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【中文标题】中国称推动全球经济发展要靠美国【原文标题】China Says It’s up to US to Drive Global Economy【原文作者】LOUISE WATT【原文链接】http://finance.yahoo.com/news/china-says-us-drive-global-economy-123424711.html

U.S. Secretaryof State John Kerry, center, and Treasury Secretary Jack Lew, left, participatein a joint session on Climate Change and Clean Energy with China’s Minister ofFinance Lou Jiwei, third right, China’s Vice Premier Wang Yang, second right, and State CouncilorYang Jiechi, right, at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing,ChinaWednesday, July 9, 2014. (Jim Bourg, Pool/Associated Press)2014年7月9日星期三,美国国务卿John Kerry(中)和美国财政部长Jack Lew(左)在北京钓鱼台国宾馆出席了与中国财政部长楼继伟(右三)、中国国务院副总理汪洋(右二)和中国国务委员杨洁篪(右一)的关于讨论气候变化和清洁能源的联合会议。(Jim Bourg,Pool/美国联合通讯社)
ByAssociated Press July 9(美国联合通讯社7月9日)BEIJING — China’s finance minister said Wednesday thatthe country is not planning any new stimulus measures and it is up to the United Statesto drive the global economy. 北京讯——中国财政部长周三称,中国没有计划推行新的经济刺激政策,同时称美国是推动全球经济增长不可或缺的中坚力量。
Lou Jiweisaid that leaders are satisfied with the country’s economic performance so far this year and that in the firstfive months Chinahad created up to 6 million jobs, 60 percent of this year’s target.楼继伟说中国领导对本国今年目前的经济运行表示满意,其中前5个月创造了600万个工作岗位,完成了本年度计划的60%。
Analysts saythe ruling party appears willing to accept economic growth below its 7.5percent target this year so long as the rate of creation of new jobs stays highenough to avoid political tensions.分析家称中国共产党可以接受中国今年实际经济增速低于目标7.5%,只要新工作岗位增创率的持续走高能缓解政治冲突。
Lou said China, which is the world’s second-largest economy after the U.S., isemphasizing structural reforms to spur economic growth and is unlikely torepeat the kind of massive economic stimulus it did in the wake of the 2008global financial crisis. 楼继伟表示,中国作为位列美国之后的世界第二大经济体,注重改革经济结构以刺激经济增长,不会重复2008年全球金融危机里那种大规模经济刺激计划。
“Therefore the global economic recoverydepends on the situation in the United States,” he told reporters at a briefing duringan annual U.S.-China strategic and economic dialogue in Beijing attended by U.S. Treasury SecretaryJacob Lew.介绍会上楼继伟接着说:“正因如此,全球经济的复苏在很大程度上要取决于美国的经济状况。”这次介绍会举行于北京中美战略经济对话会议期间,而美国财政部长Jacob Lew(Jack Lew)也出席了此次会议。
Lou pointedout that the U.S. economyshrank at a 2.9 percent annual rate from January to March — largely because of a brutal winter — and said Chinahopes the U.S.“can take measures to ensure themomentum of growth.”楼继伟还指出,美国因为过去一个寒冬,经济年增长率从一月到三月萎缩到了2.9%。他表示,希望美国能够采取措施来保证经济增长势头。
He also saidChina hopes the U.S. canrebalance its economy by encouraging Americans to save more.同时,希望美国政府通过鼓励民众增加储蓄来重新调整美国的经济平衡。
The financeminister said that during the talks Wednesday, U.S.officials had asked whether Chinastill had to intervene in the foreign exchange rate — a longstanding issue between the two as the U.S. says Beijing’s controls on the yuan give Chineseexporters an unfair price advantage and hurt foreign competitors. Lou said thatas China’s economy wasn’t in full health and capital flows weren’t yet normal, “it is verydifficult for us to refrain” fromforeign market intervention.楼继伟说,在星期三的对话里美国官员问到了中国是否仍将干预外汇汇率的问题。这是一个长期存在于中美双方的问题,问题源于美国称中国对人民币的操控帮助中国出口商获得不公平的价格优势,同时损伤了外国竞争者这一说法。对此楼继伟称,中国经济没有达到理想的健康水平,资金流动还不是十分正常,因此很难做到不干预外部市场。
Domestically,Lou said that industries that have visibly suffered from a high-profileanti-corruption campaign spearheaded by President Xi Jinping, such as high-endhotels, tobacco and luxury liquors, have adapted to the conditions. “Some of the luxury hotels andrestaurants have started to sell takeout food,” he added.对于国内方面,楼继伟表示,由中国主席习近平领导的高调反贪腐运动取得了很大成效,很多高端宾馆、烟草以及名贵酒水等产业遭受到了明显的打击。而这些产业也根据现状进行了。他补充道:“一些高档酒店和餐馆已经开始销售外带食物了。”
He gave noadditional details about the progress of the campaign and the impact it mighthave on the economy at large.但关于这项运动的进展以及这项运动对大经济产生的影响,楼继伟并没有给出更详细的内容。
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gaoang328 发表于 2014-7-26 17:15

up to us?

下个月 发表于 2014-7-26 23:56

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