独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-1-17 00:06

【路透社 20150115】中国出台再贷款政策 扶持三农与小微企业

【原文标题】China to give bands more cash to lend to farmers, small business【中文标题】中国央行出台再贷款政策扶持三农与小微企业【文章来源】Jason Subler & Niu Shuping,路透社【原文链接】http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/01/16/us-china-economy-lending-idUSKBN0KP03Q20150116
(Reuters) - China's central bank will increase its relending quota by 50 billion yuan ($8.1 billion) this year, stepping up efforts to give targeted support to parts of the economy it sees as lagging.中国人民银行称,今年将增加再贷款额度500亿人民币(81亿美元),加大力度支持发展滞后的部分经济部门。
The People's Bank of China (PBOC) lends funds to banks at low rates that they must lend on to customers that meet certain criteria. The fresh quotas will be directed toward agriculture and lending to small businesses, the central bank said.中国人民银行称,贷款客户条件需要达标。新的信贷政策将支持三农和小微企业。
Of the total, 20 billion yuan will go toward agriculture and the balance to small business, it said in a statement on its website.其中,支农再贷款200亿元,支小再贷款300亿元。
The move comes a day after the central bank said it would make targeted adjustments and make monetary conditions "not too tight or too lose", as it seeks to keep economic growth from flagging too much.此前一天,央行称将政策会得到专门地调整,要让金融环境“不松不紧”,争取让经济增长保持向前。
China is likely to report next week that economic growth last year was the slowest in 24 years, and analysts predict a further loss of momentum in 2015 even if the government rolls out more stimulus.中国有可能在下周宣布2014年经济增长是24年以来的最低点,分析师认为即使中国政府2015年会出台更多刺激政策,但中国的经济增长还将会进一步回落。
Banks issued far less credit in December than expected despite a surprise rate cut by the central bank.尽管中国人民银行去年12月意外降息,但信贷供应较预期减少。
The relending program is a way for the central bank to push credit into areas that banks are often reluctant to supply credit to.银行通常不愿意为三农和小微企业提供信贷,但这项再贷款项目将为这些领域提供资金。
Growth likely slowed to 7.2 percent in the fourth quarter, putting the economy on track to undershoot the official 7.5 percent target for the full year 2014, a Reuters poll showed.据路透社一份调查显示,中国2014年四季度经济增长下降至7.2%,进一步使7.5%的全年经济增长目标难以达到。
Some economists predict a further slowing to around 7 percent or less this year.一些经济学家预计,2015年中国的经济增长将进一步下滑至7%甚至更低。
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