lt630 发表于 2015-1-10 16:24


【原文标题】US economy adds252,000 jobs in December【中文标题】美国去年12月破奇迹新增工作25万【原文链接】【更新时间】9 January2015 Last updated at 14:32【正文】 The USeconomy added 252,000 jobs in December, while the unemployment rate fell to5.6% from 5.8%, according to Labor Department figures.美国经济在十二月份创造了25.2万个工作岗位,根据劳工部的数据,失业率从5.8%下降到5.6%
The jobs figurewas higher than analysts' expectations of 240,000.就业岗位数据高于预期分析的24万。
In addition,figures for the number of jobs created in October and November were bothrevised upwards.此外,十月份和十一月份所创造的工作机会也是偏高的。
The fall in thejobless rate was largely due to a drop in the number of people seeking work.The jobless rate is now at its lowest since June 2008.失业率的下降在很大程度上是由于找工作人数的下降。目前失业率是2008年6月以来的最低水平。
The strongest jobsgrowth was in professional and business services, construction, healthcare andfood services, according to the data released by the US Labor Department.根据美国劳工部公布的数据,就业增长最迅猛的是在专业和商业服务、建筑、医疗保健和食品服务领域。
However, there waslittle improvement in December for part-time workers wishing to work morehours, and average hourly earnings fell by 5 cents after rising 6 cents inNovember.然而,12月兼职工人对增加工作时间的诉求几乎没有改进,平均时薪在11月份上涨了6美分后又下降了5美分。
Over the whole of2014, job creation averaged 246,000 amonth.2014年下来, 就业岗位平均每月有24.6万个。
Rates prospects利率前景
The figureshighlight the contrast between the US economy which continues to pickup pace and that of the eurozone which this week slid into deflation.美国持续加速的经济数据与本周陷入通货紧缩的欧元区形成了鲜明的对比。
Whilst eurozonepolicymakers are considering expanding their stimulus measures to includegovernment bond-buying, or quantitative easing, the US jobs data will encourageexpectations of an interest rate rise later this year.虽然欧元区政策制定者正在考虑包括政府购买债券或量化宽松政策在内的扩大经济刺激措施, 而美国就业数据预计今年晚些时候将使利率上升。
"This isprobably a good enough number to allow the Fed to stay on course in terms of adjustingpolicy, but it probably won't cause them to change their timing frommid-year," said Peter Cecchini, chief market strategist at CantorFitzgerald in New York.纽约坎托-菲茨杰拉德公司的首席市场策略顾问Peter Cecchini说:“这可能是能让美联储继续作调整政策的一个很好的数字,但它可能不会使得他们把时机改在年中。”

爱中华里的财哥 发表于 2015-1-10 16:33


siluxinyu1964 发表于 2015-1-10 16:48


hegieer 发表于 2015-1-17 17:58

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