Annie2014 发表于 2014-12-21 14:37


【原文标题】China to stop harvesting executed prisoners' organs【中文标题】中国叫停死刑犯器官移植【原文链接】【更新时间】4 December 2014 Last updated at 11:54【正文】China has promised to stop harvestingorgans from executed prisoners by 1 January, state media report.官方媒体称,中国承诺将于明年1月1日起停止从死刑犯身上进行器官移植。It has said for many years that it willend the controversial practice. It previously promised to do so by Novemberlast year.中国政府曾一再表示会停止死刑犯器官移植这一具有争议性的行为。此前就曾在去年的11月份就承诺过会禁止这一行为。Death row inmates have long served as akey source for transplants.长期以来,死刑犯器官都是主要的移植供体来源。China has been criticised for taking theirorgans without consent, but has struggled to encourage voluntary donations dueto cultural concerns.外界一直都在批评中国未经同意便摘取犯人器官的行为。中国也一直在努力把鼓励自愿捐献器官作为一个文化问题来关注。Prisoners used to account fortwo-thirds of transplant organs, based on previous estimates from state media.从之前官方媒体的估计来看,死刑犯大约三分之二的器官会被用来移植。For years, China denied that it used organsfrom executed prisoners and only admitted to the practice a few years ago.中国只是在近几年才承认利用被处决犯人的器官作为器官移植来源,而在此之前的行为,中国一切给予否认。The Chineseauthorities put more prisoners to death every year than the rest of the worldcombined - an estimated 2,400 people in 2013 - according to the SanFrancisco-based prisoners' rights organisation, Dui Hua.根据洛杉矶罪犯权利组织对话基金会数据表明,中国当局在2013年处以死刑的罪犯估计有2400人,这一数字超过了除中国外世界的总和。'Fair, just andtransparent'公平、公正、公开State media reported on Thursday thatthe head of the country's organ donation committee Huang Jiefu said that by 1January 2015, only voluntarily donated organs from civilians can be used intransplants.官方媒体周四报道,中国器官捐献委员会负责人黄洁夫说,从2015年1月1日起,只有公民自愿捐献的器官才可以用于移植使用。So far 38 organ transplant centresaround the country, including those in Beijing, Guangdong and Zhejiang,have already stopped using prisoners' organs, according to reports.报道称,到目前为止,全国包括在北京、广州、浙江等地的38家器官移植中心已经停止使用犯人的器官。Dr Huang, who was addressing a seminar,said that every year about 300,000 people in China need transplanted organs, but only 10,000 operations arecarried out.黄医生在一个研讨会的演讲里说道,中国每年约有30万人需要移植器官,而每年器官移植手术仅有1万例。Analysis: CeliaHatton, BBC News, BeijingIt's taken years for the Chinese authoritiesto end their own practice of harvesting organs from executed prisoners.停止摘取死刑犯器官,这句话中国政府已经说了很多年。In 2006, Dr Huang admitted Chinamust reduce its reliance on prisoners' organs. He repeatedthat again in 2009, when announcing the establishment of a national organdonation network. And finally, in 2012, Dr Huangsurfaced in Chinese state media once more with a promise to end all prisoners'donations within a few years.黄洁夫在2006年就曾表示中国必须要降低对犯人器官供源的依赖。2009年,在宣布国家器官捐赠网建立之际,他又再一次强调了这个问题。最后再2012年,黄洁夫对中国国家媒体再次承诺将在数年内结束死刑犯器官捐助。Why did it take so long? Thousands ofpeople are on China'stransplant waiting list in desperate need of organs, with no clear solution insight. Attempts to address the need, by encouraging public organ donations,have faltered.为什么这个问题总是悬而未决?成千上万的中国人需要器官移植,他们绝望的排在器官移植等待的名单当中,看不到一点希望。想要仅仅依靠鼓励公民捐献器官来满足这些移植需要,是不可能的。But many in China believe that bodies should remainintact after death. China'salso home to a thriving illegal trade in body parts, making would-be donorsnervous they will contribute to a wider problem.很多中国人坚持人死之后要保留身体的完整,而且中国也有着庞大的器官交易黑市,这都使得捐献者神经紧绷,担心捐献会引来更多的麻烦。A 2012 pollconducted in the southern city of Guangzhou revealed that 79% of respondentsbelieved organ donation was "noble". However, 81% were concerned thedonations "inevitably feed the organ trade."2012年在南部城市广州的一个调查显示,79%的受访者认为捐赠器官是高尚的,然而,81%的人担心捐赠的器官不可避免的陷入器官交易之中。Clearly, Chinesehealth officials have a lot of work to do to change public perceptions.显然,中国卫生部的官员想要改变公众的看法还有很多工作要做。With a donationrate of only 0.6 per 1 million people, China has one of the world's lowest levelsof organ donation. Dr Huang compared it to Spain, which has a rate of 37 per 1million.中国的器官捐赠率是世界最低的,平均一百万人里捐赠率仅有0.6%。黄洁夫指出,相比较之下,西班牙的器官捐赠率达到了37%。"Besides traditional beliefs, oneof the major roadblocks to the development of our organ donation industry isthat people are concerned that organ donation will be fair, just andtransparent," he was quoted as saying.他说:“除了传统观念,我们倡导器官捐赠最主要的障碍之一是人们怀疑器官捐赠的公平、公正和公开性。”Dr Huang, who usedto be the vice minister for health, had last year pledged to phase out prisonerorgan transplants by the end of 2013.Amnesty International's William Neetold the BBC that halting prisoner organ transplants would be "a positivestep forward in China'shuman rights record", although some challenges remain.黄洁夫,曾担任卫生部副部长,在去年承诺将从2013年底起逐步取消犯人器官移植。大赦国际的William Nee告诉英国广播公司,尽管存在一些挑战,但取消犯人器官移植仍将是推动中国人权发展的积极的一步,"It will be worth seeing not onlyhow effective a new voluntary organ donation system is, but it will also be crucialthat the government becomes fully transparent about the number of peoplesentenced to death, the number of executions per year, and how the executionsare carried out," he said.“值得我们期待的不仅仅是一种有效的新的自愿捐献器官体系,政府完全透明公开被判死刑的人数、每年执行死刑的人数以及如何进行处决也是至关重要的。”他说。

Pentium_5 发表于 2014-12-21 14:55


Pentium_5 发表于 2014-12-21 14:57

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