独秀文译青年 发表于 2014-8-6 20:19


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【中文标题】出于对潜在反垄断的担忧,中国监管部门盯准微软【原文标题】Chineseregulators target Microsoft, over possible antitrust concerns【原文作者】Hayley Tsukayama【原文链接】http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-switch/wp/2014/07/28/chinese-regulators-target-microsoft-over-possible-antitrust-concerns/
Microsoftconfirmed in a statement that it is the target of Chinese governmentinvestigation.(Ted S. Warren/AP)微软在一份声明中证实称,微软正是中国政府调查的目标。(Ted S. Warren/美联社图片)
Chineseregulators have visited several Microsoft offices in China, in relation to an apparentantitrust investigation.中国监管部门调查人员走访了几个微软中国办公处,这次走访与中国开展的反垄断调查有关。
Officials fromthe State Administration for Industry and Commerce, which investigatesantitrust and other matters, visited several Microsoft offices Monday. Theagency did not immediately respond to a request for comment on theinvestigation.作为负责反垄断等问题的调查部门,中国工商总局在周一走访了几个微软中国办公处,但随后并没有直接对该调查发表声明。
Microsoftconfirmed that the Chinese government has been in contact with the company andsaid it will cooperate with regulators, but it declined to give any furtherdetails on the situation.经微软证实,中国政府正在与该公司联系当中,并称其自身会与中方监管部门人员合作,但拒绝透露其他任何细节。
"We aimto build products that deliver the features, security and reliability customersexpect, and we will address any concerns the government may have," thecompany said in a statement.该公司在一份声明中称:“我们的宗旨是生产能够满足消费者期待的集特性、安全性、可靠性为一体的产品,同时我们也会积极处理中国政府所担忧的问题。”
U.S. technology firms and the Chinesegovernment have had a rocky relationship in the past year, in light of theinformation leaked by former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowdenthat detailed the technology industry's role in U.S. government surveillanceoverseas. The revelations have directly led to lower sales inChina for many U.S.tech firms, such as Cisco and IBM.在过去一年当中,美国科技公司与中国政府关系一直很僵,原因与美国前国家安全局雇员爱德华·斯诺登(Edward Snowden)详细披露的美国政府对海外科技行业实施监控的事实不无关系。事件的曝光直接让包括Cisco和IBM在内的许多美国科技公司的产品销量呈下降趋势。
Microsoft, inparticular, has faced several obstacles in China over the past year. In May,the Chinese government banned the use ofMicrosoft's Windows 8 operating system on government computers dueto alleged security concerns, highlighting a growing riftbetween the United States and China on cybersecurity and othertechnology issues. The relationship has become even more strained following theU.S. indictment offive members of the Chinese military on hacking charges.尤其是微软,该公司去年在中国遭遇了重重障碍。5月份,出于对敏感信息安全的考虑,中国政府明令禁止在政府办公室的电脑上使用微软的Windows 8操作系统。这突出了中美两国在网络安全问题和其他科技问题上越来越大的不和。不仅如此,在美国对中国五名军人的黑客行为发起控诉后,双方关系变得更为紧张。
Chinesenewspapers reported last week that regulators have leveled an antitrust chargeagainst Qualcomm, one of the world's largest mobile chip makers,accusing it using a "monopoly" to charge excessive fees for itstechnology. 据中国报纸上周报道,中国监管部门对世界最大手机芯片商——美国高通公司(Qualcomm)发出控告,理由是该公司通过垄断手段对其产品收取超额费用。
The way that China has been applying its new law has drawncriticism from some U.S.officials. Last year, Federal Trade Commission commissioner Maureen Ohlhausengave a speech in Beijing,encouraging antitrust regulators there to provide clear, advance notice tocompanies under investigation. Reuters reportedthat the U. S. Chamber of Commerce had sent a letter to Secretary of State JohnF. Kerry and Treasury Secretary Jack Lew, saying the Chinese government hasapplied its anti-monopoly laws to protect Chinese businesses, rather thanChinese consumers. 中国对新法规的运用方式引起了美国官员的诟病。去年,联邦贸易委员会委员Maureen Ohlhausen在北京发表演讲,希望监管部门的调查人员在正式调查之前,对被调查公司提前发出清晰明确的通知。路透社报道称,美国商会发送了一封信件给国务卿John F. Kerry和财政大臣Jack Lew,信件里提到:“中国政府用其反垄断法来保护中国贸易,而不是中国消费者。”
"It hasbecome increasingly clear that the Chinese government has seized on using theAML to promote Chinese producer welfare and to advance industrial policies thatnurture domestic enterprises, rather than the internationally accepted norm ofusing competition law to protect consumer welfare and competition," theU.S. Chamber's letter said, according to the report.报道中的这份信件中还指出:“越来越清楚的是,中国政府利用“合格制造商列表”(AML)来提高国内制造商的福利,同时推进有利于国内厂商发展的工业政策,忽视被国际上普遍接受的保护消费者权益和商业竞争的竞争法则。”

fshysh 发表于 2014-8-6 20:35


易八泰 发表于 2014-8-6 20:43


下个月 发表于 2014-8-6 23:36

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