lt630 发表于 2015-1-4 21:19


【原文标题】UK productivity shows small rise【中文标题】英国生产力小幅上涨【原文链接】【更新时间】24 December 2014 Last updated at 13:07【正文】UK workers managed to increase their output perhour by 0.6% in the July-to-September period, the Office for NationalStatistics (ONS) has said.英国国家统计办公室(ONS)称,英国工人的产量在7-9月期间每小时增加了0.6%。
It was the biggestrise in productivity for more than three years and the first rise of any kindsince the second quarter of 2013.这是超过三年来最大力度的上升,也是2013年第二季度以来首次迎来上涨。
However, the ONS saidproductivity remained about 2% below its pre-recession level of 2008.然而,英国国家统计办公室仍称,英国生产率仍低于2008年经济衰退前的水平约2%。
UK workers' productivity has remained weak, despitethe economic recovery.尽管经济有所恢复,英国工人的生产力仍保持低迷状态。
Two weeks ago, thehead of the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR), Robert Chote, said thatthis "productivity puzzle" was the biggest risk to the UK'seconomic health.两周前,预算责任办公室的领导Robert Chote称,影响英国经济健康最大的风险就是“低迷的生产力”。
Measures ofproductivity, essentially the quantity of goods and services produced perworker or per hour, can be used to inform estimates of an economy's ability togrow without generating too much inflation.衡量生产力的标准,特别是每人或每小时生产货物与服务的数量,可用作评估一国在没有造成过大通货膨胀情况下的经济增长能力。
It is an importantfactor for the Bank of England to consider when making interest rate decisions,as it helps it to forecast inflation.这是英格兰银行制定利率的重要依据,同时也可预测通胀水平。
The UK is known to be less productivethan other similar developed countries.一直以来,比起其他发达国家,英国的生产力水平属较低水平。
While the UK hasseen an improvement in output, productivity has failed to rise in tandem -creating the "productivity gap" - and is below that of otherdeveloped countries.英国的产量有所改善,但生产力并未能随之提高,产生“生产力差距”。同样地比起其他发达国家,英国的生产力差距水平属较大水平。

爱中华里的财哥 发表于 2015-1-5 07:14

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