Annie2014 发表于 2014-12-24 11:43


【中文标题】智能手机的使用“改变了我们的大脑”【原文标题】Smartphone use 'changing our brains'【原文作者】Michelle Roberts【原文链接】【更新时间】23 December 2014 Last updated at 17:03【原文来源】【正文】Ourbrains are adapting to touchscreen smartphone technology say researchers whohave carried out a study on human volunteers正在对人类志愿者进行的研究人员称,我们的大脑正在适应智能手机的触屏技术。
The scientists used something calledelectroencephalography (EEG) to measure brain activity.科学家们使用所谓的脑电图(EEG)来测量大脑活动。
They found distinct differences betweensmartphone users and people who used 'conventional' cellphones.他们发现智能手机使用者和“传统”手机使用者之间的差异。
Smartphone users had more attuned fingersand thumbs, based on their EEG readings.根据他们的脑电图数据,智能手机用户的手指和拇指更加的协调,
Of the 37 volunteers, 26 were touchscreensmartphone users while 11 used 'old-fashioned' mobile phones.37个志愿者中,26个是触摸屏智能手机使用者,而11个则是使用“老式的”智能手机。
EEG脑电图EEG measures and records the electricalactivity of the brain脑电图测量和记录大脑的脑电活动
The EEG readings looked at the electricalmessages sent back and forth between the brain and the hands via nerves.EEG数据通过神经来观察大脑和手之间电流信息的来回发送。
Multiple electrodes placed on thevolunteer's scalp recorded these exchanges about sensation.多个电极放置在志愿者的头皮上,记录这些感觉的交流。
From this, the researchers were able tobuild up a picture or map of how much brain tissue is devoted to a given bodyregion.由此,研究人员能够建立一个图片或者是一幅地图,关于一个给定的身体区域需要多少的脑组织。
The results revealed discernabledifferences between touchscreen smartphone users and people with conventionalcellphones.结果表明触屏手机用户和传统手机用户之间存在可辨别的差异。
Smartphone users had bigger EEG brainactivity measurements in response to mechanical touch on the thumb, index andmiddle fingers.智能手机使用者对于应对拇指,食指和中指的机械碰触有着更大的脑电图测量活动。
And this appeared to be linked to how oftenthey used their touchscreens - the more frequent, the greater the EEG response.这似乎与他们使用触屏的次数有关系:使用触屏的次数越频繁,脑电图反应就越大。
The researchers say their findings,published in the journal Current Biology, make sense given that the brain ismalleable and can be moulded by experience.研究人员说他们的研究结果发表在了《当代生物学》杂志上,关于大脑是可塑的,并且可以通过经验来巩固的结论是言之有理的。
For example, in violinists, the brain arearepresenting the fingers that play the instrument is larger than in non-musicians.例如,在小提琴家中,代表他们弹奏乐器的手指的大脑区域要比非音乐家的区域大得多。
The researchers suspect the same is truewith smartphones - repeated use sculpts the brain.研究人员猜想智能手机也是如此——重复地使用塑造了大脑。
Study author Arko Ghosh, from the Instituteof Neuroinformatics of the University of Zurich, said: "I was reallysurprised by the scale of the changes introduced by the use ofsmartphones."研究作者Arko Ghosh,来自苏黎世大学的Neuroinformatics研究所,他说:“我真的很惊讶智能手机的使用所带来变化的规模。”
He said the discovery underlines howcommonplace smartphones have become in our daily lives.他说,这一发现表明智能手机在我们的日常生活中已经司空见惯了。(A)

siluxinyu1964 发表于 2014-12-24 11:57


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rootec 发表于 2014-12-24 12:39


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Annie2014 发表于 2014-12-24 13:38

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