小雅川田 发表于 2014-1-9 11:00


新华网北京12月2日电(记者高敬、王希)英国首相卡梅伦2日表示,中英两国发展阶段不同,但经济互补性强,英国对来自中国的投资持开放态度,不会设置上限,同时也不会限制来自中国的留学生人数。    他是在出席此间举行的中英工商峰会时做出上述表态的。卡梅伦表示,现在已有500多家中国企业落户英国,过去18个月中国企业在英国的投资超过了前30年的总和。在电信、公共设施建设等领域,已经有华为等中国公司在英国进行竞争和投资。英国对来自中国的投资不设上限。    他说中国年均10%的增长速度维持了30多年,随着未来中国中产阶层规模的扩大,将会继续带来巨大的投资和贸易机会。在城镇化的过程中,中国也需要英国擅长的公共服务、医疗卫生、金融等领域的经验。    卡梅伦同时表示英国不会限制来自中国的留学生人数,只要他们有足够的英语资历,而且被英国大学接受,就可以获得在英国上学的机会。    中国贸促会会长万季飞在致辞中说,中英经贸合作是双边关系的重要组成部分,呈现了全面快速发展的良好势头,为双方工商界进一步加强经贸合作提供了广阔空间。    数据显示,2012年中英两国的贸易额达到了631亿美元,比上一年增长7.5%;今年仍然延续这一势头,增速明显高于中国与其他欧盟国家的贸易速度。双方的投资十分活跃,近三年中方对英国投资增长7倍多,英国在华设立的企业达到7000多家。    来自中国的企业家代表表示,中国的城镇化会给两国企业带来共同的商机,如在医药、节能和环境保护等方面,希望与英国的企业、研发机构等开展合作;同时,随着伦敦等城市人口增加,对于科技和新能源等方面的需求扩大,期待英国政府有更多政策支持中国企业走向英国。
UK Prime Minister: No Ceiling on Investments and Oversea Students from ChinaAccording to Xinhua on 2, Dec. UK Prime Minister Cameron said on 2, Dec. that there are some differences between China and Britain towards development stage, but economies are highly complementary. Britain keeps the open attitude towards Chinese investments as well as the popularity of Chinese oversea students. There is no ceiling.Cameron declared it when he was attending the China-UK Business Summit. He said there are more than 500 Chinese enterprises settled in Britain, and the investment of Chinese enterprises in the UK has exceeded the sum of the previous 30 years’ over the past 18 months. In telecommunications, public facilities and other fields, there has many Chinese companies, such as Hua Wei, taken part in competition and investment in Britain where does not set an upper limit for Chinese investment.Cameron said that China’s average annual 10% rate of growth has kept for more than 30 years; with the expansion of Chinese middle class’s scale in the future, China will continually bring vast investment and trade opportunities.In the process of urbanization, China also needs the experience on the field Britain specializes in, such as public services, health care, finance and other fields.Mr. Cameron said Britain will not limit the number of students coming from China at the same time, as long as they have enough English qualifications, and accepted by British universities, they can get the chance to attend school in the UK.President of CCPIT Wan Jifei said in his speech, Sino-British economic and trade cooperation are important parts of bilateral relations, showed a good momentum of rapid development, and provided a broad space for the business community to further strengthen economic and trade cooperation.Data shows that in 2012 the volume of trade between Britain and China reached $ 63.1 billion, increased 7.5% over the previous year. This trend still continues this year, and the growth rate is significantly higher than trade between China and other EU countries. The investment between the two sides is very active. Chinese investment in the UK grew more than seven times nearly past three years, and the number of the companies established by the UK in China has reached more than 7000.The entrepreneur representative from China said that China's urbanization will bring the common business enterprise to the two countries, they hope that they can cooperate with the entrepreneurs and the research institutes of England, in the aspects of medicine, energy saving and environment protection etc. Meanwhile, with the increasingly growing population in cities, like England, the demands of technology and new energy increase, and we expect that the government can put forward more new policies to support Chinese companies to come into British market.

换个地方 发表于 2014-1-12 10:56

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