lt630 发表于 2014-11-29 22:43


【原文标题】China's Xinjiang to hire 3,000 ex-soldiers as guards【中文标题】3000名退伍军人被雇守卫中国新疆【原文链接】【更新时间】28 November 2014 Last updated at 12:39【正文】The capital of China's restive region of Xinjiang willrecruit 3,000 former soldiers to help guard its residents, the Chinesegovernment has said.中国政府称,在中国不安宁的区域--新疆的首府将雇用3000名退伍军人帮助守卫居民的安全。The soldiers will be carefully vetted to determine theirpolitical views. They will join the military and police forces that oftenpatrol Urumqi.这些军人将经过仔细的审查,判断他们的政治主张。他们将加入军队和警察部队巡逻乌鲁木齐。The movecomes amid a crackdown against the Uighur Muslim minority group.此举为了镇压维吾尔穆斯林的少数民族。China has blamed a spate of violent attacksin Xinjiang on Uighurs pushing for the region's independence.中国一直把一浪接一浪的暴力袭击事件归咎于维吾尔人,他们想把这片区域独立出去。The BBC'sCelia Hatton says that tensions have been on the rise in Xinjiang, where 175people have died so far this year in clashes between Uighurs and the HanChinese majority, according to China'sstate media.BBC的记者CeliaHatton称,根据中国媒体报道新疆局面日益紧张,截止今年目前已有175人在维吾尔族与汉族的斗争中丧生。This is a huge increase on the same period last year when 45people were killed.今年死亡人数较上年同期45人丧生有大幅度提升。'Foreign terror links'“国外恐怖行动的链接”This is the first time former soldiershave been asked by China toguard Urumqi.这是第一次中国政府雇用退伍军人守卫乌鲁木齐。Those applying for the role must beunder 30, have left the army within the past year and prove that they are"against separatism and illegal religious activities," ourcorrespondent says.BBC记者报道,应聘的军人必须30岁以下,离开军队不超过一年,并坚决反对分裂主义与非法宗教活动。Xinjiang's recruitment office told theBBC it is yet to receive many applications.新疆招聘办公室告诉BBC记者,目前还没有收到大量的应征申请。

Pentium_5 发表于 2014-11-29 22:56


siluxinyu1964 发表于 2014-11-30 01:07


我以我心 发表于 2014-12-12 21:13


hegieer 发表于 2014-12-13 17:46


南方梧桐 发表于 2014-12-17 15:10

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