独秀文译青年 发表于 2014-9-20 09:51


本帖最后由 下个月 于 2014-9-21 15:22 编辑

最后选择了陶瓷学院,这或许也是命中注定和家乡钦州有名的“泥兴陶”(应该是“坭兴陶”) 十八岁第一次出远门,
As a member of our school’sSkyline Literary Association, which was established by Ms. Huang Siqiong, I amresponsible for the publicity work: the picture on the masthead of every wallnewspaper was drawn by me, and every time I would spend several weeks drawinggouache. My drawing, once pasted, would win highly praise from the teachers andthe students of the whole school. During this time, I imitated drawings ofpersons such as Zhan Jianjun, and in grade two of senior high school, I held ajoint exhibition with Li Daxv, a schoolmate majoring in calligraphy, and exhibitedmore than 200 pieces of drawings, which was reported by Qinzhou TelevisionStation. Yet my family has no television at that time. Later, I held itinerantexhibitions out of the school, becoming a painter with some reputation. Between1985 and 1988 when China’s artcircle was shocked by Western artistic ideological trends, I subscribed to advancedChina Art Weekly (Edited mainly by Ding Fang), and paid close attention to China’s artcircle. At that time, Li Xiaoshan wrote an article about his opinion on thedevelopment of Chinese painting, showing that Chinese painting will meet its deadend. In the meantime, I wrote an article about my opinion on Chinese paintingand submitted it to China Art Weekly, claiming that Chinese painting will notmeet its dead end, but will inherit traditional development and combine Westernelements, bringing forth its own new ideas. During senior high school, Iborrowed books such as Lust for Lifeand Memoirist ofXv Beihong. Deeplymoved by Van Gogh’s love for life and his devotion to arts, I would sometimesthink myself as Van Gogh. And when I painted from life with my friend HuangYongning in the scorching sun, I would think it is under such a kind ofcircumstances that Van Gogh created excellent paintings. In grade three ofsenior middle school when it was near the examination time, I heard that it wasdifficult to be admitted to the art college. My friend Huang Qiming, who drewsketch with me when we were in grade three of primary school, passed theentrance examination after eight years of efforts. Later, he organized an artsclass in the countryside, and I paid respect to him and sought for knowledge onpainting. He is good at drawing, but he is bad at cultural courses. In the yearof taking the college entrance examination, I attended an arts class in thecounty’s house of culture. The teacher is named Chen Guan, who graduated fromthe major of oil painting in Guangxi Arts Institute. At that time, I drew aplenty of sketches and color paintings, and Mr. Chen said that I was bold andunstrained in using colors.有关。In March, I went to take examinations, and my familykilled a pig to raise fund for me. Starting form Zhanjiangon Beijing-Guangzhou line, my friend and I took exams all the way north to Beijing. I once registeredfor the examination of the major of the theory on history of Central Academy ofFine Arts; in Changsha,I passed the exam of Ceramic Institute of Jingdezhen, and got the first inGuangxi. I passed the exams of the two schools at the same time, but I chosethe Ceramic Institute at last; maybe this was destined, for there is famousNixing pottery in my hometown Qinzhou. When I was 18 years old, I went on along journey for the first time. Sitting beside the toilet of the shabby andcrowded train, I wrote down brave words of “Cross the Yangtze River and spanthe Yellow River”. In the Second Middle School,I fell in love with the school beauty Su Wen secretly, who is now working inCCTV 4. That is purely Platonic love. When this beautiful and bold lady held aparty in the Second Middle School and dancedtrippingly, I sketched her posture, which has been reserved by me till now.Later, my friend Li Daxv and I schemed together to write down words of “Weadore your beauty — by tow boys without any evil purpose”on a postcard and sent it to her. Afterwards, this Platonic love developed intofriendship, which has been maintained till now.

藕叶防晒 发表于 2014-9-20 10:02


zhxp2005 发表于 2014-9-20 12:08

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