独秀文译青年 发表于 2014-9-7 10:42


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【中文标题】泰国领导的建议【原文标题】Proposals by a Thai leaderAs we all know,the world economic recession has affected many countries, including Chinaand ASEAN. It also deteriorated on Thailand’s trade and investmentduring the first quarter of the year 2009 which reflected in a 20% decrease inour export. However, Thailand’sexport has improved in the first quarter of 2010, as well as that of ASEAN, China, and Middle East while the US and EUmarkets have constantly descended. At the same time, many organizations thatassess the world economy have a better view towards Asia, especially towards China. IMFestimates the China GDP will reach 8.5% in 2009 and 9.0% in 2010 while ASEANGDP will contact to 0.7% in 2009 but will rebound to 4.0% next year. TheFederation of Thai Industries has taken part by promoting Thai entrepreneurs tojoin this circumstance. We all perceived that ASEAN and China have acontinuously collaboration. Thailand will reap the ample benefit as one of theASEAN member countries due to in 2010 the trade tariff will be reduce to 0% byintegrating ASEAN into ASEAN Economic Community (AEC).众所周知,世界经济衰退影响了许多国家,包括中国和东盟。这同时也恶化了泰国在2009年第一季度期间的贸易及投资,这反映在我们的出口减少了20%这一事实上。然而,泰国的出国已于2010年第一季度有所改善,东盟、中国和中东的出口也是如此,而美国和欧洲的市场一直在下滑。同时,许多进入世界经济的组织已经更加看好亚洲,特别是更加看好中国。国际货币基金组织预测,2009年中国GDP将达到8.5%,在2010年将达到9.0%,而东盟GDP将于2009年达到0.7%,但在下一年将反弹到4.0%。泰国工业联盟通过鼓励泰国企业加入到这个环境中去而参与到其中。我们都认为东盟和中国将会进行持续不断的合作。泰国作为东盟其中一名成员国,将会收获丰厚利益,因为2010年东盟将会合并进东盟经济共同体,届时泰国贸易关税将减少至0%。
In my point ofview, the ASEAN-China FTA has many advantages that can describe into fouraspects:依我看来,东盟中国自由贸易协定有四方面的优势。
Firstly, theASEAN-China FTA will expand the market because the total populations of Chinaand ASEAN are more than 1,850 million (1/3 of world population). In the future,if this cooperation has been enforced, people will earn more income and havemore purchasing power.第一,东盟中国自由贸易协定将会扩展市场,因为中国及东盟的总人口超过18.5亿(世界人口的三分之一)。未来,如果这种合作能够得到加强,那么人们将会获得更多收入且会具有更强的购买力。
Secondly, theASEAN-China FTA will enable the development of specialization in industrialsectors. ASEAN could develop the existing specialized areas. For Thailand,there will be a development in automotive and auto parts, electronics, service,and hotel sectors.第二,东盟中国自由贸易协定将会使工业部门的专门化得到发展。东盟可以发展现有的已经专门化的领域。而泰国的汽车行业、汽车配件、电子工业、服务业和酒店业也将会得到发展。
Thirdly, theinfrastructure between ASEAN and China will be bridged as theCAFTA will lead on the region to connect the logistic system for the ease oftrading and investing.第三,随着中美洲自由贸易协定继续引领该地区为方便贸易和投资而接通物流系统,东盟和中国之间的基础设施将会得到沟通。
Fourthly, theASEAN-China FTA will create cooperation in many areas such as economic, socialand security between countries in ASEAN and China.第四,东盟中国自由贸易协定将会在东盟国家和中国之间的诸如经济、社会和安全等诸多领域创造合作。
In the secondpart, I would like to talk about the possible guidelines on marketingcooperation and creating business opportunities for the Chinese and ASEANbusinessmen which comprise of 4 key success factors:第二部分,我要谈论销售合作和为中国及东盟的商人创造商机上的可能的指导方针,这包括四个关键的成功因素:
1. We shallfind the opportunities from the ASEAN-China FTA. The China-ASEAN FTA will bringforward cooperation in trade and investment which will consequently expand themarket. This will finally increase China-ASEAN trade volume. Furthermore,having developed each country’s specialized industry will create the efficientnatural resource utilization. This will lead to a sustainable economicsecurity.1、我们将从东盟中国自由贸易协定中寻找机遇,东盟中国自由贸易协定将会带来贸易及投资方面的合作,这最终将会扩展市场。这最终将会增加中国和东盟之间的贸易量。此外,每个国家已经发展了特殊化工业,这将会使自然资源利用率更有效。这将会使得经济安全得以持续。
2. We shallexplore the business opportunities from the development of logisticand infrastructure connections between ASEAN and China.2、我们将会在东盟及中国之间的后勤及基础设施连接的发展中探寻商机。
3. We shallnegotiate all together. We need to talk and negotiate more, taking into accountthe fact that we are all Asians alike.3、我们将会把所有事情放在一起商议。我们需要进行更多的探讨和商议,要将我们都是相似的亚洲人这一事实纳入考虑范围。
4. In doingbusiness with sincerity, we shall open our minds and build ASEAN-China Spirit.4、用真心来做贸易,我们将会开放我们的思想、建立东盟中国精神。

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