Pentium_5 发表于 2013-12-4 19:40


本帖最后由 Pentium_5 于 2013-12-4 20:41 编辑

Hollywood star Paul Walker (right), who found fame with Vin Diesel inthe Fast & Furious film franchise, has died at the age of 40 in a car crash.       与凡·迪塞尔一起在《速度与激情》系列商业片中扬名的好莱坞影星保罗·沃克 (右)已于一起车祸中丧生,时年40岁。 Walker (left) started his movie career with supporting roles in fims including 2000's The Skulls, a drama about a murky secret society on an lvy League college campus. His other early moviesincluded Pleasantville, Varsity Blues and She's All That.

The Fast and the Furious became a major box office hit in the summer of 2001. Walker played undercore police officer Brian O'Conner, who was sent to infiltrate the world of illegal street racing. He and Diesel were named best on-screen team at the MTV Movie Awards in 2002.       2001年夏《速度与激情》荣登票房排行榜。沃克饰演一位打入非法街区飙车世界的卧底警官布莱恩·奥康诺。2002年他和迪塞尔在MTV电影奖上获最佳银幕搭档奖。 After the success of The Fast and the Furious, Walkerstarred with Jessica Alba as a diver who finds himself in danger in Into the Blue.
      在《速度与激情》 获成功后,沃克与杰西卡·阿尔芭主演《碧海追踪》,沃克在该片中饰演一位身处险境的潜水员。
Walker's other fims included 2006's Eight Below, playing a husky trainer who has to rescue his stranded dogs after a storm in the Antarctic.       沃克出演的其它影片包括2006年上映的《零下八度》,在片中饰演一位在南极暴风雪中营救受困的哈士奇犬的训犬员。

Meanwhile, the Fast & Furious franchise continued to gather pace as the exploits of Walker's character kept fans hooked.
The Fast & Furious series has become one of the most enduring franchises in Hollywood, making an estimated $2.4bn (£1.5bn) at global box office so far.    《速度与激情》系列片已成好莱坞最叫座的商业片之一,迄今为止已在全球预计创下了24亿美元(15亿英镑)的票房。
Themost recent instalment, the sixth, was released earlier this year and became the most successful yet. Filming has started on a seventh.        最近的一部,第六集,今年早些时候已经发布并成为目前为止最成功的一部。第七部的拍摄已经开始。
The star appeared on the catwalk as the Colcci fashion label unveiled its new season in Brazilthis spring. Walker had replaced fellow actor Ashton Kutcher as the brand's ambassador.        今春,影星出现在酷而稀(Colcci)在巴西举行的新季发布会的T台上。沃克已取代同道男演员阿什顿·库彻,成为该品牌的形象大使。

Pentium_5 发表于 2013-12-4 20:50

本帖最后由 Pentium_5 于 2013-12-4 20:55 编辑

The family of the Fast & the Furious has lost Paul Walker forever. No one can imagine what's going on next without his presence.
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