简木子 发表于 2014-11-21 16:50


原标题:Last British governor of Hong Kong says confront China on rights
周四,香港最后一名总督Chris Patten告诉美国政府委员会,称在针对香港民权问题上,任何国家都应该毫无畏惧地站起来抵抗中国。Patten反对中国对香港民主派抗议者是外国人的傀儡的控诉,认为这是对“极具原则性”运动的诽谤。他告诉中国国会常务委员会,坚持原则是很重要的,认为坚持原则会带来经济损失的想法是荒谬的。Patten 通过伦敦视频连线称,“中国对美国的出口在15年里上升了1600%,到底是谁需要谁?”Patten对美国总统奥巴马上周在布里斯班发表的演讲表示了赞扬。在演讲中,奥巴马承诺要保卫该地区的人权,并表扬香港抗议者是“为了普世权利而畅所欲言”。Patten控诉英方因为害怕与中方的贸易关系遭到破坏而没有给中国施压,要求中国遵守移交香港主权时的公约。上周,两党委员会的委员发行了一项法案,呼吁恢复美国对香港民主自治的承诺。该委员会于2000年建立,由九位参议员、九位众议员以及五位美国高级政府官员小组组成,旨在监督中国的人权问题。该法案将更新1992年签订的法令,即在贸易和经济问题上对香港和中国区别对待;且要求在制定任何法令或协议前,奥巴马需要证明该领土足够自治。委员会联合主席、参议员Sherrod Brown称,香港是中国是否愿意遵循其国际承诺的试金石。他说,“如果中国轻易在香港问题上食言,那么我们又怎么能奢望中国在类似世贸组织协议或是未来的贸易协议中坚持到底呢?”中国外交部在周四重复,称任何外国不应该“干涉”香港政治问题。中国在1997年通过“一国两制”方案恢复英属殖民地,该方案以允许广泛的自主权和独特的普选权为最终目的。八月份北京方面称将会有效地为香港挑选市长的候选人,这引发了数周的抗议者街头游行。 Countriesshould not be afraid to stand up to China over democratic rights in Hong Kong,the last British governor of the territory, Chris Patten, told a U.S.government commission on Thursday.Patten rejected Chinesecharges that Hong Kong pro-democracy protesters were puppets of foreigners as a"slur" on a "wonderfully principled" movement.It was important to stand upfor principles and it was ridiculous to suggest that to do so carried the riskof economic damage, he told the Congressional-Executive Commission on China."China's exports to theUnited States went up by 1,600 percent in 15 years," Patten said via avideo link from London. "So who need whom?"Patten praised U.S. PresidentBarack Obama for a speech in Brisbane last weekend in which he pledged to standup for human rights in the region, and said Hong Kong protesters were"speaking out for their universal rights."Patten has accused Britain ofnot putting enough pressure on China to stick to a pact on the transfer of HongKong's sovereignty because it was worried about damaging trade links.Members of the bipartisancommission - a panel of nine senators, nine house members and five senior U.S.administration officials set up in 2000 to monitor human rights in China - putforward a bill last week calling for renewed U.S. commitment to democracy andautonomy in Hong Kong. The bill would update a 1992 act that treatsHong Kong differently to China on trade and economic matters, and requiresObama to certify the territory is sufficiently autonomous before enacting newlaws or agreements.Commission co-chairmanSenator Sherrod Brown said Hong Kong was a test of China's willingness tocomply with its international commitments."If China can so easilyrenege on its promises to Hong Kong, then how can we expect China to hold upits end of the bargain on issues like World Trade Organization compliance orfuture trade agreements?" he said.China's Foreign Ministryrepeated on Thursday that foreign countries should not "interfere"with Hong Kong politics.China resumed control of theBritish colony in 1997 through a "one country, two systems" formulathat allows wide-ranging autonomy and specifies universal suffrage as aneventual goal.Beijing said in August itwould effectively screen candidates for city leader, prompting weeks of streetprotests.

大汉子民 发表于 2014-11-21 17:04


aylyq1g 发表于 2014-11-21 17:12


红旗跃过汀江 发表于 2014-11-21 17:28

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