6666pppp6666 发表于 2014-12-21 16:17


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Sun Yang under fire, new stars emerge in Chinese swimming

English.news.cn   2014-12-19 10:57:42   

By Sportswriter Li Jia
由体育记者李佳在北京为你报道 http://img.ltaaa.com/bbs/forum/201412/20/145749pasqsjq0jmh0mf0s.jpg.thumb.jpg


BEIJING, Dec. 19 (Xinhua) -- China's double Olympic champion Sun Yang has been under fire since the news broke that he had served a doping ban earlier this year.
It was the most shocking news of Chinese swimming in 2014 and has caught world-wide attention.
The star swimmer has been barred from training in Australia and his Australian coach Denis Cotterell isn't allowed to coach Sun as a result of the new policy to be implemented by Swimming Australia.
The Chinese Swimming Association (CSA) announced last month that it had banned Sun for three months from May 16 to Aug. 17 as he had tested positive for the banned stimulant trimetazidine during the national championships in May.
The CSA believed in Sun's innocence and said Sun had offered enough evidence to prove he had no intention to take the drug to improve his performance.


Sun's national 1,500m freestyle title was stripped.
He took part in the Asian Games in September and collected three gold medals in the men's 400m free, 1,500m free and 4x100m free relay.
The World Anti-Doping Agency has decided not to appeal against a three month ban imposed against Sun but has warned China of the way it handled the case.
"WADA has written to CHINADA (China Anti-doping Agency) however, raising its concern over the delayed public reporting of the case," a WADA spokesman wrote to a world news agency on Wednesday.
Judging by results alone, Sun Yang was overshadowed by the 21-year-old Ning Zetao, who broke the Asian record to win the men's 100m freestyle and also took the 50m free, 4x100m free relay and 4x100m mixed relay in Incheon, South Korea, where China topped the swimming table with a 22-12-11 record.
Ning went on to improve the 100m Asian record to 47.65 seconds in a national meet in October, which was the second fastest time of the year and could have won him a gold in last year's Barcelona world championships.
Xu Jiayu claimed two silvers at Incheon in the men's 100m and 200m backstroke. He renewed the national 100m back mark to 52.34 seconds in May and the time was the world fastest of the year.

孙杨被剥夺了1500米自由泳的冠军。他参加了9月的亚运会并获得的三枚金牌(在男子400米自由泳,1500自由泳和4 x100米接力)。世界反兴奋剂机构已经决定不准备上诉,但警告中国的处理方式。“WADA警告CHINADA(中国反兴奋剂机构),无论如何推迟公开报道是令人担忧的“WADA发言人周三写给世界新闻机构。相对于孙杨来说,21岁的宁泽涛更加光彩,在韩国仁川打破了亚洲纪录赢得男子100米自由泳比赛冠军,以及50米自由泳,4 x100米接力和4 x100米接力,为中国游泳队夺得22金的好成绩。全国游泳锦标赛男子100米自由泳决赛,宁泽涛以47秒65的成绩夺冠,并打破亚洲纪录,这是世界第二个最快的记录,这可能是他在去年的巴塞罗那世界锦标赛夺冠之后第二块金牌。徐嘉余在2014年全国游泳冠军赛暨亚运会选拔赛在青岛体育中心游泳跳水馆结束首日争夺,在男子100米仰泳决赛中,浙江队的徐嘉余凭借52秒34的成绩斩获冠军。值得一提的是,这个成绩还打破了该项目的全国纪录,同时也名列今年100仰泳项目的世界第一位。

Good results also came from young women swimmers. Shen Duo, 17, clinched four Asian Games golds in the women's 100m, 200m free and 4x200m free relay and 4x100m free relay after sweeping six golds at the Youth Olympic Games in Nanjing.
Chen Xinyi, 16, won the women's 100m butterfly and 50m freestyle in Incheon. Her winning time of the fly ranked third of the year.
Shi Jinglin, a breaststroke specialist, won the women's 100m at the Asian Games.
Double Olympic champion Ye Shiwen was not in top form but still won the 200m and 400m medley gold in Incheon.
With top guns absent, China didn't do well in the short-course world championships in December, finishing with two silvers and one bronze.


好的成绩也来自于年轻女性游泳者。沈铎女,17岁 项目:女子100米自由泳、200米自由泳 2014仁川亚运 100米自由泳 54.37秒 200米自由泳 1分57.66秒 2016里约奥运 100米自由泳,在南京青年奥运会夺得四个亚运会女子100米金牌,200米自由泳和自由接力和4×4 x200米接力自由接力六枚金牌。陈欣怡在16日赢得了50米自由泳女子100米蝶泳的冠军,排名世界第三。蛙泳专家史婧琳,江苏女子游泳队运动员,2009年全国游泳锦标赛冠军,2012年全国游泳冠军赛女子200米蛙泳季军。2014年9月21日,2014仁川亚运会女子100米蛙泳决赛中,中国选手史婧琳夺冠,并且破赛会纪录。 2009年8月31日,史婧琳在全国游泳锦标赛女子200米蛙泳比赛中,以2分25秒66的成绩夺得冠军。双奥运冠军叶诗文虽然不在最佳状态,但仍赢得了200米和400米混合泳金牌。因为没有准备好所以中国在12月的世界锦标赛只赢得两银和一铜的成绩。

zjx 发表于 2014-12-21 16:41

孙杨即使不是故意 总是有过錯 不用过多辩解 身后实力再雄厚 也掩蓋不了出现的问题 重要的应吸取教训 少出丑事

Pentium_5 发表于 2014-12-21 17:00


爱中华里的财哥 发表于 2014-12-21 17:47


红旗跃过汀江 发表于 2014-12-21 18:02

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