独秀文译青年 发表于 2014-9-20 09:47


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南水北调工程South-to-North WaterDiversion Project
南水北调工程是我国优化配置水资源的重大举措,是解决华北、西北地区缺水的一项战略性基础设施工程。此工程的规模和难度都超过三峡工程。为解决北京、天津、河北、河南和山东日益严重的缺水状况,自1952年毛泽东主席提出南水北调工程设想以来,广大科技工作者持续进行了50年的勘测、规划、研究,分别在长江下游、中游和上游规划了三条调水线路,形成了南水北调东线、中线和西线调水的基本方案。通过三条调水线路与长江、黄河、淮河和海河四大江河的联系,为华北地区供应农业、工业生产用水及生活用水。South-to-North Water Diversion Project isan important measure taken by our country to realize water resources’ optimalconfiguration, as well as a strategic infrastructure project to resolve the watershortage in North China and Northwest China.This project exceeds the Three Gorge Project both in the scale and in thedifficulty. To cope with the heavy water shortage of BeijingCity, Tianjin City,Hebei Province and ShandongProvince (all of them are located inthe northern part of China),a vast number of scientific and technical workers have surveyed, projected and researchedfor 50 years since 1952 when Mao Zedong put forward the conception of South-to-NorthWater Diversion Project. They have planned three water diversion routes on thedownstream, mid stream and upstream of Yangtze Riverrespectively, forming the basic scheme of the east route, middle route and westroute of this project. Agricultural water, industrial water and domestic waterhave been provided to North China through the connection among the three waterdimension routes and the Yangtze River, the Yellow River, HuaiheRiver and Haihe River.
东线工程的供水范围是黄淮海平原东部地区。东线调水工程从长江下游扬州附近抽引长江水,利用和扩建京杭大运河逐级提水北送,经洪泽湖、骆马湖、南四湖和东平湖,在位山附近穿过黄河后可自流,经运河到天津。The water supply scope of the project of the eastroute is the eastern region of the Huanghuaihai Plain. Drawing water from theareas near Yangzhou City, which lies on the downstream of Yangtze River, the project of the east route makes use ofThe Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal to lift water to the north step by step. Thewater runs through Hongze Lake, Luoma Lake, Nansi Lakes and DongpingLake, and is able to flowautomatically after crossing the Yellow Water, then reaching Tianjin Citythrough the canal.
中线工程的供水范围是北京、天津、华北平原及沿线湖北、河南两省部分地区。中线调水工程从汉江丹江口水库引水,沿伏牛山和太行山山前平原,京广铁路西侧,自流输水到北京、天津,输水总干渠长1246千米。The water supply scope of the project of the middleroute includes Beijing City, TianjinCity, North China Plain and someregions of Hubei Provinceand Henan Province. Drawing water from DanjiangkouReservoir, the water of the project of the middle route flows automatically toBeijing City and Tianjin City along Funiu Mountain and the piedmont plain of Tai-hangMountains, with an overall main channel of 1,246 meters.
西线工程的供水范围包括青海、甘肃、宁夏、内蒙古、陕西和山西六省(区)。西线调水工程引水工程拟定从长江上游干支流通天河、雅砻江、大渡河调水,克服施工难、气候差的挑战,穿过500多千米的巴颜喀拉山进入位于黄河上游的西北地区。The water supply scope of the project ofthe west route includes six provinces, namely Qinghai Province, Gansu Province, Ningxia Province, the Nei Monggol AutonomousRegion. The abstraction works of the project of the west route plans to drawwater from Tongtian River, Ya-lung River and Dadu River, which are the maintributes of the upstream of Yangtze River and to overcome the difficulties in constructionand the challenges of climate variation to make the water reach the NorthwestChina on the upstream of the Yellow River through the over-500-meter-long BayanHar Mountains.

南水北调工程在2002年正式开工,预计在2050年全部完工后每年可解决3亿人口380亿到480亿立方米的用水问题。    South-to-North Water Diversion Project wasofficially started in 2002, and it is predicted that after it is totallycompleted in 2050, it will be able to provide 38 billion to 48 billion cubic metersfor 0.3 billion people.

NKGQ 发表于 2014-9-20 09:49

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