满仓 发表于 2014-6-5 10:01

【外交政策 20140513】五角大楼的僵尸末日计划

本帖最后由 满仓 于 2014-6-5 10:03 编辑

【原文标题】Exclusive: The Pentagon Has a Plan to Stop the Zombie Apocalypse. Seriously.
【原文作者】Gordon Lubold




《外交政策》得到了军方机密电脑网络中泄露出的一份文件,文件编号“CONOP 8888”。这是一个僵尸逃生计划,指导军方指挥人员如何应对各类活死人造成的威胁——从鸡类僵尸到素食僵尸,甚至还有“邪恶魔法僵尸”,并最终摧毁他们。

CONOP 8888计划书的摘要部分写到:“这份计划为美国战略指挥部提供了虚拟的紧急应对方案,全面指引保护‘非僵尸’人类免受大群僵尸袭击的军事行动计划。由于僵尸对所有非僵尸人类的生命造成威胁,(战略指挥部)需要做好准备保护人类生命的神圣延续,目标是为保护所有人类群体——包括传统意义上的敌人——开展军事行动。”

CONOP 8888又名“反僵尸计划”,日期标注是2011年4月30日,这并不是一份搞笑的文件,目前还不是。就像作者在文件的“否认声明”部分所说:“制定这份计划其实并不是一个笑话。”


战略指挥部发言人、海军上校Pamela Kunze承认这份文件被存放在“安全的网络中”,但迫不得已地解释说,僵尸逃生方案仅仅是一个有创意的培训方式。她在一份邮件中说:“这份文件是室内培训课程的一个教学工具,学员们可以学到军事计划的基本理念,并在虚拟的培训场景中取得进步。这份文件不是美国战略指挥计划。”



CONOP 8888计划书中阐明了它的目的:“建立并维护预警方案,保护人类免受僵尸攻击。在必要的情况下,采取行动根除僵尸最人类安全造成的威胁。”计划在最后为“帮助民间机构维持社会秩序,在僵尸攻击期间和之后恢复社会稳定”提供了指导性意见。



CONOP 8888中提到:“尽管听起来有些荒唐,但这其实就是实际存在的僵尸种类。”所谓的“鸡类僵尸”就是指那些不能生蛋的老母鸡,被农民用一氧化碳实施安乐死,然后埋掉,之后它们又爬回地面。“鸡类僵尸看起来很恐怖,但它们似乎只会让人类变成素食者,这是对虐待动物行为的抗议。”






The U.S. military has always been the one place in government with a plan, forever in preparation mode and ready to yank a blueprint off the shelf for almost any contingency. Need a response for a Russian nuclear missile launch? Check. Have to rescue a U.S. ambassador kidnapped by drug lords? Yup, check, got that covered. How about a detailed strategy for surviving a zombie apocalypse? As it turns out, check.

Incredibly, the Defense Department has a response if zombies attacked and the armed forces had to eradicate flesh-eating walkers in order to "preserve the sanctity of human life" among all the "non-zombie humans."

Buried on the military's secret computer network is an unclassified document, obtained by Foreign Policy, called "CONOP 8888." It's a zombie survival plan, a how-to guide for military planners trying to isolate the threat from a menu of the undead -- from chicken zombies to vegetarian zombies and even "evil magic zombies" -- and destroy them.

"This plan fulfills fictional contingency planning guidance tasking for U.S. Strategic Command to develop a comprehensive to undertake military operations to preserve 'non-zombie' humans from the threats posed by a zombie horde," CONOP 8888's plan summary reads. "Because zombies pose a threat to all non-zombie human life, will be prepared to preserve the sanctity of human life and conduct operations in support of any human population -- including traditional adversaries."

CONOP 8888, otherwise known as "Counter-Zombie Dominance" and dated April 30, 2011, is no laughing matter, and yet of course it is. As its authors note in the document's "disclaimer section," "this plan was not actually designed as a joke."

Military planners assigned to the U.S. Strategic Command in Omaha, Nebraska during 2009 and 2010 looked for a creative way to devise a planning document to protect citizens in the event of an attack of any kind. The officers used zombies as their muse. "Planners ... realized that training examples for plans must accommodate the political fallout that occurs if the general public mistakenly believes that a fictional training scenario is actually a real plan," the authors wrote, adding: "Rather than risk such an outcome by teaching our augmentees using the fictional 'Tunisia' or 'Nigeria' scenarios used at , we elected to use a completely-impossible scenario that could never be mistaken for a real plan."

Navy Capt. Pamela Kunze, a spokeswoman for Strategic Command, acknowledged the document exists on a "secure Internet site" but took pains to explain that the zombie survival guide is only a creative endeavor for training purposes. "The document is identified as a training tool used in an in-house training exercise where students learn about the basic concepts of military plans and order development through a fictional training scenario," she wrote in an email. "This document is not a U.S. Strategic Command plan."

This isn't the first time zombies have been used to inspire trainers or the American public. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) built an entire public awareness campaign for emergency preparedness around zombies. "Get a kit, make a plan, be prepared," one CDC poster warns as a dead-eyed woman peeks over a blanket.

But the military appears to have come up with the idea first. And of course, should there be a zombie apocalypse, the military indeed has a plan.

CONOP 8888 is designed to "establish and maintain a vigilant defensive condition aimed at protecting humankind from zombies," according to the plan's purpose, and, "if necessary, conduct operations that will, if directed, eradicate zombie threats to human safety." Finally, the plan provides guidance to "aid civil authorities in maintaining law and order and restoring basic services during and after a zombie attack."

The "worst case threat scenario," according to the plan, suggests a rather dark situation: a zombie attack in which there would be high "transmissibility," lots of zombies eating lots of people, zombies infecting humans at a rapid rate, and little or no immunity and few effective countermeasures.

Under "Zombie Threat Summary," the plan highlights the different kinds of zombie adversaries one might find in such an attack. They include not only vegetarian zombies ("zombie life forms originating from any cause but pose no direct threat to humans because they only eat plant life"); evil magic zombies ("EMZs are zombie life forms created via some form of occult experimentation in what might otherwise be referred to as 'evil magic'"); and also chicken zombies.

"Although it sounds ridiculous, this is actually the only proven class of zombie that actually exists," the plan states. So-called "CZs" occur when old hens that can no longer lay eggs are euthanized by farmers with carbon monoxide, buried, and then claw their way back to the surface. "CZs are simply terrifying to behold and are likely only to make people become vegetarians in protest to animal cruelty," CONOP 8888 notes.

The catalog of the walking dead also includes zombies that come from outer space; those deliberately created by Frankensteinian bio-engineers; and humans that have been invaded by a pathogen that turns them into zombies.

The plan reviews, extensively, the various phases of saving the world from zombie rule and reads not unlike the phases of a counterinsurgency campaign: from "shape" to "deter" to "seize initiative" to "dominate" to "stabilize" and, finally, in the final, confidence-building phase, "restore civil authority." That final phase includes the directive to "prepare to redeploy the forces to attack surviving zombie holdouts."

Finally, "s directed by POTUS and SECDEF," using military-ese for the president of the United States and the defense secretary, "provide support to federal, state and tribal agencies' efforts to restore basic services in zombie-related disaster areas."

If the military's mantra is to "be prepared," then writing a zombie survival guide -- even if it is just for an imaginative exercise -- makes sense. "I hope we've invested a similar level of intellectual rigor against dragon egg hatching contingencies," one defense official quipped.

yjwu828 发表于 2014-6-5 10:07


下个月 发表于 2014-6-6 15:36


noko 发表于 2014-7-3 13:26


扛着镰刀 发表于 2014-7-3 16:48

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