独秀文译青年 发表于 2014-12-19 16:38

【BBC 20141218】佳木斯假警察充当政府机关保卫人员

【原文标题】China: Fake cops guard government building【中文标题】佳木斯假警察充当政府机关保卫人员【消息来源】BBC【原文链接】http://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere-30533663
A local government in north-eastern China has admitted to using security guards to pose as police officers, it's been reported.位于中国东北的佳木斯市政府承认,曾经使用假警察充当政府机关保卫人员。

Despite the practice being illegal in China, the Jiamusi city government in Heilongjiang Province issued security guards with police uniforms and even assigned them a rank, Xinhua news agency reports. China's People Police Law stipulates that police insignias and uniforms are for the exclusive use of the police force. But local government official Zhang Hongbin says the "officers" were brought in to cope with the growing number of complaints filed by the public. "Thousands of petitioners forcibly enter the city government building every year. The situation was out of control sometimes, even when guards were wearing police uniforms," he says.据新华社报道,黑龙江佳木斯市政府曾为假警察颁发警察制服,并授予他们警衔,这种行为违反法律的规定。《中华人民共和国人民警察法》规定,警察的徽章和制服是警察专用的。但佳木斯市政府官员张洪斌称”这些年上访告状的人员增多,每年硬闯市政府的就有成千上万人,即使有警察在站岗有时候管都管不住。

The government in Jiamusi had been using fake police officers since 2001, according to Xinhua. One guard told the agency "I've been using this police ID number and carrying a Class Three police rank for nearly seven years." Since the revelation, city authorities have "confiscated" all the uniforms, a spokesman for the government told the Global Times, adding, "We haven't heard about any punishment." Some Chinese media have accused the government of abusing the police's authority and using the guards to deter the public from lodging complaints. "This is an unwise and illegal way of avoiding the problem", the Beijing Times reports. 新华社透露,自2001年以来,佳木斯市政府就开始雇用假警察。其中一名假警察称“7年来,我一直用着这个警察编号,并且还肩佩‘三级警司’。”当地政府发言人称“自这次事件曝光以来,当地政府就开始收缴被违法穿着的警服。但还没有提及对违法行为的处罚。”中国一些媒体指责当地政府滥用警察职责,用武力阻塞公众民意诉讼渠道。《北京京华时报》称之为“愚蠢和违法的躲避问题的行为。”
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