独秀文译青年 发表于 2014-9-15 12:52


本帖最后由 下个月 于 2014-9-15 17:19 编辑

   “爸爸,快,有只小鸟飞到阳台上了。”    “Daddy, look! There is a birdie landing on thebalcony.”
“噢,在阳台外面吧。”“Oh! Outside the balcony?”
“真的?”    “Really?”
    转身。猛冲。关窗。堵门。我独自站在封闭的阳台上,喘息着,两眼贪婪地搜寻着猎物。    Turning around, Irushed to the balcony, shut the windows and blocked the door. And then, I stoodalone at the balcony, panted and searched greedily for the birdie with my eyes
“爸爸,看,在墙角。”八岁的儿子在玻璃门后帮战助威,“啊,还是只麻雀呢!”    “Daddy, look! It’s in the corner,” My eight-year-oldson cheered for me behind the glass door, “Ah! It should bea sparrow.”
我喜不自胜,顿觉眼前一亮。胸口怦然作跳,其神情定不亚于见到了一只稀世珍禽。Immediately, I was on cloud nineand my eyes shone with brightness. My heart palpilating with excitement, it seemedthat I saw a rare bird.
说实在的,我早想给儿子买只小鸟,最好是色彩鲜艳的,老家开封市的宠物市场上光鹦鹉就有许多种,色彩斑斓,而且便宜。儿子幼小,手没个轻重,我在市场上犹豫了几次,狠狠心买回一只小鸡,5角钱,只顶一个茶叶蛋的价,有几次儿子差点让小鸡命归黄泉。我不忍,怜惜它是个性命,不得已割爱送了个人情。待儿子稍大一点,懂得珍爱生命时,我们举家迁到了扬州。扬州接近南方,有不少鸟我只在家乡的山里见过,很是稀罕。天刚蒙蒙亮,各色小鸟就在窗前的树枝上啁啾不止,甚是悦耳。To be honest, I had long wantedto buy my son a birdie, and it would be better if it was colorful. In the petmarket of my hometown Kaifeng City, only as far as the parrot is concerned, itenjoys a great variety. They are not only colorful but also cheap. My son wastoo young to take pity on a little bird. However, after hesitating in themarket for several times, I finally steeled myself to buy a chick, which cost0.5 yuan, the price of a tea-flavored egg. But for several times it had nearlybeen killed by my son. I couldn’t bear to see this, and I gave up the chick tosomeone else as a gift, for I took pity on the small life. When my son was oldenough to cherish lives, our whole family moved to Yangzhou. Yangzhou is closeto the south and there are many kinds of birds that I can only find in themountains of my hometown, for they are really rare. When the day breaks, allkinds of birds chirp on the branches in front of the windows. How pleasing tothe ear the voice is!
小时候,晚上用手电筒在草堆中找鸟,一抓一个准;用弹弓打鸟,也有射中的时候。后来受了教育,才认识到小鸟是人类的朋友。自此,我狠那些卖鸟的,为食;恼怒那些养鸟的,为赏。小鸟纯粹是大自然的尤物,怎么的命运就被人类裁定!In my childhood, I usually soughtbirds in the haypack with a lightshot in the evening, and I always could catchthe bird with great accuracy. After going to school, I started to realize thatbirds are mankind’s friends. And since then, I resent those who sell birds tomake a living and those who raise birds to seek pleasure. Birds are purely astunner of nature, so how can their fate be ruled by mankind?
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