lt630 发表于 2014-11-28 17:18


【中文标题】奥巴马称克林顿在2016年竞选中将会与他持不同立场【原文标题】Obama says Clinton likely to have different positions from him in2016 race【原文作者】STEVE HOLLAND【原文链接】【更新时间】Nov 23, 2014 10:40am EST【原文来源】【正文】(Reuters) - President Barack Obama said inan interview broadcast on Sunday that he expects Democrat Hillary Clinton tostake out positions that may be different from his if she runs for president in2016.Clinton, who lost to Obama in the 2008 Democratic presidentialnomination race and served as his secretary of state in his first term, isconsidering a run in 2016 and is expected to make up her mind in the earlymonths of 2015.(路透社)—美国总统奥巴马在周日的一个访谈节目中说到,如果希拉里克林顿在2016年竞选总统,他期待作为民主党人的她表明与他不同的立场。克林顿在2008年民主党总统候选人提名的角逐中输给了奥巴马,从而担任奥巴马第一个任期内的国务卿。她正在考虑参加2016年的总统竞选,预计会在2015年年初做出决定。 "She's not going to agree with me oneverything," Obama told ABC's "This Week With GeorgeStephanopoulos." "One of the benefits of running for president is youcan stake out your own positions, and have a clean slate, a fresh start." “她并不是在所有事情上都同意我的看法,” 奥巴马在ABC的 ”This WeekWith George Stephanopoulos.”节目中说道,“竞选总统的好处之一,就是可以坚持你自己的立场以及拥有一个新的开始。” After Obama announced his go-it-aloneimmigration overhaul on Thursday, Clinton issued a statementsupporting Obama's plan but urging Congress to "finish the job" bypassing comprehensive immigration legislation.奥巴马于周四宣布他的单干移民改革后,克林顿发表声明支持奥巴马计划,但同时敦促国会通过全面的移民法案来“完成任务”。 Obama, whose 40 percent jobapproval rating was a drag on Democrats in Nov. 4 midterms elections, said hedoubted he will be asked to campaign much for the eventual Democratic nomineein 2016. He acknowledged having some"dings" like an old car. "I think the American people, you know,they're gonna want, you know, that new car smell. They want to drive somethingoff the lot that doesn't have as much mileage as me," he said.在11月4日的中期选举中,奥巴马的支持率为40%,这对民主党十分不利。奥巴马还认为他不会被要求为民主党2016年的最终总统候选人做太多宣传,并且承认自己像辆破车一样有些“叮当作响”。“我觉得美国人民想要闻到那辆新车的味道,他们想开动的是一辆不像我这样跑了太多里程的车辆,”他说。 "If they want me to do some selectivethings, I'll be happy to do 'em, but I suspect that folks will be ready to seeme go off to the next thing," he said.“如果他们想让我做一些选择的事情,我会很乐意。但是我猜想人们已经做好让我去做另一件事的准备了。”奥巴马说。 The interview was taped on Friday. Obamaspent the weekend in the Las Vegas area and was returning to Washington onSunday.这次面试录制于周五。奥巴马在拉斯维加斯度过周末,于周日返回华盛顿。(A)

红旗跃过汀江 发表于 2014-11-29 12:01

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