独秀文译青年 发表于 2014-7-15 13:37


本帖最后由 下个月 于 2014-7-18 22:51 编辑

【原文标题】Chinesehackers broke into U.S.federal employee network
【原文作者】Jose Pagliery

Hackers from China soughtinformation on government employees, including which personnel have securityclearances. 中国黑客正搜集联邦政府人事资料,包括有权进出机密系统的政府人员。
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) 纽约(美国有线电视新闻网财经频道)
Hackers have broken into a networkhousing sensitive information on federal employees, including a database ofpeople with top-secret clearances.黑客入侵了一个联邦政府网络,该网络掌握着联邦政府雇员的敏感信息,其中包括记录着有权进入最高机密系统人员的数据库。
The attack occurred in mid-March, U.S. governmentofficials told CNNMoney on Thursday. A New York Times report attributed the operation to China --although it was unclear whether hackers were independent or government spies. 周四,美国联邦政府官员告诉CNN财经频道记者称,这次黑客攻击发生在三月中旬。尽管不清楚这些黑客是个人还是来自政府,《纽约时代》的报告始终认为发动这次攻击的是中国。
President Obama's cybersecurity adviserswould not say whether the attack came from China or elsewhere. 对于这次入侵的来源究竟是中国还是其他地方,奥巴马总统的网络安全顾问则没有发表说明。
The hackers managed to break into thecomputer network at the Office of Personnel Management, which stores data aboutfederal employees. The agency conducts background checks for anyone workingwith the federal government, and it keeps information about employee hiring,wages, pensions and security clearances. 黑客成功闯入了美国人事管理办公室的电脑网络,该网络系统储存着联邦雇员的信息。人事管理办公室负责执行联邦雇员的背景调查,其网络系统保存着聘雇、工资、养老金和安全等信息。
All of this is valuable information forforeign governments and corporations. If you know who has top-secret access,you know who to bribe -- or kidnap -- to get information.这一切信息对于外国政府和机构都是很极具价值的。因此,掌握了谁可以进出这个最高机密系统,就知道该对谁进行贿赂、或绑架,以获取机密。
Related story:What were China's hacker spies after last time? 相关文章:前番中国黑客间谍为何物而来?
The hackers managed to break into theagency's network, according to several federal agencies involved. But U.S.investigators haven't yet spotted "any loss of personally identifiableinformation," according to an official at the Department of Homeland Securitywho spoke to CNNMoney on condition of anonymity. 据相关的几个联邦政府机构称,黑客成功闯入了人事办公室的系统,但美国国土安全部的一个匿名官员对CNN财经频道的记者称,美国方面的调查人员尚未发现任何“个人验证信息”的遗失。
DHS and the personnel agency constantlymonitor computer systems, so the break-in set off alarms and allowed them toact quickly, according to Office of Personnel Management press secretary Nathaly Arriola.美国人事办公室新闻秘书亚若欧拉(Nathaly Arriola)说,美国国土安全部和美国人事管理局例常地监控电脑系统,因此在这次入侵使系统发出警报,工作人员也很快采取了应对措施。
Why China is blocking Google, again为何中国再次封锁谷歌
The U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Teamis now conducting forensic analysis to determine how deep the hackers got --and what they know. 目前,美国计算机应急响应小组正在取证分析,以确定黑客盗取了多少信息以及盗取了什么信息。
Related story:Russian hackers attack U.S. oil and gas companies 相关文章:俄黑客攻击美石油和天然气公司
This news comes at a pivotal moment: justU.S. Secretary of State John Kerry wraps up the United States' annual in-personmeeting with Chinese officials. On Thursday, America's top diplomat released ajoint statement with Chinese State Councilor Yang Jiechi discussingcybersecurity -- but not this latest episode. 不过,这则新闻恰恰出现在关键节点上,也就是恰逢美国国务卿约翰·克里(John Kerry)与中国政府官员的年度面谈会议。周四,美国最高外交官公布了一份联合声明,声明中涉及与中国国务委员杨洁篪共同讨论的网络安全问题,但当中并未提及此事。
They called cybersecurity "a commonthreat" and said Chinahopes to "strengthen cooperation on the basis of mutual respect andtrust." 中国称网络安全问题为“常见威胁”,并说愿意在相互尊重和信任基础上,加强与美方的合作。
However, today's revelations put that in context. The reality is, there's an ongoing cyberwar.On one side, there are the all-seeingAmerican and British cyber spies. On the other are intellectual-property-stealinghackers in China and Russia.这则新闻实际也具体解释中方所说的话。事实上,网络战争一直都持续存在着。一方面,美国和英国的网络间谍无所不知;另一方面,中国和俄罗斯存在着专门窃取知识产权的黑客。
And there's no end in sight. 因此,这场战争远没有结束。
First Published: July 10, 2014: 11:10 AM ET首次刊登于美国东部时间2014年7月10日上午11:10

下个月 发表于 2014-7-18 23:16

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