独秀文译青年 发表于 2014-11-23 11:02


本帖最后由 独秀文译青年 于 2014-11-23 11:02 编辑

【原文标题】China’s ICBC to set up offshore yuan center in Los Angeles【中文标题】工行美国将在洛杉矶建立离岸人民币中心【消息来源】Dominique Patton, 路透社【原文链接】http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/11/22/us-china-los-angeles-yuan-idUSKCN0J605B20141122 图为中国工商银行北京总行
【正文】(Reuters) - China's Industrial and Commercial Bank (ICBC) signed a pact with the Los Angeles city government to promote cross-border yuan trade and set up an offshore renminbi center in California, the bank said on Saturday.中国工商银行(美国)(下称工银美国)与美国洛杉矶政府签订了《人民币合作备忘录》,双方将推动跨境人民币业务领域合作,打造美国加州离岸人民币中心。
The move to create an offshore RMB center in the largest state in the United States would lay the foundations for greater yuan trade with China, ICBC said in a statement.工银美国表示,备忘录签署后,将在美国加州建立离岸人民币中心,为美国与中国扩大人民币交易奠定基础。
The agreement comes at a time when many other countries are ahead of the United States in establishing cross-border trade in yuan.此备忘录签署前,已有许多国家先于美国与中国建立跨境人民币业务关系。
The United States has lagged other markets in seeking to set up offshore yuan trading hubs because the U.S. dollar remains the world's dominant currency and U.S. firms are reluctant to accept the yuan, a Chinese bank executive said.据一位中国的银行主管称,美国创建离岸人民币交易中心进展相对缓慢,原因在于美元是世界主要货币,以及美国公司对人民币的认可犹豫不决。
Beijing wants to promote its currency to more international investors and eventually turn the "redback" into a global reserve currency, while at the same time expanding its already considerable political and economic clout.为了让人民币变成国际储蓄货币,中国一直在向世界推广人民币,同时继续扩大其政治经济影响。
About 15 percent of China's trade was settled in yuan in the first nine months of 2014, up from less than 1 percent in 2009.在2014年前9个月里,中国15%的贸易总额以人民币成交;而在2009年不到1%。
In the first nine months of 2014, cross-border payments between the United States and China reached more than 160 billion yuan, ICBC data show.工行数据表明,在今年前九个月里,中美跨境支付超过了1600亿元。
During that time, ICBC's cross-border business was worth nearly 28 trillion yuan, up more than 80 percent from the corresponding period last year.与此同时,工行跨境贸易价值接近28万亿,同比增加超过80%。

云竹 发表于 2014-11-23 11:29


易八泰 发表于 2014-11-23 13:27


爱中华里的财哥 发表于 2014-11-23 15:54

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