Annie2014 发表于 2014-12-20 17:58


【原文标题】Reported US military sex assaults rise【中文标题】美国军队的性侵犯案件增加【原文链接】【更新时间】5 December 2014 Last updated at 00:10【正文】Reportedsexual assaults in the US militaryrose by 8% this year to 5,983, with nearly two-thirds of those who reportedsaying they faced retaliation.据报道,性侵犯案件今年在美国军队增长了8%,达到5983件,将近三分之二的人
The totalnumber of troops saying they faced unwanted sexual contact fell, from 26,000 in 2012 to 19,000 in 2014.军队里被迫发生性接触的人数由2012年26000人下跌到2014年的19000人。
DefenceSecretary Chuck Hagel said a three-year crackdown on sexual assault was showing"real progress" but there was still "a long way to go". 国防部长哈格尔说,三年镇压性侵的活动已取得一定“实质性进展”,但还有很长的道路要走。
Thefigures come from an anonymous survey conducted by the Pentagon.五角大楼开展一项匿名调查,数据表明:
Of the19,000 overall people who said they had experienced unwanted sexual contact,about 10,500 were men and 8,500 women.19000人曾被迫发生性行为,其中10500为男性,8500为女性。
Pentagonofficials said the rise in the number of cases that were actually reported wasencouraging, showing that more people were willing to come forward.五角大楼官员称,这些被报道的案件增长是令人鼓舞的,表明越来越多人愿意站出来。
But theyexpressed concern that 62% of female victims said they faced repercussions forreporting assaults.但他们同样表明担忧,62%的女受害者说曝光后她们面临不良后果的影响。
Mr Hagelsaid the issue of retaliation should be tackled "head on".哈格尔称,报复事件也应该给以正面回击。
"Whensomeone reports a sexual assault, they need to be embraced and helped, notostracised or punished with retribution.''“当人们被报道受到性侵害,他们应该受到拥抱与帮助,而不是被排斥与报以惩罚。”
DemocraticSenator Kirsten Gillibrand, a prominent campaigner for victims of sexualassault, said the fact that the rate of retaliation had not fallen should be"a screaming red flag to everyone".民主党参议员柯尔斯顿·吉里布朗德,一个为性侵受害人发声的杰出活动者称道报复率居高不下给每一个人发出了危险的信号。
MsGillibrand has been pushing for reform of the military justice system, and fortransferring the authority to prosecute sex assault cases to an independentmilitary prosecutor.吉里布朗德致力推动军事司法系统的改革,把检举性侵案件的权利转移给一个独立的军事检察官。

fshysh 发表于 2014-12-20 18:24

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