独秀文译青年 发表于 2014-7-27 17:11


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【中文标题】超强台风“威马逊”逼近中国华南地区【原文标题】Super Tayphoon Rammasun Bears down on Douthern China【原文地址】http://edition.cnn.com/2014/07/17/world/asia/typhoon-rammasun-china-landfall/index.html【原文作者】Euan McKirdy【正文】

Hong Kong (CNN) --After wreaking damage on the Philippinesand claiming at least 64 lives over Tuesday and Wednesday, a newly intensifiedTyphoon Rammasun is bearing down on Hainan and Guangdongprovinces in southern China.新一轮超强台风“威马逊”正步步逼近中国南部海南省和广东省。此前,“威马逊”于周二(15日)、周三重创菲律宾,造成至少64人遇难。

The storm, which was downgraded as itpassed over the Philippines,gained strength again over the South China Sea and is now battering Hainan, with its inner eye wall hugging the island's coast.“威马逊”掠过菲律宾后风力有所减弱,但在经过中国南海时风力再次增强。由于“威马逊”台风眼壁紧挨海岸,海南岛正遭受着台风的肆虐蹂躏 。
Now categorized by theChina Meteorological Administration asa super typhoon, Rammasun made landfall on the island province of Hainanat around 1:30 p.m. (1:30 a.mET) Friday after veering westwards.“威马逊”日前被中国气象局归为“超强台风”级别。 “威马逊”西行后将于星期五下午一点半左右(美国东部时间凌晨一点半)登陆海南省。

The weather agency issued a 'red' typhoonwarning, the highest of four color-coded warning levels. It is the first timethis year the signal has been raised. Authorities in the region are on highalert.气象台发布了“红色”台风预警,该预警是台风预警的最高级别。这也是中国今年首次出现台风预警信号升级的情况,海南当局对此保持高度警惕。

Prior to the storm's reaching Hainan, a bulletin stated its intensity will be 50-55meters per second (180-200 km/hor 112-123 mph).Super typhoons are categorized as having sustained winds of 150 mph (241 km/h) or higher.“威马逊”登陆海南之前的一份公告称,“威马逊”的强度将达到每秒50-55米(180-200千米/时或112-113英里/时)。超强台风风速一般保持在150英里/时 (241千米/时)或更高。

Should Rammasun hit the mainland asexpected, the storm is expected to produce strong gales that may top 93 mph (150 km/h), heavy rain and tidal surges.如果“威马逊”如期登陆,可能会在中国大陆产生时速高达93英里(150千米/时)的大风、暴雨和洪水暴涨。

Given the rapid escalation in the storm'sstrength, it is unclear how comprehensive preparations for this storm have beenin the areas likely to be affected the most.考虑到台风强度的迅速升级,尚不清楚如何采取综合措施应对这次风暴,而这次风暴掠过的地区很可能是受到影响最大的。

Shipping in the region has beensuspended, as have some flights, including in Hainan,which is a popular holiday destination. Trains in Guangdongbound for Hainan have been halted in the provincial capital Guangzhou,and Hainan's high-speed railway has also had operations suspended, according to China's state-run news agency. 中国国家通讯社称,受台风影响,海南地区航运中断,包括度假胜地海南在内的一些航班也被迫中断。由广东发往海南的多趟列车于广州停运,海南高铁也暂时停运。

China's National MeteorologicalCenter also said inland areas of someprovinces, including Yunnan, Hubeiand Henanwould experience rainstorms. The NMC warned of flooding in cities andlandslides in mountain areas.中国国家气象中心预报称,包括云南,湖北,河南在内的一些内陆省份将出现暴雨天气。中国国家气象中心同时警告可能发生城市内涝和山区滑坡。

The typhoon causedat least 64 deaths in the Philippines,as well as damage to property and infrastructure across Luzon,the largest island in the archipelago, according to the Philippines NewsAgency, citing of Office of Civil Defense. 菲律宾新闻社引用民防办的话说,“威马逊”已致菲律宾至少64人丧生。与此同时,“威马逊”对吕宋岛(英文:Luzon,菲律宾最大的岛屿)的房屋和公共基础设施造成了大量破坏。

The agency said most victims were struckby falling trees or other debris. At least 103 injuries were reported and fivepeople reported missing.The typhoon damaged more than 26,000 houses -- about7,000 of those destroyed, the agency said.该新闻社还说,大部分的受害者都是被掉落的大树或瓦砾砸中的。据报道,至少有103人受伤,另有5人失踪。超过26000间房屋受损,其中约有7000间房屋被毁。

James Reynolds, a freelance journalistand videographer who was in Legazpi when the typhoon made landfall in the Philippines, said in a twitter post thatRammasun looked "immensely powerful -- one of the strongest I've seen inthe (South) China Sea for a long time."台风登陆时,自由新闻工作者兼录像师詹姆斯·雷诺兹(JamesReynolds)正身处菲律宾吕宋岛南端的雷格思比(Legazpi)。他在他的推特上称,“‘威马逊’看起来‘十分强大’,这是很长时间以来我见到的中国南海最强劲的台风之一。”

Only two other super typhoons have everhit China,Saomai in 2006 and Marge in 1973.在此之前,中国只遭受过两次超强台风的袭击,它们分别是2006年的“桑美”和1973年的“Marge”。

Saomai,registered as a once-a-century typhoon, was the most powerful typhoon ever tohave made landfall over mainland China. This storm, says CNN's IvanCabrera, could top both of these.被称为“百年一遇”的“桑美”是有史以来登陆中国大陆的最强台风。据来自CNN的IvanCabrera 称,这次风暴为两次之最。                                                                     
The existing typhoon record of 78.9 m/s was observed at Dalaoshan, Hong Kong, on 1 September 1962.此前存在的台风记录是1962年9月1日发生在香港大老山的速度为78.9m/s一次台风。
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