Annie2014 发表于 2014-12-21 16:16


【原文标题】Christmas shoppers to spend £1.2bn on 'PanicSaturday'【中文标题】圣诞节前夕消费者狂砸12亿英镑于“恐慌星期六”【原文链接】【更新时间】20 December 2014 Last updated at 11:18【正文】£1.2bn is expected to be spent by UK shoppers on thelast Saturday before Christmas, with researchers calling it "PanicSaturday".圣诞节前夕的最后一个周六,英国的消费者预计花了12亿英镑购物,这一现象被研究者称为“恐慌星期六”。
Extra security staff have been draftedin following the angry scenes witnessed on Black Friday at the end of November.在十一月末经历了黑色星期五后,额外的保安员拟被采用以防止之后极度混乱的场面。
For every minute the shops are open 13m consumers will spend £2.1m, according to the Centre for RetailResearch.根据零售研究中心数据表明,1300万消费者将每分钟在商店消费210万英镑。
The seven-day period before ChristmasDay is predicted to see a 7% rise in spending on the same time last year.圣诞节前的7天时间内,英国民众消费预计将会比去年同期上涨7%。
Cold sweat 冷汗The UK's department stores are expectedto double their takings throughout the last weekend before Christmas.百货商店在圣诞节前周末的收入预计会翻倍。
Outlets in the North of England arepredicted to benefit the most according to data released by payment processingcompany Worldpay.根据支付处理公司Worldpay发布的数据,英国北部的奥特莱斯预计将会从“恐慌星期六”购物狂潮中收货最大利益。
"Many of these eleventh-hourshoppers will be breaking into a cold sweat at the thought of heading to thehigh street on the busiest shopping day of the year and praying for someone totake the pain away," said Worldpay UK managing director Dave Hobday.Worldpay UK执行经理大卫-霍步德说道,对许多最后时刻的购物者来说,要在年度最繁忙的购物日进入商业街的想法会让他们一身冷汗,他们会祈祷别人能把痛苦带走。
Panic Saturday follows on from CyberMonday - the busiest day for people doing their Christmas shopping online - andthe large discounts offered on Black Friday, which originated in the US.“恐慌星期六”之前还有一个网购星期一,是人们网络圣诞购物最繁忙的一天。此外在这之前还有源于美国的黑色星期五,商家提供大量折扣。
UK retail sales roseat their fastest annual rate in more than 10 years in November, thanks to theeffect of Black Friday which saw scuffles break out in stores.十一月,英国零售业销售以10多年以来的最快年度增长率增长,这还要归功于黑色星期五的大促销。

Pentium_5 发表于 2014-12-21 17:23


siluxinyu1964 发表于 2014-12-21 20:51

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