独秀文译青年 发表于 2014-12-19 16:42

【BBC 20141219】“伊春空难”机长因重大飞行事故获刑

【原文标题】Pilot jailed over deadly China crash【中文标题】“伊春空难”机长因重大飞行事故获刑【消息来源】BBC【原文链接】http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-30544505

A Chinese court has jailed a pilot for three years over a 2010 crash in Heilongjiang province that left 44 people dead.黑龙江省伊春市伊春区人民法院对2010年“伊春空难”案作出判决,被告人“伊春空难”机长被判处有期徒刑3年。该空难致死44人。
The Henan Airlines flight, carrying 96 people, caught fire after overshooting the runway at Yichun airport.当时,搭载96人的河南航空客机在伊春机场降落时滑出飞机跑道并引发大火。
Captain Qi Quanjun had broken rules by trying to land "when visibility at the airport was below safety standards", state media reported, citing the court.据法院介绍,机长齐全军在“机场可见度低于安全标准”的情况下着陆导致事故的发生。
He did not properly evacuate passengers or help the injured, it added.“齐全军没有正确疏散乘客,也没有救助伤员”
It was China's worst air disaster in six years, after 55 people died when a China Eastern Airlines plane crashed in Inner Mongolia in 2004.这起事故是2004年内蒙古境内中国东方航空客机事故致死55人以后,6年来最严重的空难。

Pentium_5 发表于 2014-12-20 15:38

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