独秀文译青年 发表于 2014-12-23 21:48

【路透社 20141223】谌龙超越李宗伟登顶世界第一

【原文标题】Suspended Lee to lose top ranking to China’s Chen【中文标题】谌龙超越李宗伟登顶世界第一【文章来源】Sudipto Ganguly,路透社【原文链接】http://news.yahoo.com/suspended-lee-lose-top-ranking-chinas-chen-083141685--spt.html;_ylt=AwrSyCTSaZlUoQ0AQm7QtDMD

(Reuters) - Lee Chong Wei's indefinite suspension for a doping violation will cost the Malaysian his top ranking with Chinese world champion Chen Long set to take over on Thursday after his World Superseries Finals triumph in Dubai.在迪拜结束的世界羽联超级联赛中,谌龙夺得了男单冠军。这样,谌龙将在周四正式超越因涉嫌服用兴奋剂的李宗伟,首次登顶世界第一。
The world governing body (BWF) provisionally suspended Lee last month after the shuttler tested positive for the illegal anti-inflammatory drug dexamethasone at the World Championships in August.世界羽联在八月份查出李宗伟涉嫌服用兴奋剂,违反了比赛规定,李宗伟自此遭到禁赛。
Lee, who won silver medals at the 2008 and 2012 Olympics, remains confident he can clear his name when the BWF panel conducts a hearing into the case next year.北京奥运会和伦敦奥运会银牌得主李宗伟称,他有信心在明年世界羽联举行的听证会上为自己澄清罪名。
Chen, currently ranked second, has made full use of Lee's absence and collected valuable points by winning the Denmark Open in October and the Superseries Finals on Sunday, when he beat Dane Hans-Kristian Vittinghus.谌龙目前世界排名第二。得益于李宗伟的禁赛,他先在十月的丹麦公开赛夺冠,又在本届年终总决赛中打败丹麦人维汀哈斯荣获男单冠军。
The 32-year-old Lee had held the number one ranking for the last six years barring a few weeks when Chinese Olympic champion Lin Dan became the top-ranked player in 2012.32岁的李宗伟过去六年长期占据世界第一宝座,仅在2012年被中国奥运冠军林丹夺去这项殊荣几周时间。

爱中华里的财哥 发表于 2014-12-24 06:03

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