独秀文译青年 发表于 2014-12-22 19:59

【路透社 20141221】中国外交部长:中国愿意帮助俄罗斯

本帖最后由 独秀文译青年 于 2014-12-22 20:04 编辑

【原文标题】China foreign minister says willing to help Russia【中文标题】中国外交部长:中国愿意帮助俄罗斯【文章来源】Ben Blanchard,路透社【原文链接】http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/12/22/us-china-russia-idUSKBN0K004Q20141222


(Reuters) - China is willing to help Russia if needed but believes that the country has the ability to overcome its current economic problems, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi was quoted as saying in a state newspaper on Monday.据中国媒体报道,中国外交部长王毅称:如果俄罗斯需要中国的帮助,中国将伸出援手帮助俄罗斯。但是中国相信,俄罗斯有能力解决目前的经济问题。
The ruble has dropped about 45 percent against the dollar this year, suffering particularly steep falls early last week. President Vladimir Putin has declined to call it a crisis and said the currency would eventually rise again.卢布上周始暴跌,自今年以来,卢布兑美元汇率下降45%。俄罗斯总统普京拒绝称之为危机,并且相信卢布将会重新升值。
Wang, speaking to reporters over the weekend, said that Russia also had the "wisdom" to get out of difficulties, the official China Daily reported. "If the Russian side needs, we will provide necessary assistance within our capacity," he said, noting that the two countries had consistently helped each other.He did not elaborate.本周末据《中国日报》报道,王毅接受记者的采访时称:“俄罗斯拥有解决困难的‘智慧’。如果俄方需要,我们将会力所能及地帮助俄罗斯。”同时,他还指出中国和俄罗斯拥有长期以来互帮互助的友好关系。但他没有解释中国将通过何种方式提供帮助。

China's trade minister, also speaking at the weekend, proposed more use of China's currency in settling trade with Russia in the face of the weaker ruble to ensure safe and reliable trade.王毅还提出,面对卢布贬值,中俄贸易中使用更多的人民币将更有利于贸易的安全性和可靠性。
China and Russia have close diplomatic and economic ties, particularly in the energy sector.中国和俄罗斯政治经济关系紧密,尤其是在能源方面。
However, China has largely stayed out of the crisis over Ukraine, trying not to be seen to take sides and calling for talks to resolve the issue.然而,中国却在克里米亚问题上一直保持中立,呼吁双方通过谈判解决克里米亚问题。
China's exports to Russia rose 10.5 percent and imports climbed 2.9 percent in the first three quarters of the year from the same period in 2013, with total trade valued at $70.78 billion.今年前三个季度,中国出口俄罗斯贸易额同比上升10.5%,进口同比增长2.9%,贸易总额达到707.8亿美元。
China's foreign exchange regulator said last week that they were closely monitoring the slide in the ruble but that they hadn't seen a significant impact on cross-border capital flows.上周,中国外汇监管部门透露,他们正在加紧监控卢布的贬值状况,目前卢布贬值并没有对跨境资金流造成重大影响。
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