人。


  Gregory Parker Desmond Kwang ? 2 days ago
  I'm the Apple spokesman you spoke to earlier. Your check is in the mail. Thanks for your support.


  Rofi Desmond Kwang ? 2 days ago
  I have never bought apple..oh yes I have, in a supermarket; fruits.

  我从来没有买过苹果?. .哦,是的我有,在一个超市,水果。

  Aholl Urang Rofi ? 2 days ago
  You sure that was an apple at a Chinese supermarket? Maybe rat meat posing as apple OK


  laoafei phyler ? 3 days ago
  Its natural. You get what you pay for. Huawei is selling its own products, so every penny you pay does go to the fabricator. If you buy an Apple product or Samsung, they are still fabricated in China, similar fabricator, but you need to pay extra fees to the brand owner. So its all your choice. BTW, if you spend $1 at sellers like Walmart, most likely, only a very small portion really goes to the fabricator, especially for those no-name brands. So think about it.


  allen'tian laoafei ? 2 days ago
  Made in China to become a trend, regardless of whether you agree with it or not.


  Guest allen'tian ? 2 days ago
  Chinese products were all DISPOSABLE like diapers.


  allen'tian Guest ? 2 days ago
  I think your idea is too one-sided, high-end manufacturing in China, if you are a businessman, may better understand the point.


  JBrodeth phyler ? 3 days ago
  I think that was an honest feedback. So yes, you had me seriously thinking of Huawei.


  WT phyler ? 2 days ago
  Actually the manufacturing plant of Huawei in Shenzhen is about a mile away from plants of Foxconn, the maker of iPhone. I guess there must be an underground tunnel connecting the two. When Huawei places the order, the slaves in the tunnel load the mine cars with smartphones and push towards Huawei. When Mr. Cook calls, they push the mine cars to the other direction.


  Zach phyler ? 2 days ago
  I do not know. Chinese copy all they put their hands on. But not only this, as other countries are discovering, the Chinese hack all they can in order to obtain military, industrial information. If they do not have scruples on this, how can I be sure their cell phones do not have some kind of hidden monitoring function? There should be something in there, because the US government forbid several government agencies from buying products from industry giants Huawei and ZTE because a Washington report said telecoms equipment from Huawei and ZTE, two of China’s most successful high-tech exporters, posed a national security risk. I prefer South Korean products.


  Vhortex Morpheus Guest ? 10 hours ago
  Sorry bro, my Lenovo phone is only $200 but on par with other high end phones and it was marketed as an entry level phone by Lenovo. That company is in Hongkong and the factories are in China but still it is more trustworthy than the iPhone 5. iPhone is now just a hype, no innovations or real improvements since Steve Jobs died.


  KarlosRegaza laoafei ? 3 days ago
  I started from Nokia to Sony Ericsson to HTC to Samsung then iPhone.
  iPhone is really different. The materials, software and workmanship is not comparable and now iPad Mini.
  US, European, etc. that were "Made in China" is no different for these brands that were made outside China if they just assemble the gadget or commodity in China. They were in China for that 1 billion market and cheap labor notwithstanding piracy issues.
  These foreign companies operating/investing in cheap labor in China were the ones funding the Chinese to be the 2nd world economy and a growing potential US rival militarily.
  China through its indepth corrupt and low quality orientation will never overtake other global companies. They have the money, the eagerness and the minerals but they can't be as trusted like Apple.

  我最早用诺基亚,然后索尼爱立信,到HTC,然后是三星,后面是iPhone 。    
  iPhone是真的与众不同。材料、软件和工艺不是其他的能比的,现在的iPad Mini也是。    

  crimsonbama phyler ? 4 days ago
  I think they make an ok phone but for the price, its very good value.
  Overall, berry is the best for business. Iphone is good for social purposes and Galaxy is a mix hybrid between berry and iphone.
  HTC probably has the best sound quality. If you're a music head, HTC is the way to go.
  HW is a downgrade from HTC and Galaxy but they cost significantly less. One good thing is, its easy to use and very practical for small business or just your everyday usage.
  If you don't care for watching movies or playing games on a phone, HW has the best value. If your work life depends on the phone, get a berry.


  Raymond Zhang phyler ? 3 days ago
  Dude, that's a lot of typing, that I don't want to read.


  toni murigi phyler ? 3 days ago
  you wrote another article full of useless stuff. you would have gone to the point, but it seems you dont hav one, apart from saying huawei is great.


  ??? ?? ???? phyler ? 2 days ago
  So I'll get the Waterproof one shipped to my address please! White looks good, can we get the screen projector integrated in its version 2? That will make it even more attractive :)


  THEGenuineOLiTWiST ? 3 days ago
  I remembered in the mid 2000's when Samsung and LG were a joke amongst the rock stars of Nokia, Nokia, Nokia and Motorola.


  Anti-AntiUSPropaganda THEGenuineOLiTWiST ? 3 days ago
  So the mainland Chinese are going to be the next big thing right? Because it's "your turn."
  That's not how it works. All those success stories were from free countries.


  sai kiran sharma THEGenuineOLiTWiST ? 3 days ago
  My personal experience says, chinese electronics goods worked better for me. Who the hell is going to buy overpriced Samsung and Apples. ack home in India I bought 3 Laptops made in Mainland China, damn good, damn cheap!


  BigSisterC ? 4 days ago
  Actually, they've been in Europe for quite some time and they are pretty decent, both in design and quality.


  guyoncognito34 ? 4 days ago
  In Canada, Huawei is distributed by Wind Mobile. I have one myself, never had a problem. It's a decent entry-level android phone; I just wish it had more internal storage, as many programs cannot be installed to an SD card.

  在加拿大,华为是通过Wind Mobile分布。我自己有一个,从来没有出过问题。它是一个合适的入门级的安卓手机,我只是希望它有更大的内部存储空间,很多程序不能被安装到SD卡上。

  TechCrazy guyoncognito34 ? 4 days ago
  Actually if you Root your phone you can use App2SD

  实际上如果你刷过机你可以使用APP 2 SD(译注:软件安装到SD卡上的应用)。

  .Walker ? 4 days ago
  They are providing what Apple provides cheaper. An Iphone is very expensive for a phone. Where do the proceeds go? Certainly not to the workers who produce it. Who cares who makes it. If you say Apple has better quality think again. I've an Iphone 5 which came out of the box with blemishes in the finish. I bought it because I wanted to know what the hype was about Apple. Every phone gets outdated after 2 years at the max. So buy cheap and upgrade often to enjoy technology is my motto. I'm not sure I would buy another Iphone.

  他们更便宜的提供了苹果所提供的。就手机来讲Iphone是非常昂贵的。收益去哪里了?当然不是生产它的工人。谁会在乎是谁制造的它。如果你说苹果有更好的质量,再想想。我买了一个Iphone 5,拿出盒子的时候发现上面有个污点。我买它是因为我想知道苹果大肆炒作的是什么。电话最多两年就变得过时了。所以我的座右铭是买廉价和经常享受升级技术的。我不确定我将买另一个Iphone。

发表于 2013-5-15 23:25 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-5-16 01:14 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-5-16 15:56 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-6-1 00:44 | 显示全部楼层
现在用的就是华为, 没想到会扯到这么深
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