独秀文译青年 发表于 2014-12-9 22:53


【原文标题】China’s Coal Burning Is Main Culprit for Pollution【中文标题】煤炭燃烧是中国污染问题的罪魁祸首【文章来源】Feifei Shen, 彭博社【原文链接】http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-12-09/china-s-coal-burning-is-main-culprit-for-pollution-daily-says.html
China’s excessive use of unclean energy such as coal is the biggest contributor to its smog, China Youth Daily reported.据《中国青年网》称,过度使用煤炭等污染型能源,是中国雾霾问题的最主要原因。
Vehicle emissions came in second, the newspaper said on its website yesterday, citing Zhang Xiaoye, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences.中国气象科学研究院研究院张小曳称“汽车尾气排放也是另外一个原因”。
Efforts to control air pollution during the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum last month mainly resulted from emission cuts from coal burning in regions surrounding Beijing, according to the newspaper. Ten percent of the reduction was because of traffic control, the newspaper said.为了控制APEC会议期间北京的空气质量,中国在北京周边地区限制煤炭使用量以减少空气污染。通过交通管制达到的减排占减排总量的10%。
China consumed 3.61 billion metric tons of coal last year, while the U.S. just used 600 to 700 million tons, Zhang was cited as saying.去年,中国消耗了36.1亿公吨煤炭,而美国仅仅使用了6到7亿公吨煤炭。

hegieer 发表于 2014-12-13 17:50

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