独秀文译青年 发表于 2014-9-16 22:49


本帖最后由 下个月 于 2014-9-16 23:38 编辑

On 23rd January2012, Ambassador Liu Xiaoming had a live and one-on-one interview with JeremyPaxman on BBC 2’s Newsnight programme. The transcript of the interview goes asfollows:2012年1月23日,刘晓明(音)大使和杰里米·帕克斯曼(Jeremy Paxman)在BBC第二频道的“新闻之夜”节目进行了现场一对一的面谈。面谈的记录如下:
Jeremy Paxman:Happy New Year! Mr. Ambassador.杰里米·帕克斯曼:大使先生,新年好。
Ambassador LiuXiaoming: Thank you.刘晓明大使:谢谢。
Jeremy Paxman:Let’s try to define our terms. Are you a communist?杰里米·帕克斯曼:让我们试着定义一下我们的关系。你是一名共产主义者吗?
Ambassador LiuXiaoming: Well, in China,the ruling party is the communist party. The communist party now has more than80 million party members. But you have to remember China is a country with 1.3 billionpeople. So I don’t think you can call Chinaa communist country, just as you can not call the UKconservative UK.刘晓明大使:嗯,在中国,我们的执政党是中国共产党。中国共产党目前拥有八千万党员。但是你要知道,中国拥有者13亿的人口。所以我不认为你能够把中国成为一个共产主义国家,就像你也帮不能英国为保守党一样。
Jeremy Paxman: Butyou could call the UKa capitalist country. 杰里米·帕克斯曼:但是你能称它为“资本主义国家”。
Ambassador LiuXiaoming: And we say Chinais a socialist country. We could call China a socialist country withChinese characteristics. 刘晓明大使:我们说中国是一个社会主义国家。我们可以将中国成为带有中国特色的社会主义国家。
Jeremy Paxman:Talking to the young people, in particular in Beijing,I very strongly got the impression that they were pretty optimistic about China’sinternational role. They saw this as a century which was developing very muchin a way that was going to make Chinaa much more significant force in the world. Do you think that? 杰里米·帕克斯曼:跟年轻人谈话时,特别是在北京,我能强烈地感受,他们对于中国在国际上扮演的角色是非常乐观的。他们认为,这个世纪发展迅速,这让中国在世界上成为了一股更加重要的力量?你是这样认为的吗?
Ambassador LiuXiaoming: Chinawill certainly contribute its part for maintaining peace and prosperity of theworld. But we do not see Chinaas a superpower. I would characterize China as the largest developingcountry with increasing international influence and responsibilities. 刘晓明大使:中国一定还将会为维护世界和平与繁荣贡献自己的力量。但是我们不认为中国是一个超级大国。我们只是认为,中国式最大的发展中国家,国际影响力和责任不断增强。
Jeremy Paxman: Butpeople look at what Chinadoes on the UN Security Council, for example, over the question of—you opposedthe sanctions on Syria,sanctions on Iran,and they wonder, you know, what you are trying to achieve?杰里米·帕克斯曼:但是人们看着中国在安理会的所作所为,比如在以下问题上——你们反对对叙利亚的制裁、反对对伊朗的制裁,而且你也知道,他们会思忖,你们是在试图获取什么呢?
Ambassador LiuXiaoming: That’s not the right impression. In fact, Chinavoted four times with other members of the Security Council on the issue of Iran. China isstrongly opposed to Iranian nuclear weapon programme. But on the other hand, webelieve diplomatic and peaceful solution is the most beneficial solution to theproblem. It costs less and it’s in the interest of maintaining peace andstability in the region. 刘晓明大使:这不是好的印象。事实上,在伊朗的问题上,中国和安理会其他成员已经进行了四次投票。中国强烈反对伊朗核武器项目。但另一方面,外交及和平方案是这个问题的最好的解决途径。它花费甚小,且有利于维护该地区的和平及稳定。
Jeremy Paxman: Butdo you accept that Iran is apotential threat to world peace, a nuclear armed Iran?杰里米·帕克斯曼:但是,你接受伊朗是世界和平的潜在威胁这样一个论断吗?一个核装备的伊朗。
Ambassador LiuXiaoming: I would say, yes, Iranwith nuclear weapons is not in the interest of peace and stability in theregion. So that is why Chinamade it very clear from day one that we are strongly opposed to Iran developingnuclear weapons. That has been reaffirmed by Chinese premier in his recentvisit to the region. 刘晓明大使:我想说,是的,具备核武器的伊朗不利于该地区的和平与稳定。这就是为什么中国第一天就明确了强烈反对伊朗发展核武器的态度。在最近对该地区的一次访问中,中国总理重申了这一态度。
Jeremy Paxman: Sowhy not impose sanctions, then?杰里米·帕克斯曼:那么,为什么不实行制裁呢?
Ambassador Liu Xiaoming:There are already sanctions in place. But we don’t think sanction for the sakeof sanction serves the purpose. We also encouraged peaceful negotiations toengage Iranfor a peaceful settlement of this issue.刘晓明大使:已经有适当的制裁了。但我们不认为因制裁而制裁管用。我们也鼓励和平谈判,让伊朗对该问题的和平解决负责。
Jeremy Paxman: Doyou think Chinahas a moral role in the world?杰里米·帕克斯曼:你认为中国在世界上扮演着道德的角色吗?
Ambassador LiuXiaoming: I think Chinahas a role to play, in terms of building a more peaceful, harmonious world. 刘晓明大使:在建立一个更加和平和和谐的世界这方面,我认为中国是有所贡献的。
Jeremy Paxman: Butwhat do you try to promote? The UnitedStates, for example, says it promotes, andwill go to war, to promote democracy. What do you try to promote?杰里米·帕克斯曼:但是,你们试图推进什么呢?比如美国,美国称自己推进,并将会开战来推进民主?你们试图推进什么呢?
Ambassador LiuXiaoming: We are promoting a harmonious world. We believe the world will bemore peaceful, prosperous, if all countries respect each other, rather thanimposing their own ideas and systems onto others. We believe mutual respect,mutual accommodation and working together for the common good, common securityis in the interest of peace and stability of the world. So we are stronglyopposed to any military solutions. 刘晓明大使:我们在推进一个和谐的世界。我们相信,如果所有国家都能相互尊重,而不是将自己的理念和制度强加于他人身上,那么世界会更加和平、更加繁荣。我们相信,为了共同利益和共同安全而相互尊重和携手合作,有利于世界和平及稳定。所以我们强烈反对任何军事决策。
Jeremy Paxman:What about economic power? Chinasits on this mountain of trillions of dollars worth of foreign exchange. What’sthat for?杰里米·帕克斯曼:经济实力呢?中国坐拥数价值万亿美元的外汇储备。这是用来做什么的呢?
Ambassador LiuXiaoming: Chinais still a relatively poor country. Though Chinanow is number two in terms of GDP, after only the United States. But in per capitaGDP, Chinais still behind 100 countries. There are still about 700 million people livingin the countryside. And there are about 150 million people living under one USdollar a day, that is the UN poverty line. So there is an enormousresponsibility for the Chinese government to improve livelihood of those partsof the population of China.刘晓明大使:中国依旧是一个相对贫穷的国家。尽管中国现在的GDP排名第二,仅次于美国。但在人均GDP上,中国依旧排名在100个国家之后。依然有七亿人口住在乡村。大概有1.5亿人过着每天只花费一美元的生活,而这正是联合国贫困线。因此,中国还要承担起巨大的责任来改善中国人口这部分贫困人口的生活。
Jeremy Paxman: Andlet’s talk a little bit about that difficult matter of human rights. Ai Weiwei,the well known artist, says that without free speech, you are living in abarbaric world. Do you understand what he’s getting at?杰里米·帕克斯曼:让我们谈谈关于人权这个难事的一点内容。著名的艺术家艾未未说过,没有人权,你就只是活在一个野蛮的世界里。你明白他意指什么吗?
Ambassador LiuXiaoming: I think Ai Weiwei has his freedom to express his view. Otherwise howcould you get his opinion on this? 刘晓明大使:我认为艾未未有表达自己观点的自由。否则你怎么能够得到他关于这一点的观点呢?
Jeremy Paxman:Unfortunately, he has been in prison of course, isn’t it?杰里米·帕克斯曼:不幸的是,他已经入狱了,不是么?
Ambassador LiuXiaoming: No, he was under investigation on suspicion of evading tax,destroying his accounting books. In any country of rule by law, you have torespect and abide by the law. Nobody in a country ruled by law should be abovethe law. So even a so-called well-known artist has to abide by the law. When heviolates Chinese law, he should be punished. There’s no doubt about that in China, I guess it’s the same in Britain.刘晓明大使:没有,他只是涉嫌逃税而受到调查而已,毁掉了他的会计账簿。在任何一个法治国家,你都必须遵守法律。没有一个生存在法治国家的人能够凌驾法律之上。因此,即便是一名所谓的艺术家也必须遵守法律。当他违反法律,他就要收到惩罚。这在中国是毋庸置疑的,我猜在英国也是如此。
Jeremy Paxman: Heshould be free to say what he likes, shouldn’t he?杰里米·帕克斯曼:他应该拥有自由发言权,不是吗?
Ambassador LiuXiaoming: If he is forbidden to voice his opinions, how could you get to knowthem?刘晓明大使:如果他被禁止发表自己的言论,你又如何能获知他的言论呢?
Jeremy Paxman: Allright, Mr. Ambassador, thank you very much. 杰里米·帕克斯曼:对。刘晓明大使,非常感谢你。
Ambassador LiuXiaoming: Thank you for having me. 刘晓明大使:谢谢你们的邀请。

下个月 发表于 2014-9-16 23:40

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