独秀文译青年 发表于 2014-9-15 12:53


本帖最后由 下个月 于 2014-9-15 17:20 编辑

五月里,正是樱桃树挂果的时节;挂果的时节里,我们回到了挂满樱桃的故乡小院。It is in May that cherry trees bear fruits; during the cherry-fruitseason, we came back to the small yard of my hometown, where cherry trees were fullof cherries.
老家有个小院,院子里有树,层层叠翠,唯有那两颗樱桃树,满身裹着霞披。樱桃树的树干并不十分粗壮,但其盖如云,枝枝丫丫,挂果的时节更有琼果处处压枝低的感觉。两棵树就立于院子里那条唯一的水泥路的两侧,相互交错,若不躬身,委实难以前行。置身于樱桃树下,宛如置身于百果院中,前头是果子,后头还是果子,或红、或黄、或绿,就那么玲珑有加,就那么剔透备至。In my hometown’s house, there is a small yard in which the trees enjoylayers of green leaves, except the two cherry trees----theyare wrapped in embroidered vests. Although the trunks of cherry trees arenot very thick and strong, their covers are cloudlike, and their branches spreadout. What’s more, the branches are bended by the fruits everywhere in theseason of fruition. In the yard, two cherry trees are on both sides of the singlecement road, interlacing with each other, which makes us rather difficult tomove on if not bending down. When placing ourselves under the cherry trees, weare just like in a yard full of all kinds of fruits. In front and back of usare all fruits----they are red, yellow or green, so exquisite and bright.
见过马奶子葡萄吧,但樱桃明显多了一分光鲜;见过玛瑙吧,但樱桃明显多了一分酸甜。新鲜水果上市,人人都要尝尝鲜,只是今年,我才身临其境,有了真切的体验。“五一”期间适逢下雨,阵雨过后,便是细雨蒙蒙。每棵樱桃上都挂着那么个小水珠,闪着晶莹。那就品尝个免洗的樱桃吧!摘一颗鲜红的,放在嘴里,甜而不酸;摘一颗泛黄的,酸中带着一股一股的甜。绿的可不要碰,吃上一颗开胃,多吃几颗,就尝不出饭菜的滋味是淡还是咸。You may have seen the grapes in shape of the mare’s nipples, but cherriesare obviously brighter compared with them; you may have seen agates, but cherriesare distinctly sour and sweet. When fresh fruits come into reason, everyonewants to have a taste of them, but it was not until thisyear that I could be personally on the scene and had the real experience. It happenedto rain during the May Day holiday. After a shower, there was a continuous drizzling.Every cherry hung a water droplet, which was glittering and translucent. Thenlet’s enjoy a cherry that hasn’t been cleaned! A fresh red cherry tastes sweetwithout sour; a yellow one that hasn’t been ripe enough tastes sour with a bit sweet.Don’t pick the green ones, for one single green cherry can whet the appetite,but if you eat too many, you will be unable to taste your meal.
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