独秀文译青年 发表于 2014-12-28 12:20


【原文标题】China to crack down on mobile instant messaging apps【中文标题】中国将开展即时通讯工具专项治理行动【文章来源】Michael Kan,PC Advisor【文章链接】http://www.pcadvisor.co.uk/news/tech-industry/3521867/china-to-crack-down-on-mobile-instant-messaging-apps/?olo=rss
China is starting a month-long crack down on illegal content circulating through local instant messaging services.中国将在全国范围内开展为期一个月的移动即时通讯工具专项治理行动。
The latest crackdown, announced Tuesday, comes after a terrorist attack in China's Xinjiang region killed 43 people. Police later arrested over 200 suspected militants, who had been chatting over local instant messaging services to organize their activities, according to the nation's state-controlled press.在此之前,中国新疆地区发生了一起致死43人的恐怖袭击。据中国官方媒体称,警察在现场逮捕了200多名犯罪嫌疑人,并查明他们一般通过即时通讯工具联络组织恐怖活动。
Among the messaging services used were WeChat and QQ, two of the most popular in the nation and developed by local Internet giant Tencent.在众多手机即时通讯软件中,腾讯公司的微信和QQ是中国最受欢迎的两款即时通讯工具。
China is targeting rumors, terrorism, and porn-related information as part of the operation. Specifically, authorities want to regulate the way the mobile instant messaging apps can spread information to the public.在这次专项行动中,中国将重点打击散播谣言、恐怖主义和黄色信息相关违法违规行为。具体来说,中国想规范即时通讯软件向公众传播信息的方式。
"Some people are using these platforms to disseminate unhealthy or illegal and harmful information to the public," China's Xinhua News Agency said. In total, mobile instant messaging services in China have over 800 million users, the agency added.新华社称:“有些人利用这些平台向公众传播不健康的或违法的不良信息。”新华社还提到,即时通讯软件在中国拥有超过8亿用户。
Tencent did not immediately comment. Its WeChat app has 355 million monthly active users, most of which are in China.腾讯公司的微信拥有3.55亿月活跃用户,他们中大多数人生活在中国。但腾讯尚未对此事作出回应。
The company has already been tightening restrictions around WeChat "public accounts", which any user can subscribe to. In March, Tencent shut down certain public accounts known for political writings, claiming that they had violated company policies.可被微信用户订阅的微信“公众号”早前已被整治规范。五月,一些以政治性文章知名的微信公众号已被腾讯公司关闭,腾讯称这些公众号违反了公司政策。
Users, however, complained that the accounts had done nothing wrong, and some of the public accounts were later restored. But China's scrutiny over WeChat is not expected to stop. In November, the government named the product as among the social networking apps that could destabilize the nation if not properly controlled.微信用户却抗议称,这些公众号并没犯错。随后一些被关闭的公众号又得以恢复使用。然而,中国对微信的审查并不会停止。11月,中国政府称,微信等社交应用如果不加以适当的控制,国家的稳定将会受到挑战。

沐霜 发表于 2014-12-28 12:38



时间检验一切 发表于 2014-12-28 12:50

沐霜 发表于 2014-12-28 12:38



爱中华里的财哥 发表于 2014-12-28 13:10


liulanchun 发表于 2014-12-28 14:55


hegieer 发表于 2015-1-2 17:57

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