独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-1-17 00:03

【BBC 20150116】中国一夫妇花光积蓄养护流浪动物

【原文标题】Couple spends life savings on stray animals【中文标题】中国一夫妇花光积蓄养护流浪动物【文章来源】BBC【原文链接】http://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere-30831412

A husband and wife in China are seeking new homes for more than 50 cats and dogs, after spending their life savings looking after the animals.中国一对夫妇为照顾这些年收养的50多只流浪猫和流浪狗,几乎花光了所有的积蓄,他们正在为这些流浪动物寻找新家。
Hu Fengduan and his wife live alongside the pets in a flat measuring just 20 sq m (215 sq ft), the China News Service reports. The animals are former strays which the couple took in from the streets of Chengdu, in the southwestern province of Sichuan. It started 10 years ago with the rescue of a cat who was stuck on a roof, Mr Hu is quoted as saying on the NetEase web portal. Since then, more animals have joined the household, and are now costing the couple 3,000 yuan each month. His wife, a former nurse, looks after the animals' health herself because veterinary appointments are too expensive.胡逢端夫妇住在20来平米的出租房内,房内养了夫妇俩在四川成都的街头抱回家的流浪动物。据胡先生称,事情源于10年前,他看到一只内困在屋顶的猫便把它救了下来。从此,越来越多的动物被他们收养,现在每月花费在动物身上的钱3000元左右。宠物生病送到宠物医院的花销昂贵,所以由于胡先生的妻子原来是一名护士,她现在就负责照看动物的健康。
Mr Hu, a former gemstone appraiser who currently works as a street vendor, says their money has run out, and the pets need new homes. "We've spent all of our savings to raise them. I'm hoping more warm-hearted people can help us by adopting some of the pets," he says. "We don't want any money but only ask people to be good to the animals." In 2011, a former chef made the news for looking after 140 stray dogs at his home near the Chinese city of Wuhan. He was supported by people's donations, which helped to cover food costs.胡先生放弃了珠宝鉴定工作,现以摆摊为生。他称他们的积蓄已经花光,这些宠物需要别人领养。他说:“我们为了养活这些宠物花光了所有积蓄。我希望有更多的爱心人士能够帮助我们收养一部分宠物。我们不需要任何捐款,但求有人能领养他们,并爱护他们。”2011年,一位退休大厨的向媒体反映,家住武汉附近的他照顾着140条流浪狗。群众得知此事后纷纷向他捐款,帮助他分担流浪狗的食物花销。

大山深处 发表于 2015-1-17 07:02


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hegieer 发表于 2015-1-17 17:54

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