独秀文译青年 发表于 2014-9-14 16:30


本帖最后由 下个月 于 2014-9-15 17:14 编辑

ByRhonda Lucas
My parents’ divorce was final. The house had beensold and the day had come to move. Thirty years of the family’s life was nowcrammed into the garage. The two-by-fours that ran the length of the walls werethe only uniformity among the clutter of boxes, furniture, and memories. Allwas frozen in limbo between the life just passed and the one to come.The sunlight pushing its way through the windowsplattered against a barricade of boxes. Like a fluorescent river, it streameddown the sides and flooded the cracks of the cold, cement floor. I stood in thedoorway between the house and garage and wondered if the sunlight would everagain penetrate the memories packed inside those boxes. For an instant, thecardboard boxes appeared as tombstones, monuments to those memories.The furnace in the corner, with its huge tubularfingers reaching out and disappearing into the wall, was unaware of the futilityof trying to warm the empty house. The rhythmical whir of its effort hummed theelegy for the memories boxed in front of me. I closed the door, sat down on thestep, and listened reverently. The feeling of loss transformed the bad memoriesinto not-so-bad, the not-so-bad memories into good, and committed the good onesto my mind. Still, I felt as vacant as the house inside.A workbench to my right stood disgustingly empty.Not so much as a nail had been left behind. I noticed, for the first time, whata dull, lifeless green it was. Lacking the disarray of tools that used to coverit, now it seemed as out of place as a bathtub in the kitchen. In fact, as Iscanned the room, the only things that did seem to belong were the cobwebs inthe corners.A group of boxes had been set aside from the othersand stacked in front of the workbench. Scrawled like graffiti on the walls ofdilapidated buildings were the words “Salvation Army.” Those words caught myeyes as effectively as a flashing neon sign. They reeked of irony. “Salvation -was a bit too late for this family,” I mumbled sarcastically to myself.The houseful of furniture that had once been socarefully chosen to complement and blend with the color schemes of the variousrooms was indiscriminately crammed together against a single wall. Theuncoordinated colors combined in turmoil and lashed out in the greyness of theroom.I suddenly became aware of the coldness of thegarage, but I didn’t want to go back inside the house, so I made my way throughthe boxes to the couch. I cleared a space to lie down and curled up, coveringmyself with my jacket. I hoped my father would return soon with the truck so wecould empty the garage and leave the cryptic silence of parting lives behind.
(选自Patterns: A Short ProseReader, by Mary Lou Conlin,published by Houghton Mifflin, 1983.)


①选自玛丽·卢·康林(Mary LouConlin)的《格调:短篇散文选集》(Patterns:A Short Prose Reader), 由霍顿·米夫林公司(HoughtonMifflin)于1983年出版。

③救世军(TheSalvation Army)是一个于1865年由卜维廉、卜凯瑟琳夫妇在英国伦敦成立,以军队形式作为其架构和行政方针 ,并以基督教作为信仰基本的国际性宗教及慈善公益组织,以街头布道和慈善活动、社会服务著称。其当初成立时所使用的名称是“东伦敦基督教传道部”(East London Christian Mission)。它有一个称呼,为“以爱心代替枪炮的军队”。它的创办人希望能够把基督教传给穷困的人,并透过了解穷人们物质及心灵之需要来给予帮助。
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