lt630 发表于 2015-1-15 13:09


【原文标题】China's Huawei says operating profit rose 17% in 2014【中文标题】华为2014年营业利润上升17%【原文链接】【更新时间】13 January2015 Last updated at 10:43【正文】Chinese tech giant Huawei said its operating profit in 2014 rose by about17% from the previous year.中国科技巨头华为称其2014年的营业利润比前一年增长17%。
The telecomsequipment maker's growth was driven by the global adoption of fourth-generation(4G) mobile technology.随着全球范围的4G移动技术普及,电信设备制造商也因此受益。
Its revenue alsoincreased by about 20% in the same period, the company said.该公司表示,其收入也在同期增长约20%。
The Chineseconglomerate competes with the likes of Sweden's Ericsson for technologyinfrastructure such as mobile phone masts.华为与竞争对手瑞典的爱立信公司在通信和基础设施方面展开竞争。
It is also in therace with other tech giants to develop 5Gtechnology, while also being a player in the smartphone market.作为智能手机市场中的一员,华为与其他科技巨头都在拓展5G技术。
Huawei's consumerbusiness saw revenue rise by about 32% from a year ago thanks to the highersales of its mid- to high-end range of mobile phones, it said in astatement.华为在一份报告中表示,由于中高端手机销售量的增长,其消费业务收入同比增长32%。
The firm's growthcomes despite it facing challenges in several major economies. 该公司尽管面临几个经济大国的挑战仍在蒸蒸日上。
In the US itwas scrutinised for posing a security risk because of its alleged close tieswith the Chinese government.在美国,它因所谓的“中国军方背景”带来安全隐患而遭到审查。
It has been bannedfrom being involved in broadband projects in the USand Australiaover espionage fears.美国和澳大利亚禁止华为投标他们的国家宽带网项目,理由是存在间谍风险。
The company'sfinal audited earnings results will be released in March.公司经审计的财务结果将在3月发布。

爱中华里的财哥 发表于 2015-1-15 14:05


无可就要 发表于 2015-1-18 22:33

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