独秀文译青年 发表于 2014-8-17 17:06


本帖最后由 下个月 于 2014-8-17 23:53 编辑

【中文标题】羞辱一位网络名人【原文标题】Shaming an internet celebrity【原文链接】http://www.economist.com/blogs/analects/2014/08/annals-public-humiliation【更新时间】Updated: Aug 14th2014, 16:28【作者】N.D.【正文】 GUO MEIMEI had often featured in Chinesemedia, but her appearance on China Central Television (CCTV) on August 4th wasdifferent. 郭美美经常出现在中国媒体报道中,但是她8月4日在中央电视台(CCTV)的露面与以往都不同。
A gifted self-publicist, the 23-year-old hadonce liked to flaunt designer handbags, pose by Maseratis and post selfies fromtropical locales on social media. 这个23岁的天才自我推销者,一度很喜欢炫耀名牌手提包,喜欢在玛莎拉蒂(Maserati)旁边摆姿势,喜欢将其在热带地区的自拍照上传到社交网站上。
The broadcast showed Ms Guo wearing anorange prison-vest. 新闻显示郭女士穿着一件橙色的囚服。
She is the latest in a string ofhigh-profile figures to confess crimes on CCTV, a state broadcaster, before standing trial.最近有一群备受瞩目的人物于受审前在央视供认罪行,而郭美美正式其中最新一员。
A familiar pattern has been established. 一种常见的模式已经建立起来。
Led out by police, the handcuffed suspectmakes a statement in which they show remorse and typically blame the crime onsome moral defect. 戴着手铐的嫌犯由警察带出,进行一番陈述,在陈述里面他们表示忏悔,较为典型的是,他们将罪行归咎于自身某种道德缺陷。
Chen Yongzhou, a former journalist who wasarrested for corruption last year, said he had taken bribes because he“hankered after money and fame”. 陈永洲是去年因受贿被捕的一名前记者,他说他接受贿赂是因为“追名逐利”。
Before his arrest for hiring prostitutesCharles Xue, a Chinese-American venture capitalist with a large following onsocial media, was known for his outspoken comments on social or politicalissues. 薛必群在因嫖娼被捕之前,是在社交网络上有一大群追随者的一名华裔风险投资家,他因对社会和政治事件的直言不讳而闻名。
In a confession broadcast last September MrXue said he had felt like an emperor of the internet. 在去年九月播出的招供过程中,薛先生说他曾经觉得自己就像是网络之王。
Ms Guo, who confessed to prostitutingherself and gambling, said she had made a “huge mistake” as a result of hervanity.郭女士承认自己卖淫和赌博,说她由于自己的虚荣心而犯了一个“巨大的错误”。
In the Mao era public self-criticisms werecommonplace. 在毛泽东时代,在公共场合进行自我批评是十分常见的。
Criminal trials were then little more thanjudicial theatre aimed at educating the public. 刑事审判更像是司法场所,意图教化大众。
As a demonstration of state power theconfessions were often visibly coerced. 作为国家权利的象征,招供经常很明显是被逼迫进行的。
Since the late 1980s, however, publichumiliations of suspects and convicts have become rarer. 但是,自20世纪80年代末起,嫌犯和罪犯受到公众羞辱的情况变少了。
The central government itself has calledfor an end to such shaming. 中央政府对此类羞辱叫停了。
Occasional relapses by the police have usuallyinvolved petty criminals; until recently celebrities or the well-connected wererarely subjected to such treatment. 此类羞辱偶尔由警方主导而再次出现,但通常涉及涉及普通刑事犯;直到最近,名人或出身名门的人受到此种对待,这是很罕见的。
The Communist Party, however, is now eagerto show that no-one is above the law. 然而,共产党现在急于要展示没有人能凌驾于法律之上。
A handful of recent public shamings ofbetter-off white-collar suspects, even before their conviction, appear aimed atmaking this point. 近期,一批养尊处优的白领阶层嫌犯的受到公共羞辱,甚至是在他们认罪之前,共产党似乎是在着力表明这一点。
Ms Guo was an obvious target. 郭女士是一个明显的目标。
She became embroiled in a scandal in 2011for posting photos of her lavish lifestyle online while claiming to be amanager at the Red Cross Chamber of Commerce. (The organisation does notexist.) 她在2011年陷入一场丑闻,她把自己奢侈生活方式的照片发布到网上,并宣称是红十字会商业总经理。(此部门并不存在。)
Her microblog galvanised a public alreadybitter about China’swidening inequality. 她的微博刺激了一大群苦陷于中国日益加剧的不平等待遇的民众。
People accused the Red Cross Society ofChina, astate-backed charity, of squandering funds.人们指责中国红十字会挥霍善款。
Though Ms Guo later admitted to fabricatingher job title, the damage had been done. 尽管郭女士后来承认伪造了自己的职位,但损害已经造成了。
One of the centrepieces of her confessionon CCTV was an apology for “seriously destroying” the charity’s reputation. 在央视招供中,她的的其中一出重头戏是为“严重损害”此慈善机构声誉而道歉。
Yet if Ms Guo’s confession was a top-downeffort to salvage the charity’s name—as microblog users suspected—the timingand execution proved ill-conceived. 然而,如果郭女士的认罪是一次从上至下的企图挽救此慈善机构名声的努力——如微博用户怀疑的那样——那么时机把握和执行方式都被证明是考虑欠妥的。
In what seemed a coordinated effort, statemedia reports about Ms Guo came thick and fast just eight hours after anearthquake devastated Ludian county in the southern province of Yunnan,killing more than 600 people. 在一次看似通力合作的努力中,国家媒体对郭女士的密集报道正好发生在云南省鲁甸县地震八小时之后(伤亡人数已经超过600)。
One unfortunate headline from Xinhua, a governmentnews agency, read: “From ostentation to gambling—why did she fall into thecriminal abyss?” 新华网的的一条不幸头条写道:“从炫富到涉赌,她为何堕入犯罪的深渊?”
Internet users were incensed that the news about Ms Guo trumpedreports of both the earthquake and of a fatal blast at a factory the daybefore. 郭女士的新闻竟然排在地震新闻和前一天某工厂的致命爆炸新闻之前,网民们对此感到愤慨。
Initial orders sent to state media outletsto “prominently display” Ms Guo’s CCTV appearance were hastily withdrawn,according to instructions leaked to China Digital Times. 根据上级对中国数字时代网的指示,对官方媒体“突出播放”郭女士的央视露面的初期指示被迅速撤销。
Ms Guo may not have been a saint. 郭女士可能不是一个圣人。
But her treatment is a further blow to therights of individuals.但是对她的处理方式是对个人权益的一次更大的打击。
(Picture credit: AFP)(图片版权:AFP)

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